new screenshots

These are not new, but i never have seen number 10.
I can't recall seeing the last one. But I remember the others.
That last one shows off the relections in water quite nice. It was worth looking at the old ones. :)
That last one is definitely rare, if not new. I've certainly never seen it. And yes, awesome reflection example.
Originally posted by WickedEwok
number 10 is ****ing ugly.

How very constructive of you.

Number 10 seems to have a problem with the splash showing up through objects, but that happened with the sparks in the E3 Videos and Gabe said they were working on fixing that.
WOAH. 4Gamer was the one that was at SIGGRAPH 2003 and posted the videos. Maybe they got the Techdemo thing there.

EDIT: And maybe it's the start of a new wave of information about Half Life 2.
i have a real problem with how things look in the distance. Why do textures get so blury when they are more than 20ft away? Look at the ramp going up to the building. We know from the vids that there are tons of support beams and whatnot under it, yet it appears to just be a series of blocks floating in mid air. Look how ruddy and blury the terrain texture looks. Half of it is just a brown with not texture at all. The utter lack of any hint of lighting on things like the boat is also a real eyesore. Why is every ****ing surface of the boat evenly lit?
Originally posted by WickedEwok
i have a real problem with how things look in the distance. Why do textures get so blury when they are more than 20ft away? Look at the ramp going up to the building. We know from the vids that there are tons of support beams and whatnot under it, yet it appears to just be a series of blocks floating in mid air. Look how ruddy and blury the terrain texture looks. Half of it is just a brown with not texture at all. The utter lack of any hint of lighting on things like the boat is also a real eyesore. Why is every ****ing surface of the boat evenly lit?

They must have had Anisotropic Filter set on a low setting. (2x-4x)

Also half life 2 is made so that the farther you are away from some thing the more the object loss polygon count to save on system preformence.
Also Pic #10 is not new, it has been around in a magazine article that tells what video card effect you will have in half-life 2 (for 2-3months.)

But this is the 1st time I have seen the acutal screen from Hl2
it just bugs me in the vids when one building has fairly detailed texture and the building right next to it is all blury and just a mass of swirling colors with no texture at all.

I also really hate to see windows painted on.
in the buggy video you are alot further away from that ramp yet you can see all of the support beams and the ship in the middle is alot further away. older build perhaps?
like this


  • hl2.jpg
    59.8 KB · Views: 368
japanese translation:

The development tool direct taking movie " of Half-Life 2 " that 2
- 2003/08/26 21:56

" Half-Life 2 " the development tool direct taking movie second feature " drops the rock wall which consists of several thousand polygons into the normal map making use of the Softimagec|xsi and records the circumstances which are packed " and so on. The person who is interest in such technical direction one time it should have looked probably.

looks like a new movie
it was posted in another thread. he's just posting direct links.
Originally posted by ApocalypseNow
They must have had Anisotropic Filter set on a low setting. (2x-4x)
Doesnt look like they have any AF on at all.
yah its no AF or AA and possibly 1024x7** or less. Kinda bare boned ..not misleading like other game screenshots do.
Originally posted by WickedEwok
it just bugs me in the vids when one building has fairly detailed texture and the building right next to it is all blury and just a mass of swirling colors with no texture at all.

I also really hate to see windows painted on.

i have to agree, I think painted on windows look poor. The water in the new screen shot looks great, but the lighting and other bits dont look great. I think its an early build
i believe all of those to be early builds because they do not have full FSAA on. obviously it was before they fixed the problems with dx9 cards and AA.
these pictures make it clear they have LOD issues at distances that make the game look a lot worse then it does. I don't know about you guys but i would rather have it slow then have it look like that at a distance. Even Gman standing on pillar looks like a horrible downgrade in model quality and he's a few feet away.
I dont think it's anything to do with the graphics. It's just a low quality image that appears all blurry.
It's been mentioned before that there will be an option to turn everything on and not let the LOD system handle this should fix the "but I don't want it to look like crap at a distance!" complaint.
its low res and nothing at all activated. What do you want?

Valve could be like all other companies and put up 1280 aa af everything screens which are also compacted. But they know most people can't run it like that.
These aren't really new. They're from an old build (earlier than E3) and were released a long time ago (relatively). A lot of the textures look like place holder art- low quality (look at the first shot, 006, there is that box-like thing on the bottom-left that says 'caution...' but the texture is so low quality you can't really read it). There's little bumpmapping and stuff missing, no AA or anistropic filtering, no hud etc. They were the first batch of SS to come out and were just proof of concept.

BTW, they don't look so hot either.
it s not a new picture, it s part of the video with the car !!!!
Don t you remember that little bridge make you get up to kill somme combine, that picture make you think you don t see it because the picture is notr complete, we don t see the car , the hud etc...
The down part of the picture has been deleted.
I think the program they use it s a new version of hlmv specialy for HL2 ??

hlmv = half life model viewer you can find it and download it for free.
cool ss's :)

who would have thought valve will release some more media. well, finally .