New Star Wars: Force Unleashed Trailer!! Completely bad-ass action inside!!

If the gameplay can hold up, I'll definitely check this game out!
That's bullshit. I don't even think Kyp Durron was powerful enough to move a friggin' Star Destroyer. I'm calling bullshit.

Well, it also appears to contradict canon by allowing an Imperial Star Destroyer to operate within a planet's atmosphere.

But it's a video game, after all, and the trailer itself is ace of aces.
The dude probably yanked it out of orbit with his huge midichlorian-filled penis.
Well, it also appears to contradict canon by allowing an Imperial Star Destroyer to operate within a planet's atmosphere.
When I first saw that trailer, I was thinking about that too, but then I figured I could be wrong. Certain Victory class star destroyers can fly in a planet's atmosphere, anyway.

The whole trailer is hax, man. At this point I don't think anyone cares anymore and they're just trying to be cool with it. "Let's have a star destroyer flying low to the ground, then have one guy take it out with the force. And that guy will be Darth Vader's apprentice!"
No PC version? Are they ****ing kidding me?
When I first saw that trailer, I was thinking about that too, but then I figured I could be wrong. Certain Victory class star destroyers can fly in a planet's atmosphere, anyway.

The whole trailer is hax, man. At this point I don't think anyone cares anymore and they're just trying to be cool with it. "Let's have a star destroyer flying low to the ground, then have one guy take it out with the force. And that guy will be Darth Vader's apprentice!"

Hmmm, you obviously know more about this stuff than I do. Still, games are only Canon C, and even if they were Canon G, it wouldn't be so sacred that it couldn't be sacrificed for an enjoyable gaming experience, IMO.
I mean, it's bloody Star Wars, not The Brothers Karamazov.

I dunno, having experienced the awesomeness of force powers in past games, I have no objection to amping them up for even more fun. Awesome multiplied is that much more awesome. Stands to reason...
There are different types of canon in star wars??!! O_o I didn't know that
Well, it also appears to contradict canon by allowing an Imperial Star Destroyer to operate within a planet's atmosphere.

But it's a video game, after all, and the trailer itself is ace of aces.

But you see pre-Empire Star Destroyers grounded on Coruscant during Ep2 don't you? The one in the trailer could be of that type coming in to land or whatever.
But you see pre-Empire Star Destroyers grounded on Coruscant during Ep2 don't you? The one in the trailer could be of that type coming in to land or whatever.
Of course.

