New Sourceball Media


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
The team behind the promising modification Sourceball has recently released a new video portraying a series of "Medium Armor" model animations, click here to download it right away.[br]</br>For those previously unaware of this modification, it is best described as "everything the 'Speedball' and 'Rollerball' fan dreamed of playing". You can check out more impressive media and screenshots at the SourceBall website by clicking here.[br]

theres quite a few polys in that middle image, obviously they will cut down a bit...........looks good, cant stop thinking the middle looks like a tuscan raider from star wars :)
looks good, but all of those are high poly.
nice... :thumbs: (third one isnt cool ! looks like a robot that would battle with godzilla :p )
The animations for the characters are awesome! :eek: Check out the BINK video.
I think they are supposed to be constipated, they certainly don't look angry. Also, why does the caucasian female's pain face look so happy, she's a bit of a sadist perhaps?
they look that way because ou cant see the eyebrows...ud be suprised how it can change a look....have u ever seen a leukemia patient mad b4? yeah, come back when u have
Thanks for the feedback/comments.

All comments good or bad are appreciated as is any suggestion on what you would like to see included or featured in the game.

Im glad you liked the videos in all their rushed roughness, I will endevor to make the next ones better ;)


Sourceball Developer
MadGuy said:
Angry faces don't look very angry :p

That's what I thought ;)

I think it's hard to see the anger without a skin, the "pain" face looks more like angry to me really :)

Great work though, all good stuff.
Those faces look brilliant! After perusing the website, I'm sold.
See you in the arena! :)
The faces look like they have been pulled straight from Facegen Modeller
NB. said:
The faces look like they have been pulled straight from Facegen Modeller

they don't even "look like it" - they are totally from facegen...

the team doesn't even bother to disguise it...
i don't say it's wrong to use facegen...but it's just lame showing off facegen faces and expecting the masses to be fooled with it, like it's original work...

also...i kinda seen this animations before...i just can't quite pull my finger on it where...but i don't think they are the teams work either :(
outlive said:
they don't even "look like it" - they are totally from facegen...
the team doesn't even bother to disguise it...

They ARE, yes- the "faces" montage was the first piece of media the mod team released in the public gallery, back in December. It's safe to say we've come on quite a way since then. I think "expecting the masses to be fooled with it" is a bit harsh on us- as I say, it was merely a very early info release, before we had produced any "genuine" ;) media of our own. We didn't select the shots that would be used for this news article, remember.

As for the animations not being our own- well, I'm not quite sure how you've reached that conclusion. They're primarily motion captured, so I suppose they technically "belong" to the guy wearing the funny ping-pong ball suit... if you've "kinda seen this animations before" I can only assume it's because they're insanely realistic, and you've seen people running in real life. :)

Still, whether you find our work impressive or, as it seems, somewhat controversial, you've still got to admit it looks set to be a damn fine game... and surely that's what counts? :D

RC Pinchey
Team Leader, BallPoint Studios
I find it interesting that such an out of the ordinary mod has such great talent. Everything released thusfar has been absolutely top notch.

*glares at other mods* see?!?! that's how you do it!
rcpinchey said:
As for the animations not being our own- well, I'm not quite sure how you've reached that conclusion.
They're primarily motion captured, so I suppose they technically "belong" to the guy wearing the funny ping-pong ball suit...

if one of your guys got access to motion capture hardware and did the flips and crazy acrobatic stuff - it's your work...

but if you just took motion capture data and applied it to your rigged model - it's not your work...

i don't want to sound harsh, but i can't stand teams trying every trick in the box to look good... :thumbs:
Mmmmmhhh...those faces are directly scripted primitives that comes from facegen you're right on this point and we don't try to disguise it because they wasn't mean to be publicly realeased and was here to be a base for faces work..(lack of media in the early stages made us realease them but you're right , we should have explicitly said that they were not here to be representative of our team work )...they won't appear in final realease btw.

And for the anims , they're , as RC said mocapped , and rotoscopped by hand ,for the most complexes and totally done by hand for run cycles etc....Some have already been used for ads and stuffs made by my company. But as you certainly know they can't be used directly so we must redo them entirely by hand. i personnaly don't know better methods for realistic fast work when there are dozens like that for three or four different type of characters...( Btw i had hard times finding those free mocap files of a 1 ton armoured battlesuit you'll see soon...)
And btw if we have access to usefull datas why not use them ? because we can't do backflips ourselves in real life ?


I hope you didn't see our models somewhere on a free 3D database too.... ;)

No intention to start a flame war here but i felt a little attack here and felt the need to reply. :D
naah - it's okay, why not using mocap ?
i would use it myself, if i had the oportunity...

again - i don't want to sound harsh ;)
i have to say, a mod team with that kind of resources should be able to succeed. Keep up the good work
Np outlive , this facegen pic just makes us appear as know....'s gonna be removed from the gallery because it's no more representative of anything....

Didn't want to sound harsh myself but english is not my first langage and it sometimes lacks subtility... :eek:
KaOsphere said:
Didn't want to sound harsh myself but english is not my first langage and it sometimes lacks subtility... :eek:

hehe, english isn't my native language either - although i can swear pretty good :D

your mod sure looks like a winner - i'll definatly keep an eye on you guys !
Looking nice, hope to see more soon!

toekneebullard - Might want to update your sig with the new LeakFree URL, had a hypen in it now :)
I see great times in this mod. Keep up the good work :cheers:

This is number two on my most want to play mods list. Sry but Fortress Forever is number 1.
I think this looks like a new more user friendly Deathball (mod for Ut2k4) I hope it is because if you correct what deathball did wrong and add in new elements, it would be a blast.
Your team has access to mocap? Good on you!

I say more power to you and if you have resources that will only help improve your product, why not use them?

Not all of us work near the House of Moves or have a huge library of .BVH files to work with but if we'd be a rather big waste not to use them (if we could).

I can't wait to see how all these pieces play together in the final product. :D
haha, i love helping out, so here you go:

it has a HUGE library of free throwaway bhvfiles for all you to use :D

yea thats it, facegen, i knew ive seen that stuff before , thats what i thought it was.

the way i see it, its the end result that matters, if you use facegen, or mocap, so be it. I want a mod to play asap, if using "tools" means you get your mod out sooner so i can play it, i say BOOYAA!
Thanks, Polyguns! Now I have to see if this company's services are within my budget!


I completely agree with you.
lol, no they have a FREE library of bfv files, i already downloaded alot, just look around, not budget necissary ;)

it wouldn't be that big o deal if you had to pay.

the key is blending and tweaking them.

one problem ive heard with hl2 is biped and character studio0o wouldn't work with it. for anyone who is concerned about mocap not working with your animations, try this:

simply create a new skelaton and parent or group it to another buiped mocap skelaton, select all the bones, and as the mocap movees, keyframe your other skelaton :)
cant wait - i have my eye on this one anyway...Loved the original game so much (weren't they supposed to release a newer sequel?) so you better do it justice :D
i'v always wanted to play one of these types of games, but i do not have ut2004 and I lost my hl1