New Star Wars Film!


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Well, kinda.

A Star Wars fan film made with real sets, costumes, props and lots of CG. It's a documentary about a particular platoon of Stormtroopers serving on the Imperial supercarrier 'Relentless'.

This is just the first chapter of maybe 5 or 6, and it's a big download, but it's worth it. This thing is pretty damn good, despite occasionally iffy effects. Kind of a Red vs Blue vibe. And I'm not even that much of a Star Wars fan. :p

Download and watch it now! :D

Download can be found here.

PS. I swear someone already posted this once but I got nothing when searching for it. So meh.
Yeah, I downloaded this last time it was mentioned lol...

I aint much of a fan of starwars myself, but its pretty impressive to say the least :)
At points yeah. Not total comedy like Blood Gulch, but there are some pretty funny bits in there. Like the guy who sounds like solid snake and just says 'I hate this' all the time.

"Come on, down the stairs."
"I hate stairs."

"Move it! Down the corridor!"
"I hate corridors/"

"Alright, split up, team."
"I hate splitting up."
-puts revolver to head-...*reads thread*
Oh god, You almost gave me a ****ing heart attack there.
Made me think Lucas went and announced a new SW movie.
-puts revolver away-
Wow, for being a fan film that was pretty amazing, the Pulp Fiction and Aliens refferences are hilarious too, lol
Lemonking said:
that was great I hope make part2 soon

Good song in your sig. (Breathe No More by Evanescence, right?)

And yeah, that was a pretty hilarious fan film, although it was very boring in the beginning. :LOL: