new video ? when ?

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It's Tuesday and we still have no video. Gave newell lied in that e-mail. :(
Noone is lying. Software development (Steam) is this way!

You think it will be ready tomorrow, then you test the software again and you (always) find an ugly bug. Fixing those (near release) bugs is always taking more time than expected...

So it's OK for me if they will delay the next video again.
Originally posted by Frapl
Noone is lying. Software development (Steam) is this way!

You think it will be ready tomorrow, then you test the software again and you (always) find an ugly bug. Fixing those (near release) bugs is always taking more time than expected...

So it's OK for me if they will delay the next video again.
how the heck can you have a bug in a video? They're the exact same ones!! Heck I think the Quicktime versions were gotten from the high quality Bink formats. There's no bugs. they're just too lazy drinking beer and watching brirney spears fake pr0n to upload the damn video. :bonce:
Not in the video. Bugs in Steam and CS 1.6 (they updated it yesterday).

Maybe they didn't want to bring out the update for CS 1.6 and the video at the same time to avoid Steam problems or to have something immediatly for testing Steam if it seems to be necessary to update Steam again after they made the CS update available. Who knows... ;)
Heck I think the Quicktime versions were gotten from the high quality Bink formats.

Nope. The bink is new.

Almost certainly, the extra time is because they are trying to rethink how to precache stuff so as to foil hexers who are messing up their ability to plan and execute worldwide simultaneous content releases. Remember, this is BETA software that is for THEIR convienience, not ours. They are giving us completely free content, after all.
i'm still mad at vulva for breaking their promise or releasing a new video every other day. :borg: :flame:
Well there's always tomorrow. But valve really needs to learn some time management.
Originally posted by Yatta
i'm still mad at vulva for breaking their promise or releasing a new video every other day. :borg: :flame:

Haha vulva.

Meh, i've given up on waiting, I don't mind at all if it doesn't come out on "x" day.
I hope the "new" video will include all the first part as well as the zombie part, but it seems like they might cut it up as this movie would be a bit larger than the other 3 released. But hey, maybe the size has something to do with how long it's taking them.
I like that idea, bigger = longer to upload to all servers or whatever.

haha, preloading to the servers, then preloading to us, then the real DL/ unlocking.

sigh, its tuesday and its late, maybe it'll show up tomorrow
new video would be nice, im not dieing for it though

Hm...when I click on "Half-Life 2 Movies" in steam and then "launch media", steam gives me this error: "PreCondition Assertion Failed" and then a bunch of other crap. What gives?
Originally posted by Yatta
i'm still mad at vulva for breaking their promise or releasing a new video every other day. :borg: :flame:

TO be fair people did start taking the vids before they werew properly released. Valve probably didnt like that and they also have likely been working on a way to stop it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the people get a hold of the video beforehand because it was already on their comps in a cache file? If valve doesn't want us to get them early, then why send them early?
looks like they're not releasing the 4th video today either. bastards. :(
Originally posted by Infiniti
Jesus, this is getting gay
gay that people are complaining or gay that they're not releasing it? :)
How many videos are left? Around 6 or more? It would make sense to release one every week. I expect the next one Friday...and the next after that on Friday....etc.

Its a good plan...that might be what they are doing.

If you are wondering why 3 were released last week so quickly...its probably to make people aware that there is something called STEAM and it downloads videos for HL2...

Very good marketing scheme!
It's evil though! They keep us on the edge, when they could probably release all of them any time they wanted to. And they are just recycling old footage in a higher quality. But it's probably not a bad move on Valve's part.
Ideally we should expect them to come out 2 weeks in between
That way, were happy and suprised when one comes out so soon!

if they can't even bring out a stupid movie in time, how are we to suspect the release of the game will be in time?! my respect for VALVE is descending !
It is only 68 days left until we have Half-Life II in our hands (Or if the game will be delayed it’s a different story)! They must release all the 6 (?) videos until the game arrives for the love of God!
vertetski - I igree with you in 100%

no chance to relase this game in time.
Valve sucks!
Originally posted by vertetski
if they can't even bring out a stupid movie in time, how are we to suspect the release of the game will be in time?! my respect for VALVE is descending !

Originally posted by D@rko
vertetski - I igree with you in 100%

no chance to relase this game in time.
Valve sucks!

