New ranks for Episode 2?


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
To whom it may concern,

Will there be additional forum ranks in the form of "Antlion Worker" and "Hunter" implemented to coincide with Episode 2's release?

Just curious. :)
Of course not!
Don't be silly.

It'd be neat.. maybe Hunter could come right before strider, and worker before normal antlions.
They didn't even do it for EP1, I doubt EP 2 will get it.. But maybe they'll put both episodes together, so we get 2 episodes of forum ranks... yay..
yes, there is too much post count difference between some ranks..
Why bother with it at this point? They don't mean anything anyways.
They do to. You only say that cause your a headcrab!
They mean nothing to me.

As far as I'm concerned, my title could be changed to 'Cow God' and I wouldn't care. Seriously, I wouldn't mind at all.
They do to. You only say that cause your a headcrab!

Nah, I honestly could care less. I've been a member here for quite some time, just don't post as much. I have far to many forums that I post on. Unfortunately, this one always seems to get neglected.
Sure, why not? I don't really care either way since I don't take note of them.
It might be a nice addition. Where would you rank stalker on the scale? Lower or higher then metrocop? What about zombine? Tough questions.
Hunter would indeed be a cool rank to see.

Antlion grub could be one of the initial ranks you receive.

Ant Lion would have to be changed to Antlion Drone, and then you'd add in Antlion Worker. Do we have Antlion Guards? I don't recall. But Antlion Guardian wouldn't make for a good rank because it's so specific. The rest are good, though.
So the original antlions are called drones? I thought they'd be warriors, because they're the only ones to go to the surface to fight.
Nah, I honestly couldn't care less. I've been a member here for quite some time, just don't post as much. I have far to many forums that I post on. Unfortunately, this one always seems to get neglected.

Fixed. I never even look at someones rank unless its pointed out.
Well, yes, but you've got an awesome rank.

I'm still a zombie. It's rather sad. I weep about it before I go to bed at night.