new video



Hey folks,
I have made a new edit of those mentioned 11 shakycam videos into one cool video. It runs for 4 minutes, and rocks to music by The Crystal Method.
And as in the previous small videos (see this thread, first post: ), you can see Gordon push a button for the first time since Half-Life, and also Alyx's robotic pet who's called DOG (supposedly). Check it out!
Here is the address to the high quality version(49 MB):

The low quality version can be found here(7 Megs):

They might move the files location, so grab it now!

Any feedback is welcome.
Downloading now. Thanks for the work, and for the info!
You're welcome:) I suggest downloading the high quality version, I'm still fixing up the smaller one...
46 mb in 2 minutes.

*kisses cable connection*
mMmmmm, 400 kB/s :D Thanks a lot. Here's to hoping for better quality, and a little more hype-injection.
Also big thanks to Bizzar from for hosting the files...
thank you, thank you, thank you!

:cheers: !Cheers! :cheers:

ps seems like everyday now there's a new little something to keep us all going - remember the days when weeks / months would go buy with nary a word / screenie / rumor? :p
Well, low quality video is fixed, so you can download that 2 now...
Nice vid, puts them all together very well. Pity the original shakycam vids are so bad quality.

commmmon E3:)
That's a pretty sweet mirror.. 382kb/sec (right at my DL cap) :)

That was pretty cool, definitely looks a little clearer than just bumping it up to 200%
Crystal Method kicks ass! Anyway, good job on the video. I'm proud of ya, boy.
I have managed to NOT download the videos yet.

And I'm not going to.
I think that's the guy who had the plan to not look at any new media for some reason. :dork:
brokenjago said:
I have managed to NOT download the videos yet.

And I'm not going to.
Good for you
People who don't look at spoilers are dumbheads!!
haha none can beat my 476 kb/sec :p it finished downloading in 20 seconds. :D
did u notice that in the vid when DOG came out from the room he pasted the door before it even got lifted? i hope its a bug and they'll fix it! :hmph:
Thanks for the link for the video.

Some pretty cool scenes in the video, like that paint container thrown against the wall and white paint hits the wall aswell. Also those razor sharp blades used to cut up zombies, neat idea. My anticipation is growing.
Play4Fun said:
did u notice that in the vid when DOG came out from the room he pasted the door before it even got lifted? i hope its a bug and they'll fix it! :hmph:

It was a minor bug, obviously it will be fixed.
Wow, that was a cool video. Nice work editing it togheter like that, and the music fits to it very nicely :)
Very nice man, sure spices it up ;)

What song is that of crystal method?
Thanks for the feedback guys. The song is called "Keep hope alive" by the Crystal Method, more people asked that, though it is at the end of the video. Maybe it's too unreadable. The album is called "Vegas", it is highly recommended, if you like the song... Also all other albums by them, the latest one features "Born too slow" known from the Need For Speed: Underground game and its soundtrack.

Well anyway, thanks people!