What in the world are you all talking about? Gabe said they would release the next video after the weekend...NOT MONDAY....
Yeah, good lord

I'd rather have ValvE working on getting HL2 out on time rather then hi-quality vids (even though they might be handled by different groups, i.e. Steam/media division of vavle?)

And if you hate valve then you wouldn't want the videos or the game . :dozey:

even if they put it off, it shouldn't be too long
"decided against announcing the game and milking it for years" is along the lines Gabe described HL2's announcement
They announced when they thought they could pull it off, and they have my faith :)

Do you know how long the N64 was supposed to come out, but was helf off for over a year if i remember right.

we won't be waiting that long
How long did it take for Daikatana to come out? 2-3 years? Hope that doesn’t happen to HL2...
I don't think they'll postpone HL2's release.... they said "...PC version will ship September 30th" and i believe them :) you don't give an exact date if youre not sure of it. Besides, they've long finished HL2 and have been busy for a LONG time allready with playtesting, so my faith of a steady release date still stands. :cheese:

Besides.... has anyone heard of the delay of doom3 yet? :bounce: WHAHAHA :devil: Maybe they got scared of the power of the V-Source-Force :cool:
Oh geezes.. About HL2 <=> Doom3

The facial expressions (is one thing) is important for a game like HL2.. Doom 3 doesn't need that sort of thing. Doom3 has an equally good engine, but with other specifications. Lighting for example, which is far more important in a game like Doom3! Who'll need facial expressions, when you're shitting your pants in a dark room kicking some Doom3 alien ass? I certainly won't! I just want to frag my ass off with superb graphics in Doom3. HL2 is more about a story & player - interactive action.

You guys finally get the grip, yes? IMO btw

About that release date : Gabe also mentioned literally : "The current release date for HL2 is 30 september, but if we find some bugs a few days before the release, we will definately delay the shippings."

Have patience, they just want the game to be perfect, and not having to release patches 1 week after the release of the game. They don't want to let down the hardcore HL2 fans.

And if you guys hate Valve just because they don't release their ALREADY SEEN movies on time (And for the fourth movie, they're STILL on time.. I quote : "The fourth movie will be released (early) next week"), you're all really low. SO

Ya people, stop pressing flupke's buttons. You going to make him have cow triplets.
Originally posted by Orange
Ideally we should expect them to come out 2 weeks in between
That way, were happy and suprised when one comes out so soon!

Thats the daftest thing ive read all day.

With a game engine anyone could probably have bink videos ready within say 8 hours. Giving pleanty of time to **** about. So thats not the problem. Gabe would have sorted the videos within a day or two and handed them over to the steam team to use at their discression. Therefore it shouldnt interfear with HL2. None of this "they arent being released cos Gabe is working on HL2" shiz.

The steam team have got these vids and either having problems with their distribution (unlikely) or are just choosing not to release them. I cant think of many reasons why they would take so long over it.

Best guess is they are trying to spead the videos out, make the old vids and some new vids last till the end of september. The other reasons are they just dont care about it that much, its not a priority and they have better things todo with their time. The steam team probably dont understand how much some people want these videos.

2 weeks between though, that is a f@ckin joke, 2 weeks for a 1 min vid? laughable but unfortunately possible.

Say there was 10 vids, i would say a good comprimise would have been get them all released within 2 weeks. end of.
Gabe also mentioned literally : "The current release date for HL2 is 30 september, but if we find some bugs a few days before the release, we will definately delay the shippings."

While I'm sure that's true, Gabe never said this about HL2. Erik Johnson said it about the video releases on Steam.
Ach, the thing is, Valve is trying to keep us occupied with the same outdated videos. They can release all of the videos any time they feel like it. They are MILKING them dry. Valve is stalling so they won't have to show as much new footage. It would be nice if they would release all of the vids over the next 1-2 weeks and afterwards release some new info.

Although I must admit, my experience when I first play Half-Life 2 will be better the less I know about it.
Hwy man can a buy a larger version of that Arnold poster so that maybe i could put it in my room?
Originally posted by Apos
While I'm sure that's true, Gabe never said this about HL2. Erik Johnson said it about the video releases on Steam.

Yes, my apologies for that..