New Video Card Problems


Jul 14, 2004
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My new video card is interfereing with my sound effects in Counter-Strike Source, and even in Winamp.

I get these crackles in my music, and it sporadically speeds up, and returns back to normal. It is really annoying in CS:S when I'm trying to play a game..

The video card runs like a beaut, but it interferes with sound. Usually the sounds would be choppy due to memory usage with programs.

I shut down nearly everything except for the bare escentials, and I still get this problem...I never used to get it before, and I've re-installed CS:Source thinking that when we installed the new card, that it would fix CS:Source..But no..

My graphics card is the ATi All-In-Wonder 9600XT 128 MB/AGP 4x/8x.

My PC is P4 2.0 GHz Processor, with 512 RAM.

We haven't, however, put in the sound input to the card, because we thought that it was only for video editing and stuff...Should we hook up that?

What should I do?
Sorry, I didn't realize this had a lot to do with the sound skipping that VALVe has addressed.

As far as I know, the update for that was downloaded. Nothing fixed (Keep in mind my problems are in CS:Source, and I don't know if HL2 has it as well) the sound skipping.

My father found some suggestions on fixing this...

1. "Download the latest drivers for your video card"
Already did this. Our original drivers were from 2003. The new drivers for the card now were the ones released shortly after HL2 came out.

2. "Turn down (or off) anti-aliasing completely"
3. Drop your video resolution down on step.
4. Drop texture level down on setting. This will slightly degrade the visual quality of the textures in the game.

I dropped my resolution in game all the way down to 800x600, and still got the problems.

I don't know what else to do..And its the weekend, so I doubt STEAM staff is going to be at the support desk..
simple get a BETTER SOUND CARD, no matter how good the videocard is, the sound can be choppy or staticky if you dont have a proper sound card...

*i usually dont say this to people i dont know but i feel generous 2day so... check at or ca wherever you live and ther search for Audigy 1 at least, i found 1 for only 60.99$ (can) + 60.99$ (can) Creative inspire speakers 5.1 ss.... pretty cheap yet very good quality....

(If you buy it, i suggest you turn down the bass when a grenade or rocket goes offf, cuz i really shakes up the pplace.......)
I use headphones.

And my soundcard is perfectly fine outside of Source, and before my new video card...There is a audio in that it says to put in, but we thought that was only for video editing...

Heres my sound card specs:
Creative SB Live! Series (WDM)

Is that an "ok" card?
i gues it is....

maybe its the audio settings that are ruining the sound quality....
or if you put graphics on high and that your video crad cant really handle it, the sound skips a couple of times...

i have a geforce 4 MX440 ( the worlds "BEST" video card....[insert sarcasm])and when i get into a big fight like in the prison the sound skips a couple of times.... :(