New Steam Map : dm_runoff

This is, without a doubt my favourite official map. The only problem I can find is that if you stick an awkward shaped item under the closing doors, the door gets stuck and you can see all the outside stuff dissapear. Also, more of a personal thing, I think the doors take too long to start closing.
Another thing that is mentioned before on this forum is the bug that allowes you to crouch on top of the bomb-control, when it elevates after you have clicked it...

the result is that you can start the bomb many times after each others......
Reginald said:
This is, without a doubt my favourite official map. The only problem I can find is that if you stick an awkward shaped item under the closing doors, the door gets stuck and you can see all the outside stuff dissapear. Also, more of a personal thing, I think the doors take too long to start closing.
You'll soon enough find lots and lots of more problems ;) Check the Steam forums ;)
I've had a run around this map in an empty server, and I can already see it being my favourite HL2DM map. So many opportunities mischief and fun.

Hopefully they will sort out all these bugs. I love being able to stick objects in the door to stop them closing, I reckon this should be a legit gameplay tactic. Maybe an open doors should kill everyone in the base? :smoking:
Hmm from what I've read it sounds a lil' buggy... but nevertheless, I am excited to play it once I get off from work. :farmer:
My question is why do so few people play hl2dm, and why does ahrdly anyone play the three contest maps, tehy are by far the best maps for hl2dm.
Grey Fox said:
My question is why do so few people play hl2dm, and why does ahrdly anyone play the three contest maps, tehy are by far the best maps for hl2dm.

I thought the only good contest map was underpass.

The reason people don't play it that much, is because it still needs alot of work. It doesn't really cut it againt other deathmatch games like UT and Quake.
i'd play hl2 dm a little more if you didn't start off with so many should just start with a crowbar/stunstick and pistol
I really like this map :D It definetely has its share fair of flaws, but that is why Steam is so great, just send out an updated version :D
i dont really play hl2dm so a good map to me is 1 that draws me back to play it and this 1 did, the outdoor environment is cool, you would think the people on higher ground would have the advantage but theres so much stuff littering the ground on the lower ground that i've noticed players just using that, seeing someone die by getting hit with a boat is funny.

nice sound too, the reverb effect etc, nice, i prefer the outdoor maps tbh.

i spotted a bug though, if you choose the stun stick and then go back to a different weapon there is the red glow of the stunstick around the weapon, thats not right is it?

physics seem to be very laggy too, more than b4, there is like a second delay when you fire something with the grav gun. maybe its the server. *shrugs*

also whats this about a bomb?
They just released a patch that fixes both segnificant issues that I am aware of, the multiple firings bug (by riding the console up into the alcove) and the map escaping bug, by jumping the fence by the arched bridge. There is now an invisible wall over the fence, so you can jump TO it, but not over it. And the alcove now deals a fair amount of damage, so you die before you can trigger another round of missiles.

Nice quick response to some hard to uncover issues! Good job valve! To me this is a good demonstration of steams worth.
I'm totally amazed that they fixed those bugs so fast! Seriously!

But even more amazed how long it takes to fixe the ton of other very big bugs that totally ruin this game :( All the crashes, all the crashes on steamlab and underpass (at least steamlab), the scoreboard, the crouch bug etc etc.. :/

And now after the update I get a new bug. My weapon keeps pointing down. It throws me off since it feels like I'm not really aiming up. And since you can't remove the weapon completely, it's annoying.
I'm guessing/hoping that one of these days (when we least expect it) Valve is going to release a huge patch for HL2DM, with like 2 pages of bug fixes/changes/tweaks and even then, we will find something small to complain about... :hmph:
Slainchild said:
I'm guessing/hoping that one of these days (when we least expect it) Valve is going to release a huge patch for HL2DM, with like 2 pages of bug fixes/changes/tweaks and even then, we will find something small to complain about... :hmph:

Probably about how long it took them to sort them out.
Doppelgofer said:
i'd play hl2 dm a little more if you didn't start off with so many should just start with a crowbar/stunstick and pistol

I agree, but I'd like to just start out with the melee weapon. That'd give them a greater use in the game. I tried to play runoff last night, but no servers were running it all the times I checked... ;(
I've been playing the new map for about two hours, and it's pretty good fun. The rockets falling look really cool, and teamplay makes a fight for both doors pretty engaging stuff.

