New Steam Map : dm_runoff

The one thing I don't like about this map though, is not so much a part of the map - but rather the way it highlights an irritation of HL2DM. This would be the sprint feature. It's just annoying covering long distances when you have to slow down / speed up.

It never bothered me in any other HL2DM, but this level requires that you run in long straight lines, and it does start to piss me off.

Otherwise, yes - I'm in agreement that Valve should release more semi-objective DMs. Teamplay is endless fun.
I just played runoff for the first time, in a TDM server that had it on constant repeat.

For one thing, it's insanely well balanced. Each game ended with the winners less than ten points ahead.

You would expect that the combine would have the advantage, and it's partially true. The RPG totally decimates.
But the thing is, the RPG is all they've got, except for a crummy shotgun.
Rebels have tons more snipey weapons available to them, and thier section of the map is perfectly suited for sniping.

Combine are also closer to the bunker, but realitistically, the bunker doesn't really accomplish much since you don't exactly get kills from it.
The combine need to be close to the nuke though, in order to decamp the rebels. The bunker is their only real source of ammo.
The reason it's so difficult for the rebs to get up is that if they get a successful nuke off, they own basically the entire map.

In fact, rebels won the majority of the games.
Until the crossbow stopped respawning. And someone glitched up the door with a propane tank, permanently closing it.
Fix the bugs!
I played it properly today - it's far too easy to just whore the roof with the rpg and crossbow... you're fking hard to hit too, plus it's an inbuilt wallhack to the base itself..

Sigh. Not a good map - too rpg dominant.
besides, if you want to play it in matches you actually have to play it twice, like cs maps, which should be avoided at all costs in tdm games.

The fact that most other maps feel uncoordinated and chaotic is due to the fact that h2dm doesn't offer a decent armor systems and powerups, the key features that turn other DM games from more or less mindless run-and-gun to something involving a lot of different strategies. not going to change though.
Well, in several servers, I've shot a RPG whore twice before his rocket hit me. Too bad I often died, and if I wasn't, was left with 1-30 HP.
Yeah, things are set up pretty well, making rocket-dodging surprisingly easy. Like that rounded walkway between the two RPG bridges.
It's easy to pop out, but difficult to get hit.

I'd actually go so far as to say that i've never survived so many rocket shots in one map before.
how do you trigger the bombs?
i thought it was automatic?
I've now decided that the crossbow is the coolest weapon ever. Getting a hit from one end of the map to the other on a moving target is more fun than popping a zit whilst a pink monkey rubs your back with a barbie doll head with a tight perm.

Thunk. You're dead. Now stay off that roof, Mo Fo.
Don't like this map at all - too much running about, not enough one on one combat. It's mainly getting whored with RPG/magnum/xbow..
I was like "Wtf? They rereleased it!?

Then I realized the date...
I didn't even know this map existed... lol :|