New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
I bought it a couple of weeks ago for GT5 prologue and LittleBigPlanet.

I completed GT5p in 2 days and I'm bored senseless with LBP - now my PS3 is unused and gathering dust.

What's good game-wise?
You gonna be playing solo or is co-op/versus something you'd be interested in?
i saw pictures somewhere of a guy who turned his into a grill.
also: Metal Gear 4
Is your version of ps3 backwards compatiable? If not, too bad for you cause looking at gamestop online right now you can pick up all 4 splinter cell games for 5-10 bucks a piece. As well as tons of other great used games for under 10 bucks. This is why I never buy brand new systems.
You gonna be playing solo or is co-op/versus something you'd be interested in?
I'm up for co-op/vs but sony didn't provide me with a headset, which I really need for MP to be honest. Also, none of my gaming chums have PS3s, they're all on the 360. Probably why I'm not playing as much LBP as I should be.

It's the 80gb PS3 I have, it's not backward compatible but I didn't see this as an issue since I don't have/like any PS2 games.

Killzone 2 looks good... although will they ever release it?

Does anyone know when GT5 (not the demo) is coming out?
damn i wish this was on 360

anyway try Mirrors Edge.

I played the demo on 360 ... it's good but according to reviews the full game is really short and doesnt offer much more than the demo ... Games are stupidly expensive these days so I only really buy things that will last me more than a couple of days
LBP should be played with friends, otherwise it's only half the fun.

Killzone 2 looks good... although will they ever release it?

February next year.

Does anyone know when GT5 (not the demo) is coming out?

Wiki has some info.

In an April 2008 interview, Kazunori Yamauchi revealed that 150 people had worked on Gran Turismo 5 for four years, with all of Polyphony Digital's 120 employees working on GT5, and the game costing 50 times more to develop than the original Gran Turismo.[1] He also confessed that GT5 might not be released until after 2009.[1] In a July 2008 interview with IGN, Yamauchi mentioned that at the moment, Polyphony Digital is focused on updates for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and that Gran Turismo 5 may not be released until 2010.[2]
Throw it out the window.
I'm just downloading WipeoutHD from the PSN store jobbie ... if thats no good then i'll consider your suggestion ;)

I can't believe polyphony... I had a PSP imported from japan when they were released ... like 4 or 5 yeas ago. I sold that after a year of waiting, as they keeped pushing the release date back. It still hasn't been released!! If they do the same with GT5 on the PS3 then i'm going postal on their asses.

Anyone heard anything of the Getaway on PS3?
If you get a mate over to play with you Resistance 1 is pretty good fun on split screen co-op. Dynasty Warriors 1242141 is also good craic.

That's about the limit of experience I have playing games with my flatmate on his :p
Good, you're getting Wipeout. Now get Super Stardust. Seriously.

PixelJunk Monsters and PixelJunk Eden can't hurt either.
This decision was made following an internal review of all games and it was deemed that with the incredibly strong list of exclusive first party titles coming up both this year and in the near future, resource should be reallocated to enhance those projects closer to completion

It has now been confirmed that these projects have been shelved permanently, and work is not scheduled to restart at a later date.

This doesn't make any sense, and stinks of bullshi*t.

If the first quote were true, they would resume development once those other titles were out the door (what titles are those, exactly?). The fact they have shelved it completely makes no sense.
I'm just downloading WipeoutHD from the PSN store jobbie ... if thats no good then i'll consider your suggestion ;)

I can't believe polyphony... I had a PSP imported from japan when they were released ... like 4 or 5 yeas ago. I sold that after a year of waiting, as they keeped pushing the release date back. It still hasn't been released!! If they do the same with GT5 on the PS3 then i'm going postal on their asses.

Anyone heard anything of the Getaway on PS3?


It was cancelled earlier this year.

Shame, too. The game that was cancelled with it called Eight Days looked absolutely brilliant.

SCE London canned it to work on a game called Eyepet.
I always get to know my consoles better either when I:
Have no internet
Computer is broken
Have people over
Go on vacation.

My suggestion is to sell the PS3.

but not for a Xbox 360... for god sakes don't get a 360.
Stroke it while thinking hopefully about Team ICO.
Sell it and get a 360.

I've had a 360 since release, but the game pool has sort of dried up on that too for the moment ... that's why I went for GT5prologue and LBP.

Same story with the wii - had since release but all the games are poop. :(

Why does sony have to delay and cancel the only decent games in development?

On the plus side, wipeout HD is a blast :) I need some LBP buddies though - PSN username is lePobz
Man, I can't believe no one has mentioned any games really yet. :O

Some of these you may have already played on a PC or 360, but they are every bit as good as that on the PS3. Games in bold are PS3 exclusives:

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Assassin's Creed
Valkyria Chronicles
Metal Gear Solid 4
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Resistance and Resistance 2
Grand Theft Auto IV
Heavenly Sword
Motorstorm 1 and Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Dead Space
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2

Many of these should be very cheap by now too which is nice for you. 2009 should be an unbelievable year as well so you need not worry about the dust accumulating from here on out. :cheers:
As far as exclusives are concerned you're ****ed Pobz, not much else to get
I dont understand why you would need any new games to solve this issue.

Is motorstorm any good? the second one... anyone played it?
Played a bit of the second one and I'm liking it a lot. Not worth the asking price of the PS3 though.
I bought it a couple of weeks ago for GT5 prologue and LittleBigPlanet.

I completed GT5p in 2 days and I'm bored senseless with LBP - now my PS3 is unused and gathering dust.

What's good game-wise?

well you could use it as a paperweight...that's probably the only good use for it.

okay...just kidding

but seriously what the **** is it with games lasting only 2 days and costing nearly as a liver?