New original CS:S map and the future of CS...



I really hope the new map brings something completely different to Counter Strike. I stopped playing CS a few years ago, came back when source was released and I'm bored already.. I love the game, don't get me wrong, it just gets tiresome rushing to the same two choke points every round and doing the same thing over and over.

I hope the new map uses the physics in some way; give us more freedom to move around and not stick to its old coridoor style at every part of the map. Give us some interaction...

Right now the barrels and stuff are cool but it would be nice to shoot a pile of bricks to block a certain route to a bomb site for example. Open up alternate routes or shortcuts by blowing up some metal framework blocking the way or even using the scenery to deal some damage to the opposing team. These are just some ideas off the top of my head, obviously they'd need thinking through and fine tuning but to me I like the idea of keeping the old gameplay that has kept people playing for years while giving it some kind of twist without ruining what made it such a great mod in th first place.

Do you think it's possible to make an oldschool tried and tested multiplayer use its single player counterpart's new features or will change ruin everything.

Personally I love the addictive gameplay CS offers, I don't want the mod mechanics to change but I'd like to see the maps bring some freeform gameplay that we've become to accept as 'normal' in the newer multiplayer games we've seen lately.

There's a lot of questions here I'd some of you to comment on but ultimately do you think we should leave this new multiplayer experience to the other mods under development or do you think CS needs a revamp in the map department now the new engine has given the map makers this opportunity?
i rekon they will do what you suggested, i mean whats the point in adding all this cool stuff and doing all these graphics, then not really use them to their full potential?

to block pathways and stuff would be cool, and to uncover other ways through would be good too, maybe use the ideas of the old duke nukem maps, or rougespear, a good sniper map like they had in rouge spear, a cinema? shopping center? multi story carpark?
Well it would be nice, but do you have ani ideas about what you have in mind?
I think you're on about CS2. CS: Source is just 1.6 made over again. If you didn't like 1.6, there's not much chance you'll like CS: Source. Think of CS: Source as just 1.6 with an extra high definition pack installed. There's no change at all.

If you want gameplay like that, it won't come in the new map - Why should VALVe change their ways? They have the best multiplayer sitting there. Tried and tested, it hasn't gone wrong.

CS2 with have all those amazing things, so if you don't like what every man and his dog play, wait. CS2 will be out in about a year. You can play half-life 2 and whatever till then, and you'll be surprised at CS2.

Hope that answers your question, I'm off to play CS: Source. :)
cs source has some amazing gun fights I've noticed, on the right servers that is... office and cbble are both very nice for it. I've played cs since 1.1 (blah blah old sage stylee) and got bored of 1.6 ... I love it, but it got boring, I couldnt exploit other teams weaknesses (rushing the _really_ risky and opposite ways), everything was static and just plain.... flat! Now since cs source I loved it... but after a week it started to go stale again =[ ... but I've found just watching the fights and using the physics really really heavily (ie shooting all barrels into doorways .... they are usually near them anwyay) even using them as portable cover ;D

Theres still something to get out of this game I feel :x
The source engine sure has a lot of potential. I also hope that some more functions are put into play on the new map(s).
I know it's just a remade classic but to market it as the multiplayer for a remarkable singler player game it is a massive let-down. Not because CS is a bad game but it's completely different to the single player experience.

Everyone has played a CS clone one way or another but no one has played something similar to HL2.

Anyway, this is going slightly off topic. The point I was tryng to make is, CS hopefully will use the physics like HL2 does - not with the manipulator but in the way it directly affects gameplay. The fights now are fun to watch but they don't change anything, it just looks pretty.

I have nothing against CS:S, it plays exactly like CS which is a good thing but new engine, new innovative single player but seen it all before multiplayer with no gameplay changes. This isn't a whine all I'm saying is the maps need to completely change things because however good the new engine is, it's the maps that make it same choke point boring gameplay stuff.
I doubt theyll change the gameplay, the big problem I have with CS:S is the serious lack of maps, there used to be so many CS maps and I have no idea why they got rid of so many maps, most of them being my favorties. I hate playing the same maps over and over again, how cool would it be to have a server rotating about 40 maps. Hopefully they will release the following for cs:s, militia, assault, backalley, facility, docks, siege, train, foption, tire, station, rotterdam, oilrig, riverside, tundra, mansion.
I doubt they'll add any new features to CS:S - it's only reason for existing is to be exactly the same as the ever popular CS.

We'll have to wait for CS2.
i hope to see more dark maps where you need your flashlight for parts of the map, it would mix up the gameplay a bit. and since they display properly for all clients, it would work well.
It's not really new features as such, they won't change what everyone loves but some maps that take advantage of the new engine. Hopefully this new map is more than the 'rush it or camp it' gameplay and makes use of the engine such as some nice open spaces more than a few routes to each goal and some nice physics features. Imagine some of the more open HL2 locations with the CS:S gameplay, now that would be special. All the maps we have now were made for a dated engine, so here's hoping it's not all coridoors...
more open locations? that wouldn't be pretty. it would be a rush to buy an awp or auto sniper, and then snipers would dominate.
poseyjmac said:
i hope to see more dark maps where you need your flashlight for parts of the map, it would mix up the gameplay a bit. and since they display properly for all clients, it would work well.

or some very dark night maps,that could make good use of the nightvision goggles(for ONCE!) :imu:
Open maps with cover, but destoryable cover, now that would be a first. Imagine the market place of Italy but with loads more stalls and buildings in between. Destroyable wooden boards that block doorways and windows for new locations to shoot from. It will be possible to have open maps but with enough cover and scenery to 'restrict' or 'guide' the players in a certain direction without being a sniper fest.
I can see what rail0r is saying, the maps need to use the physics more, you could really use the source engine to make the gameplay dynamic.

But also diffrent styles of maps

I think the solution however is to release the SDK
i have a strange feeling thqt alot of aspects mentioned about making blockades will be eveident in the suppoed coming team fortress 2. then we can talk all we want about those type of theings in CS2.

I'm really looking forward to TF2 when it is indeed released. Any info would be great too IMO.
They got rid of riot get rid of the bounceback on barrels and allow us to pick them up and carry them around for cover.

ps. isnt cs2 dead?
Barrels would make pretty pathetic cover, seeing as how you can shoot through them and all.