new steam


May 14, 2004
Reaction score
woot a bad ass steam update!
i dig the new look alot
restart and join in the fun or something

A new Steam client has been released, updating the integrated Steam store and the Games list. The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.

These changes are part of a larger set of features (collectively known as Steam 3) which will be introduced over the course of the coming months. Today's release allows Steam to offer a larger and more varied collection of games to our customers, and introduces a-la-carte purchases.

We hope everyone enjoys the changes.

And Don't forget to pre-order Rag Doll Kung Fu while it's still only $12.95
lol, the new steam UI was posted about early last week so tis old news to most people, and as for the rest, should leave the news to the news thingy guys here at
Drackard said:
lol, the new steam UI was posted about early last week so tis old news to most people, and as for the rest, should leave the news to the news thingy guys here at
'Twas the buggy beta, and now it's fully functional kick-ass release.

If you still have the command line added to your Steam shortcut, your Steam client won't update to the new client, but will remain at beta's level.
hmmm. all my third party games r mixed up witht the others now :(
can i make a new games folder so i can organise my games list?
I like the fact that you can collapse parts of the list that you don't want - for example, the games you do not own, games coming soon etc.
i have lots of third party games installed. it makes it v difficult to find the games i play most from the list. before the update third party games were in a seperate folder

can i make a new games folder so i can organise my games list?

Not yet who, but hopefully one day......
If you still have the command line added to your Steam shortcut, your Steam client won't update to the new client, but will remain at beta's level.

I have had the command added there since it was leaked earlier then it was meant to be and it continued to update perfectly.
One reason I like it: it took 12 MB of RAM when starting and went down to 7 after that. The old Steam would constantly take up way too much RAM for me.
when are they going to fix up the problems with hl2??? the new version of steam has seriously *****d up my hl2 gaming experience. THere are now these slight but annoying pauses during the game and my water has turned YELLOW, FRICKIN YELLOW, and the edge of water and the land is now a single line, no clear transition like before, my hl2 ran smoother and with better graphics before steam was updated, and NO it is not the drivers because i have already updated to 5.9 radeon drivers and still no change, dammit valve when will you leave hl2 alone so that i can play it when i want to, thats why i bought the game, not to play it when you say so. ANyonw else resolved this issue????? please help
Everything's normal here. Like the saying goes, the biggest problem is between the monitor and the chair.
I ALREADY SAID THAT IT CHANGED ON ITS OWN DUW TO THE STEAM CHANGES, did you even read the post???????? does anyone else know how to fix this problem? or will i have to wait until steam is updated again to fix the problem, cause i know others have had the same problem.
the Steam update only changed the Steam client, not any part of HL2.
bullcrap, i noticed the changes to hl2 only this week and i didnt change a thing, how could it just stuff up on its own? can the files corrupt on their own? should i uninstall and reinstall hl2 from the DVD? i never ever had this problem before, this is new to me, i never had yellow water, noticable pauses and the water line as it gets to land there should be a visible transitoin but all you see is a straight line dividing the water with the land, this never happened before, why?
Not exactly bull crap, neither Immunity nor Pi Mu Rho are usually wrong on these instances, and lets face it, who is likely to know more ?
scarecrow1 said:
Yeah, Steam has a mind of its own. :LOL: Seriously, the problem is not Steam-wise. Let me prove it.

Everyone else who has problems with Half-Life 2 graphics right after Steam update say "I".
well if i DID NOT CHANGE A SINGLE THING!!!!!!!!!!!!! (GET THAT??? UNDERSTNAD WHAT I HAVE JUST TYPED???) then what is wrong with my hl2? i just uninstalled and reinstalled steam with halflife2 and its running worse, slower than usual with an insane amount of jerkiness. So what is the problem? i changed nothing, no feature, i updated nothing. THe only thing that has changed in the last couple of weeks is steam. Even if steam did not change halflife 2 what could cause the sudden hiccups and graphical glicthes if everything was working perfectly or the last 4 weeks???
I love the "I didn't change anything" crew. You try to fix the problem only to find they moved the install folder of the program by hand. What ammuses me is the way they know better than the experts they ask for help. Dude, look, you obviously have no idea whats up with it, so why not shut up and follow the advice of the people trying to help you.

