new stargate mod



ok this is just basicly this topic but in a more orgnised way that topic dident realy work as planed so im starting over.

its just basicly 2 or 3 warzone maps about 40 ppl in it, its hopefuly going to have 2 teams one alien another human fighting on a battlefront there will also be a stargate leading to a buy zone so that to get ammo rather than a crappy hand gun you will have to pass through it.

its just a map realy for a bit of fun and will not chalange the new mgm game stargate the aliance so we should be ok.

but to make this i need a team of...

1 coder
1 animator
1 sound producer

i have a mapper and modler

ok out modler made this just to show me his modeling skills after i told him the idea this took him around 15 mins to make.

if your intrested or you would like more info please feel
free to post in this topic.

i know there are copyright issues with stargate at the moment but i have seen mods that MGM have left alone so i think we will be ok.
utra said:
i know there are copyright issues with stargate at the moment but i have seen mods that MGM have left alone so i think we will be ok.

So you didn't see the Stargate mod that MGM shut down a couple of months ago then?
Be original. Don't use copyright protected issues. Don't get closed down. Give us something we can enjoy. Please.
Has anyone thought of jut not mentioning what the mod is "officially" based on??

Just call it the Chappa Eye mod for now, and saw its loosely based on a gate you saw in a feild somewhere. there was a cow.

Change SG1 to - Toiriee (sp)( earth in goauldish )
Change Goauld to - Belly snakes.

Make the portal square and then once the mod is finnished make one last update and put everything rite, names and all, and then u get cancelled, but its too late, its allready being circulated.

The closer the likeness (without copyrite breach) the more annoyed MGM get, and the funnier it is.

In fact, I suggest you call your mod
STARFENCE SF1: A HLDM MOD --- your badger hole to another cadburys!

all puns intended!

I offer my services as a severe Stargate geek (STARG/\TE RULES) and as a texture artiste in learning. I can do websites as well.
The word Tauri is still trademarked or at least copyrighted under the Stargate franchise. Do you guys realise how pathetic this all sounds. As much as a stargate mod would be cool, MGM will not allow it so don't bother.
Pilo hit the nail on the head there - ignorance and trying to work your way around the law isn't going to help you guys.

-Angry Lawyer
sorry for the slow reply ive been busy lol, i desieded to stop makeing this mod about 3 days after this post because of the sereous lack of help (or any polite comments), also there is 3 atual stargate mods curently in development for hl2 that havenot been shut down as they were smart enouth to use a legal dissclamer visit for more info.
i dont think anyone would want to join a mod that is violating copyright laws and will in time be shut down.
utra said:
i desieded to stop makeing this mod about 3 days after this post
A wise decision, given the problems you would have if you ever got enough work done for MGM to warrant you a threat.

utra said:
because of the sereous lack of help
Stupid reason to shut down, do work yourself, it'll take longer but at least it shows you have dedication and commitment.

utra said:
(or any polite comments)
We're just telling it like it is.
Stupid reason to shut down, do work yourself, it'll take longer but at least it shows you have dedication and commitment.

the mapping i can do but the modeling and coding i cant.

We're just telling it like it is.

i know.