New record high for oil, $98.62 a barrel.

Gold has jumped from around $650 to $825 an ounce as well, and silver went from $11 to almost $16 an ounce. seems like commodities are going straight up. I'm just glad I invested in gold and silver a couple months ago. Expect those prices to keep rising. We are repeating the '79-'80 era, just a lot slower.
I've not put any petrol in my car in ages, and the tank is still quarter full (it has been for a long time) ... I think my car is running on dark energy or something. Maybe I should send it away for research. The stupidly high prices for petrol here don't bother me (over ?1.04 GBP a litre is UK national average now, thats $2.1 USD) ?3.80 GBP for a gallon (about $7.91 USD)

I don't know what you Americans are paying for a gallon, but I bet its quite a bit less than $7.91
Just over $3.00 for me. I live in California as well, so the prices are higher than the rest of the country.
I don't know how much it costs per gallon here, but it's dirt cheap(probably less than $1), seeing how oil literally flows out of the ground around here...

Have fun with your Priuses.
I walk. Fuel hasn't really ever bothered me. Might've this weekend as a friend's coming down, and I offered to pay for some of her petrol. But her parents paid for her train ticket. Which was nice of them :).
nearly $8 a gallon? Good lord. I suppose that Europeans don't generally have to drive as much as the average American (considering our population density is less than a tenth of England's, and you have better public transportation generally), but that's still ridiculous.

It's around $3 here too, although I haven't bought gas in months.
nearly $8 a gallon? Good lord. I suppose that Europeans don't generally have to drive as much as the average American (considering our population density is less than a tenth of England's, and you have better public transportation generally), but that's still ridiculous.

It's around $3 here too, although I haven't bought gas in months.
Better public transport huh? You don't come here much huh? The trains are an absolute shambles and the busses aren't much better ... We just get taxed heavily on everything, and all that tax money goes to feed immigrants, a completely pathetic legal/courts system (that favours the crooks) and corrupt fatcats. Public services are a shambles :(
Better public transport huh? You don't come here much huh? The trains are an absolute shambles and the busses aren't much better ... We just get taxed heavily on everything, and all that tax money goes to feed immigrants, a completely pathetic legal/courts system (that favours the crooks) and corrupt fatcats. Public services are a shambles :(

Phew. Saved me going on a rant there.

Subway > Underground

Edit: Although I don't think many people get stabbed on the Underground
I fill up once every couple of close to work rocks.
Luckily the US Dollar is tied to the Zimbabwean dollar these days, so $100 is a pittance.


Fortunately I don't actually have need for regular use of a car, but this does all have a knock on effect.
Just over $3 for me. I have to put premium in my car.