Also, when there's a major battle in the outside areas, it's like Star Wars - thousands of white bullets screaming everywhere.

Star Wars with flying toilets.

And one last thing - I like it when a whole team gets locked out, and they just sort of stand around and look at the sky waiting. Then weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, here they come...

Good stuff.
I was playing for ages with the volume turned real low... so I could only just make out the 'bombs alert' siren.

Now I keep thinking I can hear it all the time :(

Time for a break, methinks
I liked it more when I could escape the map. :( The bomb thing was pretty stupid because it caused an inescapable solution that would kill you every few minutes, and was easy to trigger. But getting to off-limits areas took a little skill/creativity and was in no way game-breaking or cheap. Yesterday in a team deathmatch game, I grabbed two boxes by the front entrance to the bomb shelter, brought them over to the RPG bridge, and built a step-ladder so people who couldn't grav-jump could get into the outside of the map. The whole Combine team was just hanging out on the grassy area. It was fun.

Without that, the map's just OK, to me. Fun for big battles out in the open, I guess, but the layout's bland and the inner bomb-shelter can become a spamfest, especially in team games.
I like how all the noobies and 12 year olds get into the game die. get really pissed yell abuot how gay the map is and then leave.
I am wondering why dm_runoff has a secret path that was sealed for some reason. Basically a path to connect both ends of the "U". I went there using "noclip". ;)
that would explain the usless area behind the combine spawn.
I don't really like it. Its TOO wide open plus the whole area is a god damn deathtrap when someone gets the rocket launcher. It might grow on me like dm_resistance did. I love that map now. Gravity gun kills galore.
Kind of fun map, but I think the spawns are unbalanced. Resistance should have a rocket launcher near their spawn to even it out. And the fact that you can easily break the blast doors isn't good either, just jam something small under the door when it's closing and it will never open again. I actually managed to lock myself and 2 team mates inside the bunker by doing this. Valve really needs to fix that
i personally like airstrike function, looks a lot cooler than crossfire's.

also locking people out is fun. Mainly because i am a slam whore, and if given half a chance i will lace both entrances to the indoor area with slams. People come running in trying to beat the blast doors only to be blasted by my slams.
I just noticed that when the bomb is triggered headcrab canisters fall from the sky. nice touch that.

And there should be more ways to escape the bomb... once the doors close EVERYONE is royally screwed.

I recon hiding in the cargo containers and blocking the exits out to do it...

nevertheless, i wuv the map, although i'd love it even more if it was -slightly- smaller.
Meh, stick around the crossbow all the time and no rpg will ever do you harm (As soon as you see a rocket flying hide. There are many many places) and your bolt flies way faster
I don't like this map, but I don't complain.

That's probably because it's an official map, and I'll have to include strategies for it in my HL2 guide. :(
Darkside55 said:
I liked it more when I could escape the map. :( The bomb thing was pretty stupid because it caused an inescapable solution that would kill you every few minutes, and was easy to trigger. But getting to off-limits areas took a little skill/creativity and was in no way game-breaking or cheap.
You can still get onto the wall that goes around the building, and the nuke won't kill you if you're up there.
The strategy is simple, camp around the xbow/Revolver or the RPG. Stay on the top levels and when you hear siren, wait for a while and then slip through the doors. Wait out, if you get killed don't respawn. That's the whole tactic in a jippy.
I love this map! Yeah, it still has a few bugs (they need to clip that roof), but playing this on a team server is just a blast for me, regardless. I actually like the fact that the teams are seemingly imbalanced - it makes each team develop a different strategy. Lately, I've been whoring the 357 (way more effective than the xbow)...just hang back at the rebel catwalk, use your suit zoom to aim ;)

I prefer rebel side, because it's more of a challenge. I also love waiting till the bunker is full of enemies, grabbing a combine ball and clearing it out seconds before the bombs drop. Good stuff!
You're right, Finger. I've been playing this more and more on teamplay, and the slight imbalance makes for a really good battle. There is a strategy (and genuine teamplay) going on in this map (something lacking in others).

