New Video card?


Apr 27, 2005
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I wanna buy myself a new video card so new games will run at highest settings

what do you guys recommend?
I depends on the specs of the rest of your system.
But it would probably have to be a Gforce 7800 GT.
t's not the best, but can run all games currently on highest setting, and it's better to not buy the best cause soon directx10 cards wil come on the market.
Grey Fox said:
I depends on the specs of the rest of your system.
But it would probably have to be a Gforce 7800 GT.
t's not the best, but can run all games currently on highest setting, and it's better to not buy the best cause soon directx10 cards wil come on the market.

how soon?
this summer I think but even then it wont work till vista comes out

this is from another forum I frequent's advice to a user who wants to purchase a vid card that will keep him going till the g80's (directx 10 support) come out

"First off the G80 will not arrive before the X-mas buying cycle (late Oct/earlyNov) at the eraliest, and even that seems like wishful thinking, but definitely not summer so the wait will be at least 9 months IMO."

here's he's talking about whether it's worth upgrading to 16x to 32x sli boards

The question of the 16x SLi Mobos is theroretically appealing and will allow you to run cards without an SLi link, however there is a slight performance drop by doing so on higher end cards, just the added latency is enough for that. If it's a small premium though then definitely go for it, not for the simple SLi factors but for the flexability. Having the additional lanes reduces the 'need' for the divider. Will the G80 saturate the 8x pipe on it's own? I doubt it, and even if so the performance difference will be so infinitesimally small in everything other than specially designed benchmarks that it won't matter for gaming. Where is might matter and why I say plan for flexibility, is for features where the GPU acts in concert with other parts, such as taking on PPU functions, video co-processing. Those are variables that you can consider.
However all that being said, really who want a 6 month old MoBo at the time you smack one of those new puppies in? By the time the G80 is an issue, you'll likely be staring at new MoBo designs that offer DDR2, quad core support, etc. I'd rather by a cheap 'for right now' MoBo that matches my cheap 'for right now' GF7800GT, and then upgrade them both when the time comes. For the price difference between a fully equipped SLi-16 mobos and the more reasonable traditional 8+8, I'd say take the risk as I believe it's very low. By the time you need to worry about 16/32x, you'll be considering PCIe-150 equipped MoBos, which would be a bigger concern to me for the next series of power hungry cards."

hope that helps somewhat ...personally I'd get a 7800gt can get one for about $350 canadian
As much as I'd like to upgrade my system, I just can't bring myself to do it seeing as the DX10 line of cards and Windows Vista is right around the corner.

Like others have suggested, go with the 7800GT if you don't want to wait 9 months or so.
I am in agreement with all of the above, 7800GT would offer the best purchase right now
7800gt is an awesome card and you can have a dual set up if your motherboard is sli enabled
2*7800gts = shens :E