New PC - Doom 3 runs a bit jumpy.


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
My dad just got a new pc, specs:
Athlon 64 3500+
1 gig corsair XMS
eVGA GeForce 6800GT
Antec True 550 watt psu
80 gig hdd

Anyway, doom 3 runs a bit jumpy. I run it on 1280x1024 with high detail and vsync on. Anyway, I mean it almost skips a frame, when I walk sideways and focus on a wall it's really noticeable. The weird thing is, far cry runs fine (after I found you need the 1.1 patch for nv40 support)

anyone elses doom run like this?
I get the same problem with all my games, it just happens sometimes, try testing with AA off?
aa is off too, lol. I've run into a new problem. When I recieved this pc, ABS PC said that it scored a 20,732 in it. I ran it and it limited itself to only 60 fps, but it stayed at 60 the entire time. but this resulted in a low 6,500 score. Any ideas??
Some suggestions:

In D3, try using 1024x768 resolution.
Don't use any AF higher than 4x. No need really, barely noticeable unless you're really looking.
Make sure you're on the latest drivers from nVidia.
In your nVidia control panel, keep Image Quality on Quality, not High Quality. There is pretty much no difference at all.
Also in your nVidia control panel, turn off vSync, as it locks your FPS at 60 I believe.

This problem seems to be CPU related. In games, I sometimes get a slight jump while entering a new area, but that's only so often.

Hope we helped.
#1, I've tried running d3 at all resoltions, I've never had AF on unless it was on by defauly (set to "Application preferience in Nvidia control panel) . I'm running the latest drivers. It's always been set to quality. The 3dmark problem was because i did have vsync enabled. I sure hope this isnt a cpu problem, or else ABS has got some stuff they need to replace!

EDIT: I checked the bios and AGP Aperature is set to 64 megs (I changed it to 128) and fastwrites is on. Could either of these be the culprits? I can't test anything else out until wednesday when I go back to my dads house.
When you set the quality of Doom 3 to high, it by default uses 8xAA which is often too high for most hardware to cope with. That with your high resolution and other quality features enabled might be too much for your pc. Also your monitor might be limited at 60hz at 1280x1024. This would explain your constant frame rate of 60fps in testing. Try using 1024x768, you should get a refresh rate nearer 100hz and your score should match the one advertised with your pc.

EDIT: Also make sure that you have set the AA and AF control to the application in your graphics card settings as this would make the game run slowely with the high quality settings enabled.
My specs are in my sig and on the highest settings, it was running at like 4fps >,<. I think it's the RAM and the graphics card that let me down, but I down know what the problem could be for you. I just hope I don't have any problems with HL2.