New steam update today

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Does anyone know what the new steam update is?? im d/ling it now.
Stupid steam only tells u what the the last update was and not what ur currently d/ling is.

From the news page of steam:

There has been a Steam update tonight to address a few problems from last week's release.

This update is for all of the games currently on Steam. The specific changes are:
Changed HTTP download behavior to retry connections using old trickle download method if it can't download all files.
Fixed a crash bug when connecting to a dedicated server with an empty mapcycle.
Fixed a bug where MP3 volume wasn't working properly.
Fixed "STEAM UserID 0:0:1 is already in use on this server" message when connecting to LAN servers in offline mode.
Fixed memory leak in HLTV.

Server admins will want to restart their server to get updated.
From Steam's site...


Steam Update Release
March 9, 2004, 6:28 pm · Erik Johnson
There has been a Steam update tonight to address a few problems from last week's release.

This update is for all of the games currently on Steam. The specific changes are:
Changed HTTP download behavior to retry connections using old trickle download method if it can't download all files.
Fixed a crash bug when connecting to a dedicated server with an empty mapcycle.
Fixed a bug where MP3 volume wasn't working properly.
Fixed "STEAM UserID 0:0:1 is already in use on this server" message when connecting to LAN servers in offline mode.
Fixed memory leak in HLTV.

Server admins will want to restart their server to get updated.

return to news page
My copy of Steam got really fuc*ed up when I tried installing the updates. Pretty soon it stopped working completly. I then deleated the entire folder and downloaded the steam installer. Now, I need to download CS and they wont mail me the conformation number. Right now, I hate Steam with a passion!
Update Recalled
March 9, 2004, 7:31 pm · Erik Johnson

There was a crash bug in the release that was planned for this evening.

This update has been rolled back until we address it
: /

Msg length...
Tip for all of you.

If there is a new update at steam. Do not download it for at least 12 hours from its release.

That way:

1. There will be bandwidth for you to download the patch.

2. There will have been alot of guiny pigs for the update before you get round to downloading it.

Hope this helps you lot. Its what I plan to do in the future :)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Tip for all of you.

If there is a new update at steam. Do not download it for at least 12 hours from its release.

That way:

1. There will be bandwidth for you to download the patch.

2. There will have been alot of guiny pigs for the update before you get round to downloading it.

Hope this helps you lot. Its what I plan to do in the future :)

unless of course you use steam, in which case it automatically updates when you login.
I must be really lucky, I have never had bandwidth issues with steam or trouble getting anything from it.
I check the website and forums just before I log in every day. :)

Plus If I wana play a game then I got desert combat :D
Yeah.. many of those in cal that play cs know of the incidents with steam.. luckily it didn't happen to me, but unfortunately it happened to three of my clan members and one of the opposing team members.. tuesday was a day of much rescheduling, and quite an inconvenience :/
I have come to the conclusion that all the people who complain about steam, shouldn't be using a computer in the first place. If you can't get steam to work your pretty much useless. It's easy to fix all problems with steam, it's usually fixed by the developers the next day. If you still have problems check the steam support forums which will solve all issues.

I don't want to hear anymore friggen AOL, dumbass, yuppie, wanna be techies complain about their own ignorace anymore. When was the last time you engineered revolutionary sorftware? (yeah that's what I thought) ...

Cry to momma
wonkers said:
I have come to the conclusion that all the people who complain about steam, shouldn't be using a computer in the first place. If you can't get steam to work your pretty much useless. It's easy to fix all problems with steam, it's usually fixed by the developers the next day. If you still have problems check the steam support forums which will solve all issues.

I don't want to hear anymore friggen AOL, dumbass, yuppie, wanna be techies complain about their own ignorace anymore. When was the last time you engineered revolutionary sorftware? (yeah that's what I thought) ...

Cry to momma
lol, I agree
however its out of place in this thread since... the steam patch was recalled, due to it literally crashing any game you played ;P
you have to realise people who complain about Steam are the vocal minority, all the little kids that cry when their Counter-Strike fails to load after they just installed new scripts....
I know a couple of them IRL, (got a lil brother who has friends) and they blast steam (counter strike kiddies) because people bad mouth it, without even trying it.

I got my lil bro to play CS over steam the other day, showed him how quickly I downloaded CS from steam, how streamlined everything is, the cool features.
and he was like "WOW, steam rules,... get it on my computer".
funny stuff.