new sp mod2


Aug 10, 2005
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Thanks for creating a new thread!
You appear to be in need of maps.
You appear to have two Agents from the Matrix films as your "feds"
You appear to have CS:S models
Everyone seems to stand around in the default pose.
You appear to be in need of maps. no, the screenies are in a room thrown together for the shots. 6 HUGE maps are complete, 4 more are in various stages of completion. I shall post some in-game screenies 2morrow.

You appear to have two Agents from the Matrix films as your "feds". yes, you cant ged more fed than smith. plus some other feds with shades and without.

You appear to have CS:S models. yes, 6 different ct, and 2 t. just some reskinning on them.

Everyone seems to stand around in the default pose. yes, ai_relationship keeps 'em under control while I casually walk around taking snaps. gets a bit rowdy otherwise.

beerdude26, thanks for the link, no, no website.
oldagerocker, do you have a mod?

disturbed, do you have a mod? oh yes, I see, ANOTHER kill the zombies mod "Zombie Master is a multiplayer Half-Life 2 modification, centred around a zombie-apocalypse" thats original.

mechagodzilla, do you have a mod? oh yes, I see, ANOTHER hl2 copy mod, ".Episode 1 premise:It's been two years since the events at Black Mesa, and the combine took control of the Earth." thats original.

at least I'm trying to come up with some thing different, not just "ANOTHER" hl2 kill zombies mod. god, how many of those are there? is no-one getting bored with combines yet?
Actually, Zombie Master is original because of the gameplay mechanic. The fact that it has a zombie setting is irrelevant - it could just as easily be rebels vs combine, rebels vs Antlions, marines vs aliens, giraffes vs cucumbers.

And, to be frank, they're all correct. Your mod (as showcased in your screenshots) doesn't really look particularly impressive. Static-looking models in a fullbright square room doesn't really cut it - before you release a playable version to the public, your mod is judged by its media.
If all you wanted was people to kneel down and metaphorically fellate the engorged member of your mod ,then you came to the wrong place.
Static-looking models in a fullbright square room doesn't really cut it - before you release a playable version to the public, your mod is judged by its media.

you are right, so here are some better screenies:





















these are just an idea of scenery, I post some in-game action shots later today
The models are good, but the environments are really, really artificial. Big flat square surfaces with one texture stretched thin across them might have worked in HL1 but I don't think they work in HL2 (most noticeable in the suburbia map). It might be that you're planning to add a load of incidental detail and gubbins but the environments are still going to look bad/weird. And maybe you're making a clever comment on the uniformity of modern society and the isolation of 21st century existence by making all the houses look exactly the same and placing them out in the middle of a big flat void?

In the city it's terribly obvious that everything is just blocks. It looks ridiculous. It'd probably work to have the skyscrapers as flat and bare at high altitudes, but lower down you really need to add more detail - not just props and 'furniture' but again the actually structure.

Same with the plantation. What you've got, basically, is an awful-looking space with badly angular ground, and it looks rather like the very first map I ever tried to make for Half-Life 1.

I'm not trying to be an arse and one-man mods are commendable, but the maps, the environments, are just eyesores, however 'huge' they are.
point taken. I shall endevour to improve them.
The cities remind me of a combination of Duke Nukem 3D and Midtown Madness except these games realised the limitations of their environment and designed them accordingly. The outside areas remind me of Operation Flashpoint, but again with less polish.

You need to think about using the environment well to create authentically closed-in sections. For the plantation, you could build up hills with basic displacements to surround the area and divide sections up into slightly more detailed areas. The same can be done for the cities by using longer office blocks to create a perimiter around the playable area.

I commend you for putting all this effort into a 1MM and can only hope you continue improving the skills you already have. If you want any mapping crit feel free to post in the Mapping forum. You can also probably get some good ideas from just reading over the WIP threads there.
mechagodzilla, do you have a mod? oh yes, I see, ANOTHER hl2 copy mod, ".Episode 1 premise:It's been two years since the events at Black Mesa, and the combine took control of the Earth." thats original.

I could decide to paint the textures black and then photoshop police badges onto all the characters for an entirely original mod idea based on gang criminals evading police officers in a large urban environment (cough), but I'd rather not look crummy.

But that's not the point. I'm not blaming your mod for being unoriginal. I'm blaming it for looking pretty bad.
All the originality in the world won't save you if your levels are a series of fullbright rectangles. How much gameplay can you get out of an open field?

If you'd like to criticise the work done on the mods I work for, please do so in the relevant threads or forums.
But you might have trouble, since most mods do not release media until the relevant items actually look good.
That BMW model looks quite familiar, infact it was in a garrys mod map....HMMMM.
So did you take the Plantation idea from San Andreas?

Is this what the mod is, a Grand Theft Auto type thing?
I didn't want to get into the model theft either, but suffice it to say that stealing models from other mods is a no-no.

So what does this tell us about your originality?
This thread wins the "Best thread of the year" award for "the most amazing piece of dog shit I've ever seen." Good job, you beat out that thread where everyone made fun of suicide.

I would give you constructive critism, but I won't for two reasons.
1. Where is there to start? WHERE OH GOD WHERE?!?!
2. You're a big stupid twat.
I understand having to go into detail about IP Laws, but stealing content from other mods is plagiarism. It's self explanatory why that's wrong.

-Angry Lawyer
I used to have that identical agent smith skin for Counter Strike...its a VIP skin but can be any player model if you wish, i think thats what the readme said of the guy that made the skin, which must have been you? Unless you borrowed that too, but i doubt that.
here are 2 renders of models I'm working on:



regarding models:
1: I wanted to give some screenshots with action in them, so I put the bmw in ( I have to still complete the vehicles I'm working on). I have no intention of using other mods models. (whats this about Gary stealing jbmod?)
2: the smith, so if using models from other games is bad, then cs:s should be banned, cause smith comes from unreal tournament. and if you look closly, you will see another smith, without shades. mine.
3: when I release this mod, I will be using my own models (except for rocks, trees, and other arbitrary props, as I am sure you all do.)

maps: I have taken to heart the critisism, and am endeavoring to improve them, I shall post screenshots as I progress.