New TLP: Shadows of Winter Media

the girls hair is fake... and i dont like knights and wizards... and i dont like wizards, but i must agree, i looks interesting :D
Quite interesting indeed. Im teh pwn and/or smite teh newb h4x0r g4m3rs with 4X3
is the girl renedered concept or an actual model ? if concept then sweet, if 3d model then wow!!!
yeh thats what i;m that a model or just a render?
She's a high-res model w/minor After-Effects touch-ups. We're hoping to re-create her and the other models as faithful to these high-res concepts as possible for Source. With all the power Source has to offer, it's only artistic skill that's a limitation (instead of technical shortcomings).
plus theres that thing with dynamic shadows;)

i love the conept, but people are ignoring the sweetness of the weapons with their specular shadings and bump maps. neat weaponry
Resvrgam said:
She's a high-res model w/minor After-Effects touch-ups. We're hoping to re-create her and the other models as faithful to these high-res concepts as possible for Source. With all the power Source has to offer, it's only artistic skill that's a limitation (instead of technical shortcomings).

I just looked at your website, and I have to say that the mod looks great. The sheer ambition of the mod is amazing, but even more impressive than that is the feeling of competence and devotion that accompanies it. It seems apparent that this mod is for real.

Good luck! I look forward to playing it!
Thanks. We look forward to bringing this project to fruition and hope you enjoy it.
Resvrgam said:
Thanks. We look forward to bringing this project to fruition and hope you enjoy it.

this is a forum, not a tea party, use normal words... (frution? wtf?)

joking of course... =P

i've just finished to look at your site and i think it looks great
even the storyline and all the other stuff

great job
Personally Im getting bored of seeing weapon renders from yet, another HL2 mod!
I understand your concern, tobe. "Nice 3D where's the actual product?!"

Unfortunately, this is an amateur endeavor; meaning no one's receiving any type of payment for their troubles. So what are we supposed to do to obtain more team members willing to invest the amount of time & effort required for this project's success? - Show off what our initial members have accomplished.

Morale's a pretty hard thing to manage when dealing with 'employees' you're not paying. As a result, we need to generate as much momentum as early as possible in hopes to attract as many contributors/interest as possible and the byproduct is usually a bunch of models.

Rest assured, our World Builders/Environment Modelers are hard at work to bring more material to light in the coming months.
Yeah me too tobe, but these these are of good quality compared to others. Oh and that guy with one leg and the grey hair almost made me vomit my intestines.
aku ankka said:
Little less cleavage please! :rolling:
i SOOOOOOOO hope your being sarcastic ;)

Resvrgam, thing about the hl2 community, is you simplly can't make them all happy. you cna make something you think is uber, and about 40% of the community will look for any reason to knock it, or knock the mod.

I do think myself there's too many mods, but some of the things people say if a mod doesn't live up to the standards of a pro game company are irritating.

I hope one day the community understands that people give up ALOT of their free time in order to make them new content for their games for FREE, and quit bitching about every little thing they don't like.
Awsome... loving that sweet mace and warhammer. I have a feeling this mod is going to be good. :)
Anyone with doubts about this mod: look at the character images on their site. :eek:

This looks so much more accomplished than a lot of publisher-funded games it's embarrassing. Fantastic work guys, can't wait to play! :bounce:
The weapons look great :) I love the mace ... And the girl looks really nice too ... infact i am impressed with pretty much everything on the site! :thumbs:
There's a good range of weapons and the selection of runes available is pretty interesting too ...
I thought that it was cool that there were three classes of horse that are essentially the games 'vehicles' and i would love to see that in action (hopefully not too much of a bumpy ride when you are galloping along? i guess that has to be some kind of movement for realism?) ...
The whole site is very well done and there is plenty to get your teeth into - i am very impressed :)
(If only i had some modding skills lol)
Wow you certainly have a very talented CGI artist on your team those characters are spectacular.
Weaponmodels are great can't wait to see more of them.
i like this female character, it reminds me alot of the woman in O.C
whats her name ?
This news post said:
The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter team has put together two new weapon renders and a concept piece for a character named Illia.
... :p
The chick from the O.C.? I just Googled the show and the closest person I could see that *might* look like Illia (our character) is the actress Melinda Clarke (known in that show as Julie Cooper). I try and avoid American TV so any similarities are purely coincidental though... I'd love to be able to make our models actually resemble real actors.

I guess that's a point for us if the model I presented looks similar to a *real* person. :)
This mod is looking real nice, good website and some great ideas. Keep up the good work peeps.