New Samurai Legends Movie Released


Nov 18, 2004
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There has been a movie featuring several minutes of gameplay displaying multiple unique features that will seperate Samurai Legends from any other HL2 MOD released, including commentary from Samurai Legend's Student Lead Designer, Matt Madeira.[br]The movie can be directly downloaded here. More screenshots, forums, and information on the development team can be viewed at Samurai Legend's homepage.
Now this game looks interesting. I hope the video is a lot better than their last.
This does make it look a lot better compared to their previous trailers.
Yes this video does. I was amazingly shocked to see this video as they have made TONS of improvements, and I cannot wait to play the beta ^_^
The voice over really helps sell the gameplay. Nice work, Matt and the rest of the Samurai Legends team!
This mod is going to have the same system requirements as HL2? Not that you need a better graphics card as for Eclipse?