New Stalker screenshots look sweet!

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more here.

cant wait.
:naughty: DAAMN! That fourth pic looks sexy.
The water looks that marsh scene. Need a closer look.

Yep the other stuff is good - nice and gritty, but seriously I don't see a major difference between the graphics rendered by x-ray and source, they both look similar to me and both are amazing!
It's funny how stalker tends to take a back seat in my mind most of the time because every time I see it, I feel like it's going to possibly be as fun as hl2
I wonder if you can backstab a fellow S.T.A.L.K.E.R and nab his oxygen mask + enviroment suit, and so on .......

That monster in the last pic looks retarded though .......
its all eye candy. I bet the graphics will rock but the gameplay will suck
The graphics look alot better in the screenshots then in the movies
Estevan said:
its all eye candy. I bet the graphics will rock but the gameplay will suck
yay! somebody who has played the final game! please, do tell us how it is... :stare:
Passage of the marshes!

Well, they look really good. My opinion is up and down on this game.
Yeah the video clips are no where near the quality of these screenshots, it probably kills all the realism once they put it on video.
Estevan said:
its all eye candy. I bet the graphics will rock but the gameplay will suck

From what ive read the gameplay could be alot of fun actaully.
Well the graphics in the videos probably don't look as good as the screenshots because of compression, lower video resolution, and what-have-you. Also, if I read correctly, every single outdoor video and screenshot has been rendered in DX8, so the water will probably look better once we see it in DX9.
STALKER will be a good game... if they can pull it off...

I'm hopeful, but slightly sceptical... oh, and their "Developer Diaries" in a certain popular magazine publication are nothing but huge plugs for the game. Pity. DDs used to be good...
First i thought stalker would suck , but the new videos and screens has impressed me.
The weapons look at bit gay though.
Nice looking screens. But did you really have to link to the images? ;/ Took a god damn age to load.
the detail on his mask is amazing , they should make the combine model in hl2 like dat
If you honestly say that HL2 looks better than that, you have some sort of mental condition.

I would really like to know what system they used to take those screen shots. And I want to know if Stalker is playable on that system with decent frame rates. It looks unbelievable. I really hope they release Stalker this year. I can't wait for it.
The environments are a lot better than HL2's, that is fairly obvious. More detail, more interest. The characters also look far more detailed than Source's.
Everyone who thinks Stalker's gameplay will suck needs to take 20mins of their time and read This from This Thread ;)

Put it this way. It is worth the read and if they pull it off they have plenty of GOTY awards and cash.

They say "30 - 40 hours minimum / 100+ for explorers (Me :E so i think £30 if worth 100+ hours of gameplay without h4x0rz)

Edit/ Also, forgot about this. Anyone who thinks the guns look stupid ive got news for you...they look as close to their real life counterparts ever seen in a game. In other words, guns except these look stupid because guns dont look like they do in other games. About monsters....they have tried to make them deform realistic hence they look weird...kind of like they _was_ once a normal living creature and i think although they DO indeed look odd compared to the way other games imagine monsters i think they look pretty good and exactly how id imagine them (in a strange way)
Holy crap. Those are MUCH more impressive them older ones I saw. Looking forward to playing it...
Too bad it looks lame in motion. Animation etc is sub-standard. Especially compared to HL2.
Silent_night said:
the detail on his mask is amazing , they should make the combine model in hl2 like dat


The combine masks look loads better than the stalker ones - I love HL2's art direction, which suits the mood of the game. They are perfectly okay!

The problem isn't that stalker's models aren't detailed....they're the most detailed models ever seen in a game...

In my opinion, graphics are not just stationary highly detailed models. It's the animations and fluidity of them that makes them look good. Stalker's animations are quite a bit dumped down, and that makes these highly detailed models look weird, I mean they look so realistic and immerse you in the game and then suddenly you see them animate pathetically which reminds you that "nope, it's still a game..."

Don't get me wrong, this game looks very good but if they don't fix up the animations or put life into the combat, I'd be very dissapointed.
I am very impressed. My expectancy level has just been raised somewhat. As long as the gameplay stays clean, it's gonna rock.
/me craps pants

Those are awsome :), i'm still worried at the FPS though, in the vids it seemed well laggy...I read somewhere they it wont be in the final release. Lets hope so. :)
Well, Stalker looks more ammazing than ever before! :)

I just hope ANYONES PC can handle it...
This game is going to rock. The gameplay makes me very eager, since its a far step from the traditional FPS approaches. I like the idea of open ended exploration and doing what I want.

The screenshots look amazing. I can't wait to see the paint peel in the game :D
Brian Damage said:
STALKER will be a good game... if they can pull it off...
Same goes with any game with scope for original, interesting ideas and grand visions. Just like HL2. That could still go tits up.
Estevan said:
its all eye candy. I bet the graphics will rock but the gameplay will suck

From seeying tons of gameplay movies, i'm affraid you will be right :eek: