New Vehicle

Don't worry, I'm sure it will Remedy the situation and make an Electronic Art out of driving in computer games.
Not keen on it, not the car, the "50%" use of it, no thanks, hover boat was enough in HL2. :sleep:

And here is the proof just so you know...

//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: Zombies on cars!

#include "cbase.h"
#include "npcevent.h"
#include "ai_motor.h"
#include "ai_senses.h"
#include "vehicle_jeep_episodic.h"
#include "ai_behavior_passenger_zombie.h"

#define JUMP_ATTACH_DIST_THRESHOLD            1000
#define JUMP_ATTACH_FACING_THRESHOLD        0.70710678    // cos(45)

#define ATTACH_PREDICTION_INTERVAL            0.2f


BEGIN_DATADESC( CAI_PassengerBehaviorZombie )

    DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastVerticalLean, FIELD_FLOAT ),
    DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastLateralLean,    FIELD_FLOAT ),
    DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextLeapTime,        FIELD_TIME ),

Thats the start of the cpp file for passenger zombies.

Reminds me ALOT of PHP coding. Infact it practicly is.

Hey, if the car overheats, d'you think Steam will come out of it?

*Sigh* lol, nice one. :D
Actually it's C++ Code from the SDK
And yes, PHP has some kind of a typical scripting features and C/C++ syntax.
The part you've got there just is the beginning of a .cpp file, so it just includes some other files and sets some replacements for the preprocessor (the #define s are used like constants obviously)
The whole idea behind using the car in EP2 is to improve on that which we've seen before. Namely the Airboat and buggy.
Any friendly NPC can be a gunner, so what about Gordon bieng gunner while teh NPC drives? It works on G-Mod 10.
for that you have two options:
1. you're on a rail
2. the npc drives dynamically with its ai
neither of these are particularly good options

if you can customize your car, as it looks like you can, I wonder how far it goes
ie, if you have to put armour over the wheels, what can happen to the wheels?
Any friendly NPC can be a gunner, so what about Gordon bieng gunner while teh NPC drives? It works on G-Mod 10.
1: In my experience AI drives usually get you killed.
2: You've played Gmod 10?
I think he's talking about [this] Blog post of garry, which shows the new animations for characters on a car.
But as far as I know the showcase in the video was scripted, and there's no driving AI for sure