New weapons in Aftermath


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
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What new weapons do you think will, or you would you like to be added in
Aftermath. Personaly I miss some of the old weapons from Half Life 1,
like the gauss, trip-mine, egon, snark and the hornet gun.
In truth I'm not really anticipating what new weapons Valve have in store for us. I mean yeah, I hope there is going to be some but...all in all I'm not that interested. Well, I'd like to see something alien-like, a weapon that isn't human influenced.
So what? :p
I bet AK-47s will still be the most "popular" weapon in teh dark future :) And it's better than the Overwatch Cannon :p

edit - AK-47's presence in HL2 would be far more likely than MP7 (yes, I know these are different weapon types, but AK47 is eastern europe made and mp7 is the capitalistic USA :D )
I agree the Overwatch pulse rifle isn't that good, except for the secodary fire
lol. If they whant to add a human weapon I think they shoul add the saw light
machinegun for extra firepower. I would prefer they would add more alien weapons, the stranger the better.
Another Combine weapon would be nice. Apart from that, I'm satisfied with what we've got now.
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Przemek said:
So what? :p
I bet AK-47s will still be the most "popular" weapon in teh dark future :) And it's better than the Overwatch Cannon :p

edit - AK-47's presence in HL2 would be far more likely than MP7 (yes, I know these are different weapon types, but AK47 is eastern europe made and mp7 is the capitalistic USA :D )
You do know that the MP-7 is made by H&K right? Who are a German company. With its main manufacturing facilities in Germany. Where they make the MP-7.

But I do agree, an AK of some sort would be very cool, although I would prefer an AK-74 of some discription, because just about every army in eastern europe uses them and the look seriosly cool.
What happend to the Pulse Rifle that set people on fire using secondary fire in the Trailers? That rocked.
Cremator flamethrowers would be a sweet weapon.
Here's a weird little list of weapons I would like to be added:
-Sniper rifle
-Gauss with thermal scope
-A portable version of the strider big f.....g gun:naughty:
-grenades that freeze everything on impact
-a head crab launcher:E
-a remote black-hole generator
-the wrench from Opposing Force (that thing sure packed a wallop)
-glue gun (just kidding:LOL: )
-a close range melee weapon that could change shape, a nanomorph
tentacle (if you've seen Terminator 2 you know what I mean)

And many, many more crazy stuff.
God forbid they put in effective weapons. Substance ftw.

Anyway, I highly doubt any new weapons happening.
I found the weapons quite effective, if a little lacking on punch. I think some of your ideas are way too whacky Redneck :p
I don't see much need for a sniper rifle when you have the crossbow, but if they were to ditch the crossbow in Aftermath, which wouldn't bother me too much, I'd like a sniper rifle. As awesome as the crossbow was, it simply didn't hold up to the ****ing ace sounding crossbow that was the HL1 crossbow. HL2 crossbow aesthetically was awesome, but it didn't have a great sound.

Grenades that freeze everything on impact? Black hole gun? No thanks!

I'm satisfied with HL2's arsenal as it is. But if we get more, which we will be getting, I'll welcome them with open arms.
I'd like the automatic weapons to more accurate when crouching and less accurate when running :p but aside from that, something a little more kinetic as a replacement for the SMG.
i crouched in half lfe 2 when shooting :p Almost always.
Redneck said:
I agree the Overwatch pulse rifle isn't that good, except for the secodary fire
lol. If they whant to add a human weapon I think they shoul add the saw light
machinegun for extra firepower. I would prefer they would add more alien weapons, the stranger the better.

I think it is fairly good in the right cases.

1. You're out of ammo with everything else.
2. You're at very close range.
3. You want to pick off headcrabs without a crowbar.
4. You can't risk getting diced by the manhacks.

One or two new weapons would be fine, personally I wouldn't be disappointed if there were no new weapons at all.
I didn't really like the Pulse rifle at first and rarely used it because I found it so innacurate. But eventually I found it was one of the most awesome weapons in the game, simply because a few gentle shots will sort out your opponent.
Redneck said:
Here's a weird little list of weapons I would like to be added:
-Sniper rifle
-Gauss with thermal scope
-A portable version of the strider big f.....g gun:naughty:
-grenades that freeze everything on impact
-a head crab launcher:E
-a remote black-hole generator
-the wrench from Opposing Force (that thing sure packed a wallop)
-glue gun (just kidding:LOL: )
-a close range melee weapon that could change shape, a nanomorph
tentacle (if you've seen Terminator 2 you know what I mean)

And many, many more crazy stuff.

All of those guns are usable in Garry's Mod. All of them.(Except the glue gun)
The combine pulse rifle or the shotgun were my two favorite weapons. I tried the MP-7 for like 4 encounters and concluded the weapon was absolute garbage. It spreads way too much and no amount of weapon control can compensate for it. Ammo is plentiful anyways for the 12 gauge and pulse rifle.