It's got it's fair share of bugs, but overall I'm really enjoying the change of gameplay and large outdoor battleground.

It's also the first time I've had genuine fun with the crossbow (especially as an equal measure against RPG campers).

The guns are spread way too thinly, 90% of the time is a mp7 frag fest, extremely boring, also due to the fact theres hardly any physic objects to throw. Also you end up spawning in an open area, rarely making it to any small indoor areas. Badly laid out, bugs, the airstrike thing is boring, few guns. As you guess i don't like this map.

We need more OUTDOOR maps that are good, this was too rushed, overwatch does me proud to this day still!
Hectic Glenn said:
The guns are spread way too thinly, 90% of the time is a mp7 frag fest, extremely boring, also due to the fact theres hardly any physic objects to throw. Also you end up spawning in an open area, rarely making it to any small indoor areas. Badly laid out, bugs, the airstrike thing is boring, few guns. As you guess i don't like this map.

We need more OUTDOOR maps that are good, this was too rushed, overwatch does me proud to this day still!
I totally disagree with this entire statement. The map is exactly the opposite. It's very fun it's the only map i play every other map sucks in comparison in my opinion. I do not belive this map was rushed.
Well your always shooting with the mp7...fact
Theres hardly any psy objects around outside....fact
Theres areas of the map which start and just end randomly if you no clip, unfinished to an extent...fact
Theres little bugs and glitches where you can get stuck...fact

Thats enough for me to make it a poor map. Oh and theres nothing fun about being blown up every 5 minutes, pointless feature.
Hectic Glenn said:
Well your always shooting with the mp7...fact
Theres hardly any psy objects around outside....fact
Theres areas of the map which start and just end randomly if you no clip, unfinished to an extent...fact
Theres little bugs and glitches where you can get stuck...fact

Thats enough for me to make it a poor map. Oh and theres nothing fun about being blown up every 5 minutes, pointless feature.
i'm usually running around with a crossbow or cooking nades. if your always running around with an Mp7 u just probably don't really know where the weapon placements are and even then it's not really a problam because the secondary function of the mp5 is really usefull in this map.. and nades are found in alot of places.
I'v seen people who do nothing but just chuck stuff around and have more kills then the people using weapons.
Unfinished? Things cut out of the final version.. probably.
bugs and glitches i not argueing.

Mindless DM blasting is not fun. This is litterly the only map i play. Thats how fun this pointless feature is. This feature is what made crossfire so great for hl1. And now that it's back it's even more fun in hl2. If you get pissed off because you don't have enough skill to save yourself from dieing every 5 minutes.. thats obviously your problem.
I wuv Runoff, because that 'pointless feature' is in fact highly avoidable. It's freaking loads of fun as the doors close, sirens blaring, and there are fireteams at both doors, chuck a barrel at the door, jamming it, crounching under... and getting the crap SLAMed outta you.

Ah, this is the best map ever. Valve needs to come up with more great 'semi-objective' based maps like this.
I'm hoping someone is going to remake DoubleCross one day (which is a HL1 remake of Crossfire). Man I loved that map, so much better than Crossfire.
Jintor said:
Valve needs to come up with more great 'semi-objective' based maps like this.

Yeah, I like a semi-objective in a map - it means you have to think about more than just shooting people.
It gives otherwise chaotic games of DM some sort of direction. Much better.

Another idea - How about a map which half floods when a button is pressed? Forcing everyone onto higher ground. It could significantly change the layout and play statergy.
Noobulon said:
Yeah, I like a semi-objective in a map - it means you have to think about more than just shooting people.
It gives otherwise chaotic games of DM some sort of direction. Much better.

Another idea - How about a map which half floods when a button is pressed? Forcing everyone onto higher ground. It could significantly change the layout and play statergy.
There was a map like this in hl1.. i forgot the name though