New Quake IV info and screens.

I <3 Quake 2...I pray to god they don't **** this up. :frown:
All that information did not generate one iota of excitement.

To you guys looking forward to this game, why? I want some reasons!
Well I was a big fan of quake 2 and it's expansions due to it's story line and the fact it just kicked so much ass.So since Q4 starts off where the Q2 storyline ends (which I believe is one of it's expansions I might be wrong) I'm excited to see if the SM's finally finish off the strogg once and for all.
Looks nice from the screens, and I loved Q2, the weapons, level design and story was just cool, it was like a better doom 3 with abit less gfx :D
"The DOOM 3 engine, finally flexing its muscles."

New improved dark corners? Possibility of enemy count getting nearly half-way to double digits? Even more doors for enemies to stand behind and jump out from when they open?

I... can't... wai... *snore* "

i hope it wont be like what this guy thinks above. :hmph:
I used to play Quake 2 a lot online, I can only hope the multiplayer component is better than DooM 3's!!!

Since they mentioned how team orientated Q4 is going to be I'm also hoping there's some form of co-operative multiplayer mode.
I'm looking forward to it because raven software is making it, and they are one of the best in the industry, star trek elite was one of my favorite shooters.
I'd rather they made it more in Quake's medieval style rather than the Quake 2 space marine thing. Or a mix of the two at least.
Yeh raven software have made some great FPSs. Can;t wait for this :)
This game will be amazing. Im happy to hear that they greatly improved the AI and implemented larger outdoor areas with driveable vehicles. :thumbs:

Hopefully this one shows up at E3 with a release date. Im guessing Fall 05 or late Summer if we're lucky.

Thanks for the info! :cheers:
I have a feeling its going to be around Q2 2006
looks alright but i'm not excited just yet...we'll see what they have for us at e3 and quakecon
Looks like Doom 3...
It LOOKS like it but it's gameplay is to be radically diffrent.
Screw horror.. This game is about action.
I'm very excited about QuakeIV! Let's hope it's as good as it looks. I can't wait to be able to drive vehicles & have NPC teammates in the DoomIII engine. Not only will it be an excellent game(hopefully, I hope so), but it will truly show what the DoomIII engine is capable of.
I never really 'got' Quake, but that is largely because I simply became interested in FPSs at the wrong time. My first was Unreal, which made Quake 1 and 2's poo brown worlds dull and unstimulating (though in all fairness, Unreal was really a snore-fest for the most part). Then Half-Life came along and everything else wasn't really worth a look... Then there was the Quake III vs UT debate and it's pretty obvious which side of that I ended up on. I've played all three, but I played 1 and 2 far too late to ever have any kind appreciation of them. Q3 was good for a quick blast, but began and ended at being a good DM experience.

I can't say i'm too excited about Quake 4. Doom 3 was a game I could get excited about... I mean, Doom is the daddy. It started this whole thing off. Quake was a "last of a dying breed" type of thing before the Half-Life inspired generation. Those screenshots do nothing for my confidence in this game. They just look like someone dropped the Strogg into a Doom 3 level. *Yawn*
kupoartist said:
I never really 'got' Quake, but that is largely because I simply became interested in FPSs at the wrong time. My first was Unreal, which made Quake 1 and 2's poo brown worlds dull and unstimulating (though in all fairness, Unreal was really a snore-fest for the most part). Then Half-Life came along and everything else wasn't really worth a look... Then there was the Quake III vs UT debate and it's pretty obvious which side of that I ended up on. I've played all three, but I played 1 and 2 far too late to ever have any kind appreciation of them. Q3 was good for a quick blast, but began and ended at being a good DM experience.

I can't say i'm too excited about Quake 4. Doom 3 was a game I could get excited about... I mean, Castle Wolfenstein is the daddy. It started this whole thing off. Quake was a "last of a dying breed" type of thing before the Half-Life inspired generation. Those screenshots do nothing for my confidence in this game. They just look like someone dropped the Strogg into a Doom 3 level. *Yawn*
Correction. ;)

CW was the first fps (some might argue it was catacombs abyss), Doom helped push the FPS genre to what it is, and Quake was the game that started the "3D" fps revolution.

Edit:If I'm wrong someone please correct me.
I have faith in Wisconsin based developer Raven, I've loved everything they've put out :D
Tr0n said:
Correction. ;)

CW was the first fps (some might argue it was catacombs abyss), Doom helped push the FPS genre to what it is, and Quake was the game that started the "3D" fps revolution.

Edit:If I'm wrong someone please correct me.
Nope. Doom is the Daddy. Wolfenstein was the Grandaddy (duh!)

Doom is a far, far more important game than Wolfenstein. Why? Because Doom wasn't total bottom-feeding crap :)
Don't diss Wolf3d. I spent my childhood killing Nazis with that game.
Yeah, I suppose "Bottom Feeding Crap" is pretty harsh... Wolfenstein just wasn't that good. Doom was made of sterner stuff but Quake... as I say, it's just an evolution from Doom. Same gameplay (well... except "more up and downness" which is pretty major ^^), better engine. Nothing to turn the genre on its head, even if the technical advances it made certainly were. Quake was the beginning of ID's lull into Engine over Game philosophy...
ahaha, Wolfenstein 3D on the good old 286, loved that game, killing Nazi's and stuff when you can barely tap the keyboard.

It's quite worrying to think though that id's FPS's haven't really progressed that much beyond Wolf3D & DooM in terms of gameplay, It’s just been graphical improvements. All of id's games are the same but Quake 4 looks like a break from the formulae, with the team play aspect though it's not even being developed by id!
They aren't the same exactly, but I have reason to believe all the 3 major series's from Id are tied together into one single giant story.