When firing the pulse rifle, I usually make it semiautomatic (through my mouse, IE click once for each bullet) and aim for the chest. The spread is still too much for anything else. Unlike CS or CS:S, the first bullet isn't dead-on the crosshair. However, the spread of the pulse rifle is much more managable than the MP-7.
Two words: iron sights, just like in Sin Episodes. I got used to this aiming after playing Call of Duty and Battlefield 2 and this is the main reason I can't play CS:S :p
0mar said:
The combine pulse rifle or the shotgun were my two favorite weapons. I tried the MP-7 for like 4 encounters and concluded the weapon was absolute garbage. It spreads way too much and no amount of weapon control can compensate for it. Ammo is plentiful anyways for the 12 gauge and pulse rifle.

When firing the pulse rifle, I usually make it semiautomatic (through my mouse, IE click once for each bullet) and aim for the chest. The spread is still too much for anything else. Unlike CS or CS:S, the first bullet isn't dead-on the crosshair. However, the spread of the pulse rifle is much more managable than the MP-7.

I actually found the MP-7 useful at times, if because I think it looks good :p
I did pretty much did the same for the Pulse rifle, and every now and then controlled bursts.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
All of those guns are usable in Garry's Mod. All of them.(Except the glue gun)

You're kidding, no really?
And I thought they were original crazy weapons, oh well.

I think they should replace the bow with a sniper rifle, it would be much better. Speaking of the cross bow, what the hell are those phosphorous
bars it shoots with, shouldn't it use steel arrows or something?

About the automatic weapons: I think the pulse rifle and the mp7 would be good if they made them more accurate and maybe add an aiming function,
that would be nice.
Redneck said:
Speaking of the cross bow, what the hell are those phosphorous
bars it shoots with, shouldn't it use steel arrows or something?

As I understand, they are superheated metal, that goes through almost any armour. The bow itself has some sort of mechanism that, well, superheats the arrow before firing. No, it doesn't make much sense to me, either.
I think the weapons need particular sprucing up. The weapons sucked immesnsely in HL2...
From ammo limitations to well...Everything. Unbalanced and unfun...

Some more alien weapons would be nice...
Vagrant said:
I think the weapons need particular sprucing up. The weapons sucked immesnsely in HL2...
From ammo limitations to well...Everything. Unbalanced and unfun...

Some more alien weapons would be nice...

I agree 100% with you on that, the weapons sucked a lot.

The Pulse Rifle needs a new reloading animation, one that looks coherent with the kind of amunition you get, needs also a retexturing, to make it look like more like the Combine Stationary Manned Machine Gun. Needs also a fire selector.

The MP7 (A.K.A. "piece of shit") should stop firing those grenades that are bigger than the barrel itself, besides the real MP7 dos not fire grenades, it needs a fire selector for improved acuracy as well as a full extended buttstock, instead of the retracted one, the ACOG sight should remodeled to fit the real size, and the clip should be remodeled to fit its real size.

No kind of 12-Gauge fires 2 rounds out of a single barrel, that physically impossible, and the Shotgun should have bigger damage and a stronger recoil. And also a extended buttstock.

The USP needs a slower rate of fire, bulkier (bigger and more badass) model, and bigger damage.

And all weapons should be fully modeled so that when you choose to play with the gun on the left side you´ll get the real left side instead of a mirrored image.
Victor2 said:
The MP7 (A.K.A. "piece of shit") should stop firing those grenades that are bigger than the barrel itself, besides the real MP7 dos not fire grenades

Grenades aren't fired from the gun's barrel. There is a small grenade laucher attached to the barrel. There are similar solutions in some real life assault guns.
Lightice said:
Grenades aren't fired from the gun's barrel. There is a small grenade laucher attached to the barrel.

No there isn´t, if you are refering the to same sized barrel under the barrel itself the grenade wouldn´t fit either, plus like I said the MP7 in the real world does not have and underbarrel grenade launcher.

Lightice said:
There are similar solutions in some real life assault guns.

Then Valve shoud´ve placed an Assault Rifle with a REAL grenade launcher. Even the Mp5 can be modified to fit an M203, but the MP7 doesn´t.

PS: like this

EDIT: forget what I said about the Acog sight, I was bullshitting

Valve remaking the MP7 with as much details as this one without the imaginary Grenade Launcher, and a fire selector would be enough for me
Victor2 said:
No kind of 12-Gauge fires 2 rounds out of a single barrel, that physically impossible, and the Shotgun should have bigger damage and a stronger recoil. And also a extended buttstock.

The USP needs a slower rate of fire, bulkier (bigger and more badass) model, and bigger damage.

