NEW single player MOD.........Screenshots.


Sep 8, 2004
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I am deep into my story driven single player HL2 MOD........Today is the first day since starting when I haven't worked on it, due to that annoying 'Can't find steam.dll' error :flame:

Once thats sorted out I can get back to it........I don't want to hype it up too much but what ive done so far (1 compete map and many more near completion) is very entertaining and even at this stage is more fun and exiting to play than any other SP MOD ive played. (Dayhard, NOAMZ, Combine onslaught, Leon etc)




If I can get my SDK working again then it could be finished within a couple of months.
Woah, The pics are massive.....hold on....I'll reduce them *fixed*
looks good... not the best mod tho

tip, hallway needs to be wider and you need to use the office insert lights with a spotlight
Not the best mod? you haven't played it yet :)

Yeah the lights have been changed, thats an oldish screenshot......I made the corridor especially narrow (reminds me of ghostbusters) when the manhacks are coming at you down the corridor and sparks are going everywhere it is an sight awesome.
Well, depends what you mean by mod......It will be a collection of maps with a story line, characters, loading screens etc

A mini game......

*I'll add more screenshots by the end of the week*
So, you're making like a mini-HL2 campain sort of thing. I'd like to do that... I've tried but I can't get the NPCs to move :( Would you be able to give me a few pointers? (I know this probly isn't the place:P)

MOD/Map looks ok so far, can I/we ask what the story is? Like someone said above, the corridoor needs to be wider and te lights need softening.

Keep it up.
PMonkey said:
So, you're making like a mini-HL2 campain sort of thing. I'd like to do that... I've tried but I can't get the NPCs to move :( Would you be able to give me a few pointers? (I know this probly isn't the place:P)

MOD/Map looks ok so far, can I/we ask what the story is? Like someone said above, the corridoor needs to be wider and te lights need softening.

Keep it up.

Campaign! yes, thats the word I was looking for :P

regarding the story, If I begin to describe whats going on it'll spoil it.........

I would love to give you pointers on working the NPC's, but Im still learning how myself.......I'll gladly help once I get a better grasp.

lol, 2 comments on the corridor.....heh, It's a corridor what do you expect!? :)
Seriously though, it is intentionally narrow..... guess you'll have to play it to see why.....
I consider a mod, something that has new game types/new stuff(weapon/models). Not Just maps.. but, i guess we will have to wait......

back hallways and stuff can look like that..hope you finish the 'campaign'.
NonStopableForce said:
I consider a mod, something that has new game types/new stuff(weapon/models). Not Just maps.. but, i guess we will have to wait......


Oh I see, sorry.....It won't be a totally new game as such.....I'll be creating my own game with the weapons, characters, textures etc that hammer provide.

I've got a couple more screenshots, then that'll be it for screenshots until around its ready to be released....

*story info*

You work for g-man.......but not in the capacity that you/gordon were expecting after previous outtings.........he is litterally your boss (in an office, behind a desk....etc) Gordon is not totally sure what G-man's company does.....

Is he trying to make you feel a false sense of security? whats he planning?


It's spelled GORDON. Not Gordan.

It's decent mapping but it all looks a bit strange, the narrow hallway is weird.
lol, still talking about that corridor :) It doesn't look weird to me, its meant to look scary, errie, ghostbusters! ....busting makes me feel good!

Ahem.... here in England we have corridors like this (in big old houses).....its an old style with the wood borders along the side, you must get corridors like this in the US?

*edit* I was gonna do a joke about americans not having corridors that narrow because they can't fit down them.......but I won't bother ;)

PS. I ain't changing it :)
the hallway looks okay to me. I think it whould be shorter though, or at least fix the wall textures. The wood panels are supposed to come to about waist level, generally, but you'rs look scaled to large, IMO.

The cafe with a floor-tile counter?? that looks terrible.. the whole room needs work I'd say.
heh, I thought it looked alright.....Yeah, suppose I could experiment with differing textures for the cafe.....I wanted it to look like a sterile a butchers or a doctors, I try different stuff out.

What I like about hammer is......I could change all the textures in the cafe in a few clicks of the mouse, its SO easy....Anyone else like browsing for textures? its so cool


/scroll, scroll

"that one?...nah"

/scroll scroll

"oh I like that.....yeah that one"

/pastes it on.....looks crap.

/scroll scroll
one thing I wish you could do would be to 'save' a selection of faces, so you could texture them all at once. When it's a few hundred faces on dozens of brushes that need the same texture... but not ALL faces with the same texture, it get's a bit tedious.
I despise texturing, unfortunately it is one of the most important aspects of mapping.

in what way, the tedium aspect that phis mentioned? I suppose I like it because its the only aspect of hammer that know exactly what im doing :)

I hope to have it ready for download soon....
I can't wait to release it :)

BTW, its called ***HALF-LIFE 2: RUBICON***

I'm having a bit of trouble with bspzip...I have never used it before, Ive found the bspzip.exe in my sourcesdk/bin folder but nothing happens when I click on it..

does it need to be installed?

any links would be helpful, Thx
get the bspzipgui by T1337 something or other, it works great. and no, you dont install it, you drag and stuff, but, i don't get it so I can't really help you.
Just a friendly suggestion but I think you may need to rethink your texture decisions here and there. Large areas covered by the same texture look a bit dull. I'd suggest breaking up the brushwork to allow different textures across the walls, plus using decals is a good way of breaking up the repetitions.

Edit: oh, and an excellent way of providing variety where you HAVE to use the same texture over a large surface is with dramatic lighting, with plenty of contrast across the surface.
No comments?

Its my first ever map(s) ive made........So be nice :)
NSF cmon, be a lil mor open minded, hl2:substance mod, gary'smod. These games are considered mods, but they are not total conversions, and this mod that Dr. Breene is making sounds pretty good, and is more of a mod than substance because it is a completely new story.
Thanks mike......

urm....thats weird, your sig 'HL2: point of no return' huh, Rubicon essentially means (look it up) point of no return

Im sorry, I wasn't aware of your mod....I wouldn't have named it that if Id known, don't wanna tread on your toes or anything.
wait wat there is another mod with the same name, based off the hl2 engine, and i am not surprised you havent heard about my mod, i was trying to attract attention to it by joining sites like this, but i dont really care unless the mod has the exact same name and spelling.