New SPORE footage, amazing what a year can do.

I don't really see the big deal, the actual GAMEPLAY appears to be completely intact, yet you are have completely lost interest? Was it only the graphics that interested you previously?

I don't consider myself a graphics whore, case and point one of my favorite games is Planescape: Torment, but I wanted a relatively serious species simulator. The original Spore was just this side of too cartoony for me, but I was willing to choke it down. Now I can't take the game seriously when it looks like, to quote CR0M, "The Wonderful World of Spore".
Wait.. You considered Spore a relatively serious species SIMULATOR? That's rofflewaffle material right there!
I don't really see the big deal, the actual GAMEPLAY appears to be completely intact, yet you are have completely lost interest? Was it only the graphics that interested you previously?

For me the graphics have turned me off even its gameplay. I dont think I could take the headache of playing in the cell stage. The style is just too busy and cluttered for me. Even in other stages, I much preferred the simple style it had before.
The new UI is also very jarring. Also looks like the blood has been taken out.

It's like somebody at EA or Maxis said "Hey guys, I don't think this art direction will appeal to the younger part of the 13+ crowd. Let's turn it into a Nickelodeon cartoon".
I don't know about that.

I personally have devoted a lot of time to Will Wright's games.

I have too. Spore just simply doesn't appeal to me. I might... acquire a copy... other than that...

And about the graphics, they surely guarantee that I'm not going to be purchasing this game. I don't want to play WoW: Will Wright Edition.
What the? They ruined it! Suddenly it just lost all it's appeal for some reason.
I don't know, Im a sucker for sim city. Might have to give this a try.
It looks a lot better graphically although 2006 was much more formal, less contrasting colours and bubbly shapes, which I preferred.
Before they just had a demo, now they actually have a game that plays like the demo made it look like it would play. Also keep in mind how there is so much customizing to do... if you don't like the cartoony guys and buildings, don't make them that way.
Before they just had a demo, now they actually have a game that plays like the demo made it look like it would play. Also keep in mind how there is so much customizing to do... if you don't like the cartoony guys and buildings, don't make them that way.

I'm confused by the first sentence. It looked like it played just fine when it was first demoed.

Also, no amount of customization is going go get rid of that UI, make the cell stage look any less cartoony, or keep what look like coins from popping out of enemy creatures.
Pretty much everything was scripted on E3 2005. You'd be whining if they released the game with 2005 graphics anyway!
Aesthetically I much prefered the orignal. The new footgae looks oversaturated, cluttered and too cartoony.