And all weapons should be fully modeled so that when you choose to play with the gun on the left side you´ll get the real left side instead of a mirrored image.

I agree with you. There should be a lot of changes done to the weapons to make them more realistic, destructive and of course fun.
The SPAS 12 fired 2 rounds out of a single barrel in HL 1 too, and yeah it's not
physically possible. I would like it if they replaced it with a badass jackhammer
with full automatic fire.

One weapon that nobody mentioned is the grenade. It just sucks, it's highly
inaccurate and it does significantly less damage than it's HL1 counterpart
They should definitely do something about that.

The rpg, it's agood weapon, but you should be able to cary more rockets,
5 like in HL1, not just 3. Has anyone noticed that it doesn't have a loading
animation. There should be one where you put a rocket into the barrel,
after all it's a single shot weapon it doesn't have a clip.
Redneck said:
I agree with you. There should be a lot of changes done to the weapons to make them more realistic, destructive and of course fun.
The SPAS 12 fired 2 rounds out of a single barrel in HL 1 too, and yeah it's not
physically possible. I would like it if they replaced it with a badass jackhammer
with full automatic fire.

One weapon that nobody mentioned is the grenade. It just sucks, it's highly
inaccurate and it does significantly less damage than it's HL1 counterpart
They should definitely do something about that.

The rpg, it's agood weapon, but you should be able to cary more rockets,
5 like in HL1, not just 3. Has anyone noticed that it doesn't have a loading
animation. There should be one where you put a rocket into the barrel,
after all it's a single shot weapon it doesn't have a clip.

Good point man, Jackhammer would be awesome, I also noticed the lack of a decent reloading animation for the RPG, it would be nice to see missiles being placed inside the launcher. Grenade also sucks, bounces too much, doesn´t have enough damage, and you can´t cook it. :(
here's something i would have liked

shotgun- ditch the double blast, instead have the ability to choose between pump action and semi auto, give some diversity to shotty rounds or something.

mp7- ditch the nades and drop the mag down to 20. Have accuracy depend on how the gun is being used, rather than the current 1 size fits all cone of fire.

pulse rifle- larger mag count, increase accuracy when firing single shot or in bursts

magnum- model the speed loader, increase ammo count

crossbow- use actual arrows. A rebar will only fly 5 feet out of the xbow and clatter on the ground irl.

usp- more damage, slower rof, slower reload
actually, i think MP7s can carry 20 to 40 rounds in a magazine. so i guess 40 would be enough. after all, if you're gonna have an smg, make it weak, but carry a lot of ammo. pistols have traditionally had a the fastest reloading speeds in video games, maybe we should keep that. i agree with the the crossbow needing real bolts. they should just at least be able to pin enemies to walls. i've noticed there was no speed loader model, too. but what would be really awsome, is using the sights instead of the suit's zoom. after all, the MP7 in hl2 has the holo-sight, a bit like the ones made by EOTech. but let's face it, this is a sci-fi game. we can't make everything like in real life
The ammo count for the Magnum is ridiculous though. The pulse rifle could use s'more magazines as well, but the magnum's gotta come first.
605Scorpion said:
The ammo count for the Magnum is ridiculous though. The pulse rifle could use s'more magazines as well, but the magnum's gotta come first.

Nope, it's not ridiculous, the Magnum in HL2 is a revolver and revolvers
can cary 6 rounds. If you whant more bullets then they should make a Magnum with a clip that has lets say 10 rounds.

Oh yeah and the SPAS 12, why does it have 6 rounds in HL2 remember in
HL1 it had 8 and that's the case in real life as well.
I've looked in wikipedia and there are no shotguns with 6 rounds out there.

For the actual weapons the best thing I think would be to add an aiming funtion like in other games. If you're standing or running you should have
less accuracy than if you're prone and aiming the weapon, it would be good.
Leav the suit zoom simply as a pair of binoculars nothing more.
Pulse Rifle- need more clips.

Shotgun- I'm cool with this one, love double shot evan though it's unrealistic

MP7- Needs much better accuracy. Ammo is too plentiful to want more.

Magnum- Same

Pistol- New firing sounds, the current one sounds weak.

Grenades- Have the grenades from Half Life 1.

As for new weapons, I would like the Gauss Gun.
Pulse rifle could do with more clips.
Shotgun is fine, realism shouldn't really factor.
Pistol is perfect, love the sound, love shooting it.
Magnum is fine, but I want more opportunities to use it.
Grenades are fine, but the way Gordon throws them isn't.
RPG is fun, but it doesn't have the feeling of blasting a rocket out of the end of it like the HL1 rocket launcher did.
Ack, these threads always end up like this. Start off talking about new weapons, end up whining about how the MP-whatever can't fire grenades.