New Video Cards


Jun 8, 2003
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I was wondering when the new graphic cards are supposed to be released. (i also heard that the 512MB version of the XT PE is supposed to be pretty close, if thats true, how close?) Thanks.
BaNDiT said:
I was wondering when the new graphic cards are supposed to be released. (i also heard that the 512MB version of the XT PE is supposed to be pretty close, if thats true, how close?) Thanks.

What new cards?

I haven't heard anything about a 512mb XT PE...what are your sources?
Should be befor december. They may be released befor december but that doesnt mean you will see them on store shelves buy december. I got an email from ati a couple days ago because I was frustrated with that lack of x800 xt's and they said just because a card has been released doesnt mean it will be on store shelves, it can take as much as 2 months.

They shouldnt even think about releasing those cards untill they get their backorders filled.

Kinda off topic but What pisses me off is we got all these companies selling their x800 pro's vivo edition. People have been saying they have had a 100% success rate in modding them into x800 xtpe's. Why dont the companies just produce more x800 xtpe's instead of these vivo's?

Oh and this is from the hardocp forums. This is from an ATI rep.
"Hello Hilbert, - at the actual date, I cannot confirm that our Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition will not be discontinued. "
Read that very carefully.

This was posted after some people suggested the x800 xt's were being discontinued. If you browse threw some of the threads people are saying that ATI is dropping the x800 xtpe, and just working on a new card altogethor.
I can't imagine anyone even thinking of buying a 512mb card right now. It'll probably cost well over $700.
i bet itll be 500 when its released. but all the games on the d3 engine can use 512Mb Vid mem.