"new" screenshots


Vivendis marketing campaign swings into full gear

"Ok release the 14 month old screenshots"

Woeful Vivendi, absolutely woeful. Surely they can do better than this? HOW ABOUT A TRAILER ....or something.
Mr-Fusion said:
Woeful Vivendi, absolutely woeful. Surely they can do better than this? HOW ABOUT A TRAILER ....or something.

No more trailers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr-Fusion said:

Vivendis marketing campaign swings into full gear

"Ok release the 14 month old screenshots"

Woeful Vivendi, absolutely woeful. Surely they can do better than this? HOW ABOUT A TRAILER ....or something.

Ditto, and why are they showing one of the Hydra?

Very poor stuff.
Interloper said:
Ditto, and why are they showing one of the Hydra?

Very poor stuff.
Well they're not showing the hydra, and also didn't gordon use a usp mach in the first trailer?
Ideally they'd want the hype to be absolutely buzzing like a vibra...electric razor. At the moment it's nowhere near that. Sure you can take the stance that the hype will create itself closer to release but preferably you want to push it over the edge, you want fanboys literally frothing at the mouth for half-life 2.

I'm just not seeing much activity, marketing-wise.
FISKER_Q said:
Well they're not showing the hydra, and also didn't gordon use a usp mach in the first trailer?

I must have clicked the wrong link from you. It's there.
Ehm... why would Vivendi release these old screens again? It's not like they've been remastered or extra digitalized...
I think we need one more KILLER trailer. Not a recording of a part of the game, but a trailer. I'm imagining something along the lines of a movie trailer. That would be cool! :D Something that really leaves you hanging, amazed, and wanting to play the game. :E
Yeah. We definately need valve to make a "KILLER" trailer to bring about the hype. Not some recorded footage...
Woeful Vivendi, absolutely woeful. Surely they can do better than this? HOW ABOUT A TRAILER ....or something.
Why would they bother, when the only place you can buy it now is Steam?
The game is going to kick arse. Shame it comes out one week after Halo 2, I can see their sales in the first few weeks being under projection because those who are buying both (me included) will want to finish Halo 2 before moving on to HL2, so as to enjoy both games to the max.
sweet pics lolz nice work but now iam going crazy seriously i cant handle this.

I WANT TO PLAY HL2 I HAVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH pfffffffff ok i needed that :p lol :)
-JeZ- said:
The game is going to kick arse. Shame it comes out one week after Halo 2, I can see their sales in the first few weeks being under projection because those who are buying both (me included) will want to finish Halo 2 before moving on to HL2, so as to enjoy both games to the max.
ye of little faith.
There will be a trailer, I don't see how there couldn't be.
Well... looking at these old shots seems kind of nastalgic and reminds me of how much HL2 has come since E3 last year. Really... we haven't had to wait that long for the game since they announced it. Anyway... anyone care to explain this?
Who are those people running from the strider? They look so funny. I've always wondered if they were early designs for the resistance or... just taken out all together. *shrug*
The steam distribution makes things a bit more complex, perhaps Vivendi is waiting until the game is available in stores to start pouring out the ads and trailers (all containing "in stores now", no doubt).. After all, if they advertised now, people who became interested and found that it's not out, but it's available to pre-order on steam with the added bonus of playing CS:S now, are likely to make a steam purchase, which hurts Vivendi's sales. Vivendi might be doing as little marketing as possible now, to prevent that. It will be very interesting to see if the marketing does hot up after release.
Maynard- said:
It's concept art.

Yes obviously its concept art. It seems its a "concept" of the inside.
It "Looks" small for it. Get it?
shame for hl2, i think halo 2 & GTA SA have stolen their thunder quite a bit. All my friends have pcs but dont use them for games they have PS2s. None of them had heard of HL2 until i showed them the binks the other day. :/
ukfluke said:
shame for hl2, i think halo 2 & GTA SA have stolen their thunder quite a bit. All my friends have pcs but dont use them for games they have PS2s. None of them had heard of HL2 until i showed them the binks the other day. :/
that leads to the other thread about HL2 ads. they need to get some TV ad time, and show the world HL2.
Why does anyone care about new screenshots or trailers when we'll be playing the game in just over a week?
They are old, i have them from a PC Gamer Magazine from a year ago.....
i dont know how you guys arent frothing over the mouth like a rabid dog thats just simultaneously drank some washing up liquid combined with some bubble bath. i'm pooing my pants with excitement. Just three days to go, how exciting oooh. Have any of you just forked out one big loan to go upgrade your pc coz currently im in debt by about oooh 600 quid to be able to play half life 2 on full. Hangong looking at those pictures i have seen em all before.. It's kinda depressign now that i can't get that game dammit lol.

Also picking up on the mamoth trailer, it would be good but pointless now only 3 days to go ay.. And good joke onb the half life 3 thing i mean having news about it just really prevents you from bouncing out yer seat from joy. it hsould be unexpected, really valve, have you lost your mind and counter striek source rocks and rolls, all day long.. sweet susie.

P.S... im not a headcrab, your talking to thre wrong guy..but i wish i could be beating one to a bloody pulp right now FFS !