New Technology in episode 3

I am a sucker for dynamic this-and-that, especially things involving physics. Water... Snow...
Grenades don't have enough power to "gib". It's not really a big explosion, it's just tossing fragments of the grenade at high speed. You shouldn't even see an explosion, just a bit of high velocity smoke.

Ah, my English sucks :P

i think they should have man, if the timings and place right grenade explosion toss the whole body several feet ddidnt you ever see. and how about RPGs.
Also, double barrelled shot gun also tosses the enemy at a great distance (i would say around 4-5 feet), why not it has the power to blow the brains apart. Just a thought.
Well, shotgun and magnum have a lot more power to blow limbs and heads off than grenades.

A grenade tossing the whole body several feet away is perfectly normal - it doesn't gib, it's just wind with deadly particles.
Better explosions and sounds to accompany them

One thing that we haven't seen much of is Dynamic Displacements (1:58 of this video), so perhaps it will come back in force in time of Ep3

Well they could certainly use that "Dynamic Displacement" and those new "soft" particles technology to create sorta dynamic snow.
...and now the very same team are going to use their own engine for NS2. :P
Here is what Valve have said about Left 4 Dead.

"In addition to the new stats and ranking features, we're also working with Valve to include support for multi-core processors. We've added physics-based animation to Source for things such as the Boomer's jiggly belly full of blood, flexible hair that moves naturally, and floppy bits of clothing. We're also leveraging the new particle system coming to Source for enhanced effects. That's just some of what's coming in the first release." - Valve's Michael Booth.

So I think floppy clothing and flexible hair will most definatly be in Episode 3. I also hope they will include God rays into the engine. They looked amazing in Crysis.
"In addition to the new stats and ranking features, we're also working with Valve to include support for multi-core processors. We've added physics-based animation to Source for things such as the Boomer's jiggly belly full of blood, flexible hair that moves naturally, and floppy bits of clothing. We're also leveraging the new particle system coming to Source for enhanced effects. That's just some of what's coming in the first release." - Valve's Michael Booth.

I think the Metrocops original design of having a trenchcoat would be so cool now with this tech, and hopefully will see Alyx's hair blow naturally in the wind
i would like some SoF gore and dismemberment in ep3, i'm getting bored of just sawing the zombie in half. k thanks.
this might be too farfetched for ep 3 but i would like to see water physics improved by adding the HydroEngine to the Source engine, kinda like what they did with the Havok engine.

The HydroEngine is a video game engine created by Blade Interactive for their upcoming video game Hydrophobia for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360; it will also be the first to use the gaming engine. Developed over 3 years, it has a unique capability which allows modelling of flowing water and other liquids for the first time. It is entirely dynamic, which means the effect is not repeated and thus allowing different effects each time. The engine can also interface with solid body physics engines such as Havok,which allows objects and debris to be carried with the flow. Another new development platform, called the InfiniteWorldsGCS interfaces directly with the HydroEngine. According to the developers it is "an underlying architecture, which can interface with bespoke editors tailored to individual game projects".
(Wikipedia: HydroEngine)
this could be used to make some interesting new puzzles for ep 3 (maybe even replacing their teeter totter puzzles that they show off a lot).

i would also like to see their graphics to be greatly improved. the engine is a few years old and has had only a few updates per game, so it's getting kinda old. don't get me wrong, i love the graphics, i just wish my friends would stop b****ing about how "l4d's graphics suck" (which came out less than a month ago) when they still love to play the game. if Valve improved the graphics, people would like their games even more than they do with the slightly outdated graphics they have now.
I'm really dying to see a level that takes place at night. The only one we got was in Ravenholm, but the skybox itself wasn't that great (at least these days). I was thinking when Gordon goes to the Arctic, it should be night time, and there should be this really hi-def skybox with the entire constellation of stars, and the moon, and you can even see a milky band go across it so its like part of the milky way. (i saw this kind of scenery in RL before and it looked amazing)
^Great idea Fiberawptic, maybe we could also see the aurora borealis, otherwise known as the Northern Lights. i think the name being the same as the ship, the borealis, is just a coincidence, maybe it could be an easter egg or maybe they could streak through the sky, leading you to the borealis (maybe). it would also look really amazing.
this might be too farfetched for ep 3 but i would like to see water physics improved by adding the HydroEngine to the Source engine, kinda like what they did with the Havok engine.

This is impossible to do at all , let alone in source. They would have to completely redesign the entire engine.
What would be the point? It would be a massive waste of time. Half-life has never been about water combat save for one chapter in the original. Almost everything takes place on land , unless the world suddenly gains a large amount of liquid that may or may not be water in HL3.
i was talking about for puzzles. Like in Half-Life 2 when your in the sewer and there are some water puzzles. but maybe they could incorporate it into combat somehow too (not really sure how though). and even despite the Combine draining our oceans, you can still see a lot of water when your on the beach. and there is water when you first teleport in half-life 2-you are teleported into a lake where the Ichthyosaur almost eats you before you get teleported again. these prove that there is still a lot of water in the world
Flowing grass like the system used in the Dunia Engine, graphically wise its simpler than say the stuff in Oblivion, but when the wind starts blowing, it really looks like grass.

Besides speaking about the water, it could just be low tide. Assuming the portal storms occured pretty much everywhere, the people on those boats could of been attacked and killed whilst out to sea, and the tides could of just washed them into the harbors and the like.
People haven't you realized that this thread is 5 months old?

Yes, but another "class" of people won't realise that recycling a thread is much better than creating a whole new one; with the same topic in mind
They should use SpeedTree and random face generator. God it's annoying to watch same rebel faces all over again.
I dont know how technical this would be, but im hoping the environments are massive, and im not talking about like Fallout 3 kinda massive, but just open them up a bit more like crysis (if outdoors). In an arctic setting, its gotta look really open. They don't have to actually have to make it so you can wander around the entire area, just make it LOOK more open, by improving skybox technology...
Originally Posted by death evader
yes, but another "class" of people won't realise that recycling a thread is much better than creating a whole new one; with the same topic in mind

I agree, by recycling this thread, we're doing our part to save the planet.
id say the clothing/ hair upgrade would be most probable but i could also see a 3d ocean sort of upgrade as well