New Quake IV details.

The Doom III engine is the Unreal Engine.
It supposed to be all action, no scary bits.
Hated scary Doom 3. *shudder*
Nephtis said:
The Doom III engine is the Unreal Engine.

Uhhhh no - the Doom 3 engine is the Doom 3 engine developed by id.

The Unreal Engine is the Unreal Engine developed by Epic.
Nephtis said:
The Doom III engine is the Unreal Engine.

WTF. No its not. Where the hell did you get that idea? The Doom 3 engine was developed by John Carmack.
Yeah, if the Doom III engine were anything similar to Unreal's engine, you'd actually get decent fps outside the buildings and would allow for much bigger outdoor environments.

I personally don't like Doom III's engine. And I've never been a fan of any of the quake games.
I can't wait for Quake IV. While I wasn't very big fan of any of the Quake games (at all actually), this looks really, really good. I love sci-fi and this looks to fill my spot after I finish Advent Rising.
Pesmerga said:
Yeah, if the Doom III engine were anything similar to Unreal's engine, you'd actually get decent fps outside the buildings and would allow for much bigger outdoor environments.

I personally don't like Doom III's engine. And I've never been a fan of any of the quake games.
Maybe you missed the Quake IV article in PCGamer which clearly shows large outdoor area, complete with vehicles and discusses how they were indeed using the engine for large outdoor spaces and you would be able to use vehicles in them, and that the framerate will be fine
Or do it the FarCry way, with dynamic shadows + lighting inside, static outside.
Pfft, you'd have to reconstruct the majority of the bump mapping and lighting code, not to mention outdoor environments would just be ugly. /me thinks Quake 4's production management cut a deal with Id...
azz0r said:
The best damn plastic rendering engine in town.

Ha ha, that's what I always say about the Doom 3 engine. That screenshot
looks just like Doom 3 really.
to through this out there i absolutly hated the doom 3 engine i want them to use the unreal engine
jmjneary said:
to through this out there i absolutly hated the doom 3 engine i want them to use the unreal engine

Doom 3 engine is what they are using, id controls what engine they used on that game, since obviously they own the rights to the game.
Why does everyone care about the engine so much? Let's focus on gameplay. It's being developed in the hands of Raven Software. I'm not very fond of their games, Soldier of Fortune II was the only game I liked. From the magazine scans I saw, I might be disappointed, but I'll see. I love the Quake series too much to care.
KungFuSquirrel from Natural Selection is mapping for Raven, so the maps will be probably awesome :)
Raven also did Jedi Knight 2, which has teh best lightsaber comabt system ever, and the level design was pretty good too
Eww! I hated the lightsaber combat system. I like the game, but not the combat system.
Nephtis said:
The Doom III engine is the Unreal Engine.

Anyone who's got at least 1 eye, and who's seen any Unreal game and Doom 3 can tell it's not the same engine.

Even if you ever read that anywhere, you'd know it's false.
torso boy said:
and valve's art staff pwns id.

Depends what kind of art you like. Take a look at "The Making of Doom 3" book and tell me that Valve "owns" them. They're about equal in the art department. The DOOM 3 artists had to use extremely high poly models to get the kind of results they were looking for. I suggest you look up Seneca Menard, Kevin Cloud, and Kenneth Scott. They all did amazing work on DOOM 3.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Quake 4 is going to rock.

second that. The quake4 DEV-Team are editing D3 engine so heavily to provide end-gamer with similar online experience of quake3.
satch919 said:
Depends what kind of art you like. Take a look at "The Making of Doom 3" book and tell me that Valve "owns" them. They're about equal in the art department. The DOOM 3 artists had to use extremely high poly models to get the kind of results they were looking for. I suggest you look up Seneca Menard, Kevin Cloud, and Kenneth Scott. They all did amazing work on DOOM 3.
I'm not saying id artists are bad, and I like some of the demons(or at least thier concepts) better than many valve creatures. There are just some things that make hl2 look better at times even though the source engine isn't as good as doom3.
good engine = performs well under currently released hardware.

By your standards we'd all be playing our games at 1 fps waiting until the day quantum nitrogen cooled computers were given to us by aliens just so we could play Doom 3 at +20 fps.

Too bad if iD didn't take into consideration their customers when they designed their product, if the engine can't perform under current hardware then it's not very good at all. That doesn't mean I'm implying D3's performance is bad, I'm just refuting your argument attempting to "cushion the blow" to Quake 4 by saying that it it performs badly it's because the "world isn't ready for it"
Rico said:
good engine = performs well under currently released hardware.

By your standards we'd all be playing our games at 1 fps waiting until the day quantum nitrogen cooled computers were given to us by aliens just so we could play Doom 3 at +20 fps.

Too bad if iD didn't take into consideration their customers when they designed their product, if the engine can't perform under current hardware then it's not very good at all. That doesn't mean I'm implying D3's performance is bad, I'm just refuting your argument attempting to "cushion the blow" to Quake 4 by saying that it it performs badly it's because the "world isn't ready for it"
are you the rico from totalbf2 :)
Doom 3 engine LOOKS pretty. It's a great tech demo! for me to like Quake 4, it's gonna need some HEAVY modification.