Also, this is a community fan site, not owned or run by valve, people help for free in thier own time, so stop behaving like a twat, or no one will help you.
If I were you, I would appologise to iMMuNiTy and Pi Mu Rho, thank them for thier efforts, and hope they continue making effort even though you bitch when they do. Get that??? Understand what I have just typed????
"You try to fix the problem only to find they moved the install folder of the program by hand"....WHAT???? your an idiot man. Im trying to fix up the problem.

"Everything's normal here. Like the saying goes, the biggest problem is between the monitor and the chair"

"the Steam update only changed the Steam client, not any part of HL2"

YEAH great help, that does not help me fix the problem!!!!! Im trying to fix the problem and asked if anyone else has had the same problem and any ways of fixing it, i did not ask for some criticism. OK??
You asked if anyone had the same problem and, well, the answers speak for themselves.
I think he has shaking!!!!11!

No wonder that problem occured.

P.S. Next time, describe your problem, and post your computer specs. Don't rant about "STEAM SUX".
stop yelling, you're making decent people cry.

halflife 2 is performing exactly the same for me too after the update; if the majority had the problem (and when there is a problem like you described, there's usually 20 threads on here and 100 people complaining) it may be an issue.

'DUW' == due.
AMD athlon 64bit 3000+
1.5 gig Geil ddr ram
Gexcube Radeon 9800XT
DVD rom
plenty of hdd space
21" monitor

I have been playing hl2 perfectly all year at 1182 x 768, 4x AA, 4x AF and everything else at highest settings. I have had no problem playing it in the past. Only now, i mean like this week, it started on monday with a lot of jerkiness during the gameplay. Monday was the first time i played it since like 1 week ago where everything was perfect. When i picked up on monday it was jerky and when i got to route kanal i noticed the water was yellow shade, and the transition to the land was no longer their like before. I cheked hl: source and that works perfectly, the water effects are better than hl2. the reason i suspect seam is that on onday i checlked the forums and there was some who reported the same jerky frmarates due to the new steam implemtation (steam 3). So please can you help me with this? i really want to get back to playing halflife 2 like it was before.
Try playing around with Video Settings. Try turning off HDR (we know it's not there, but the settings could've screwed something up, like the option in the console for HDR reverted the colors), switching between various AA or AF variants. Also, did you overclock your VGA? That could be the prob.

If none worked for you, then all what's left to do is wait. Steam already got an update today fixing a major bug, maybe by the end of this week they'll solve your issue as well. Check forums for info', maybe you might find something useful there.
I use overdrive, which is a program that comes with the ati drivers, apart from that no i dont overclock it.Ill check those hdr settings. Thnx man i really appreciate it.
I think it looks a bit pap, but I like the fact that you can minimise the list of games that aren't installed at long last.
I thought it looked nice at first, then I realised it looked very very similar to Gamespy Arcade. Boooo!
kirovman said:
I thought it looked nice at first, then I realised it looked very very similar to Gamespy Arcade. Boooo!

I can look like it, but it still isn't owned by Gamespy which is the best thing.
scarecrow1 said:
"You try to fix the problem only to find they moved the install folder of the program by hand"....WHAT???? your an idiot man. Im trying to fix up the problem.

I was talking about people like me who fix computers for people like you, who have done something stupid. Not understanding what I said makes you an idiot, not me.
Only thing I don't like with new designe, is that the SDK tool still uses the old one, lazyness by valve I think..:frown:
I like everything but the buttons. The inner glow looks gaudy imo.
Ugh, I hate the way the new interface looks, it's so tacky. I mean it's no secret that I've never liked Steam, but I used to grudgingly concede that it kind of looked okay. Maybe I just have a pathological hatred of rounded corners on windows.