New Steam Servers?


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Steam is now downloading at the blindingly fast speed of 200 kbs! Amazing, less than 2 days before Day of Defeat is finished downloading! Is this happening for anyone else? - I think Valve may have finally gotten it together.
I got 700+500kb earlier, slowed down to 300+200 though :/
Hey ZoomaCLW, could you do me a favor? After you finish that DoD update, could you go to your "Games" list, right-click on Day of Defeat, go to properties, click on "Calculate Cache" and tell me what's the percent of the game acquired?

This is a download of the entire DoD right? You did not convert to Steam?
Originally posted by DeathClaw
Hey ZoomaCLW, could you do me a favor? After you finish that DoD update, could you go to your "Games" list, right-click on Day of Defeat, go to properties, click on "Calculate Cache" and tell me what's the percent of the game acquired?

This is a download of the entire DoD right? You did not convert to Steam?

i just downloaded DoD and for the % of game aquired it says 42%

but the important part is the "ready to play size" which is 82MB and "ready to play aquired" which is 100% for me :)
I downloaded the whole thing, and Xtasy's right about the size.
Thanks guys. I too had the same percents when I downloaded Day of Defeat.

Does it get stuck at "Validating game resources..." and "Verifying resources..." when you try to enter a server that has a map you have never played before? I do, and it seems like it is trying to download the map or something. But eventually, it does go through. Just takes a while ...
Originally posted by DeathClaw
Thanks guys. I too had the same percents when I downloaded Day of Defeat.

Does it get stuck at "Validating game resources..." and "Verifying resources..." when you try to enter a server that has a map you have never played before? I do, and it seems like it is trying to download the map or something. But eventually, it does go through. Just takes a while ...

thats exactly what its doing, downloading the map/sounds/whatever else might be needed for that map.
Thank you very much for clearing that up. Is there a way to add them manually?
I was being sarcastic about the speed - I used to get 3 megabytes per second on the beta.