New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

It is a complete rip off, I've just ordered motorstorm 2 ... 34.99 GBP ... :(
Can't help noticing you haven't said you've bought Super Stardust yet.
Uncharted is a fantastic game, the first Resistance is also amazing. The second one is good and continues the story well but Insomniac did somethings that bothered me.
Can't help noticing you haven't said you've bought Super Stardust yet.

It's a bit too geometery wars (360 game) ... Not really my type of game to be honest, thanks for the suggestion though :thumbs:
I looked up Super Stardust HD and now I want to get it.
Wait, there are video games for PS3? :O
I'm in the exact same position with my PS3.

If it wasn't for the fact it works as a great Bluray and DVD Upscaler I would of sold it by now.
We've been playing Mirror's Edge, Little Big Planet, Fallout 3, Resistance 2 and World at War a lot on it. And those are just the games that came out recently. I didn't even mention the recent games that are also available for it that I've been playing on PC instead like Dead Space or Tomb Raider. We have all three and it tends to get the most use out of all consoles (partially due to us usually buying third party games for PS3, but a bunch of them are exclusive as well). I'm not sure what more you guys want ... there's a lot of great games out already, some that are releasing now/soonish, and a bunch more down the pipe. Not to mention there's a few cool PSN games up as well.

And it's a Blu-Ray player...
Aside from the BluRay player which gets moderate use, this is what's been getting play time on my PS3 lately.

PSN Games:
Stardust HD
Pixel Junk Monsters
Calling All Cars
Blast Factor

Resistance 1
Resistance 2

Non Exclusives:
Far Cry 2
Games I have on PS3:

ratchet and clank
mirror's edge
dead space
metal gear solid 4

PSN Games I have:

warhawk + expansions
gran turismo 5 prologue
the last guy
super stardust hd
ratchet and clank quest for booty
wipeout hd

games I will get at some point:
rock band 1 + 2
guitar hero 4
resistance 2
fallout 3
motorstorm 2 (maybe)
heavenly sword
god of war 3
heavy rain
tekken 6

plenty of games :)
News just in:

Super Stardust HD officially rocks the mother****ing house.
News just in:

Super Stardust HD officially rocks the mother****ing house.

I just got the demo, it's a direct copy of geometery wars on the 360. The controls are the same, the style is the same, the skills are the same. It's a good game, but it's not my type.

Whoever said motorstorm2 was good needs a good slap. It's nothing like the trailer, every aspect of it is a let-down.

All I can do now is hope that GT5 comes soon.