New site design

I highly suggest you people take a look at this Harry Potter news site I visit: It's very messy but on the right hand side you will find a bunch of tiny pics. If you click on one of these, it will change the banner and store the settings in your cookies or something. That is the only way everybody will be happy.
I like the new design. The previous one was just getting....stale. AS for the banner, a contest is a good idea, if it can be pulled off. Too bad I already see the winner :)

Incidentally, this might be a good time to finish the Episode Two features section. "sdsd" isn't a proper easter egg page.
I love the Logo, I recommend that they add more characters to it, just like TF2 poster where all characters are showing.

and maybe sort out the font.
I like the new design. The previous one was just getting....stale. AS for the banner, a contest is a good idea, if it can be pulled off. Too bad I already see the winner :)

Incidentally, this might be a good time to finish the Episode Two features section. "sdsd" isn't a proper easter egg page.
A lot of content has just been completed. Samon has been working on Episode 2 and we'll see it in the next day or so.
I highly suggest you people take a look at this Harry Potter news site I visit: It's very messy but on the right hand side you will find a bunch of tiny pics. If you click on one of these, it will change the banner and store the settings in your cookies or something. That is the only way everybody will be happy.
Yeah, that's a banner rotator, but they could've had loads of different layouts if they used CSS to build the site instead of tables. Like (skins in top-left).
A lot of content has just been completed. Samon has been working on Episode 2 and we'll see it in the next day or so.

I was wondering... why isn't Portal under the "Half-Life Series" section instead of the "Games" one?
Even though Portal is based in the half-life world, I think it just isn't tied into the HL series enough to be put in that least not yet.
Not a fan of the new front page, I accidentally stumbled onto it and actually thought I'd found a different site or perhaps an internet archive page because it looked so... basic.

Navigation-wise it's not too bad, but it really needs a facelift and some stylised buttons that, you know, actually fit the theme? Right now parts of it look like a student Flash project. :x

Glad I use ./forums/ for my bookmark. That's not likely to change any time soon.

^ I like.
My thoughts: The blue banner would look good with the tan's text. Except it should have "The definitive HL2 source" under it instead of the list of games, I think.
Also, nice Gman face. I couldn't tell what it was at first D:
Oh shi-! I didn't catch the G-Man face at first. Nice touch. :)
Who came up with "The definitive HL2 source"? I think it's a pretty crappy slogan TBH. Maybe we should have a slogan contest :p
Banner rotation and slogan changer, something like that was done with HL2 quotes.

My slogan? When your right hand needs something other to do.
Who came up with "The definitive HL2 source"? I think it's a pretty crappy slogan TBH. Maybe we should have a slogan contest :p

I think it used to be "The definitive source for half-life 2," then I shortened it to "definitive HL2 source" for that first banner I made...or maybe thats what it always was, I'm not sure.
Then it was "We are half-life 2" which nobody liked. Now it's nothing \o/
"The Definitive Source"

Nobody needs to be told what its the definitive source of, because the name of the site is

I like Riom's banner, but I dont really like the green backdrop on the right. The Orange on the left looks good, but theres no other green on this website, so it kind of seems out of place.
Dodo's is wtfaweshens. But the rest are quite aweshens as well.

I vote for banner rotation.
so, did something change with the forum layout? because the layout is a raw vbulletin skin

edit: nvm this is awesome the forum is being decorated as i'm browsin it, so every page refresh i'll see it's changed haha awesome
bring the option to have a blue background, it seriously gets tiersome for the eyes after continues usage of this brighter background. Brigther forum backgrounds has often been the main reason for me when i have left forums, and i really dont want to leave this one just because of that...
Bring back the blue background, my eyes can't take the pain!
I don't very much enjoy when my eyes bleed.

What was wrong with the old style, anyways? I didn't hear any complaints about it being old or stale or anything...
We upgraded to a new version of vBulletin, give Munro some time to sort everything out.
I prefer the old style, personally. Or at least something with a hint of design...this is too plain.