New World of Warcraft race revealed...

The Mullinator said:
Well there is going to be a new starting area (Blizzard representatives have said this) which probably means at least 1 new race. Add on to that the fact that there are Blood Elf starting zone pictures floating around with very new and unique architecture that seems to fit perfectly with the WoW world and it seems likely that Blood Elves are the new race. That entire character selection screen could be fake but that still doesn't mean Blood Elves won't be a new race.

I still think though that if there was going to be a new race it would have been goblins.

One: Blood Elves are the new race. That is the point in this thread. That picture, however, is fake. It was most likely created not to encourage people that there's a BE race, but more to re-inforce the rumour of a panda race.

Two: Goblins are not on the side of Alliance or Horde. They are, and forever will be Neutral. What would happen to Booty Bay, winterspring, and all the other random Goblin camps if they suddenly turned over to Horde? The only neutral faction in the game would be completely turned, meaning the Horde would have a major advantage. Oh, and there's already a Gnome race, people don't want ANOTHER.

Indeed, Blood Elves are DEFINATELY the new race. The only thing that is not 100% certain about them is wether they will be Alliance or Horde... at the moment it could be either way (although Horde is much more likely).

Actually, the only other race that could be Horde (apart from Blood Elves) are Ogres. The trouble is... they're fat and ugly.
Didn't the Horde dissolve their alliance with the ogres though?

Any way, I wouldn't find their addition as a race to be too appealing.
Sulkdodds said:
I mean if you were on the character creation screen, what would you click on - blood elves, or pandas?

Panda, blatantly :)
That picture, however, is fake,
your probably right but no solid proof?, not seeing the back sleeves (the view angle head on blocking that? droopy sleeve edges give the illusion of a slight upward angle..) the quite tackey look, (Blizzard's consistant high poly badass looking models :P)

couldnt the panda icon simply be a placeholder if its real, the description's sound genuine enough.
If I had WOW I'd be really exited. I always though the blood-elves where the hight of cool.
So, speculations on the Alliance Race? (probably not pandas, ok?)
clarky003 said:
your probably right but no solid proof?, not seeing the back sleeves (the view angle head on blocking that? droopy sleeve edges give the illusion of a slight upward angle..) the quite tackey look, (Blizzard's consistant high poly badass looking models :P)

couldnt the panda icon simply be a placeholder if its real, the description's sound genuine enough.

You want proof?


A blog revealed that the writer (who had been playing the Expansion), was not allowed to see the Alliance race (YET he knew what the Horde one was). He said that before Blizzcon, Blizzard were keeping the Alliance race a well-kept secret.

WHAT CAN WE DEDUCT FROM THIS? Well, firstly, Blizzard have shown the game to numerous people. This press-only Beta is obviously where the pics were leaked from. Because Blizzard refuse to include ANY MENTION of the Alliance race in this Beta, according to our 1UP journalist, it's safe to assume that Blizzard would not have included an icon to this race on the Character selection screen.

Therefore, this picture must have been faked; because it DEFINATELY didn't come from the Press-only beta, which is the only place it could have been leaked from. It wouldn't have been leaked from Blizzard, because nothing has ever been leaked from Blizzard before, so why would one of the employees risk their job with such a shitty picture?

There you have it. Undeniably proof (well, kinda proof) that this picture cannot be real.

Still want more? How about this: The REAL leaked pics are tiny, crappy quality teasers that actually look like they've been leaked from an article, rather than someone managing to capture in game screens. The character selection pic is an in game screen. If someone was able to smuggle out ONE crappy character selection screen, why didn't they smuggle out more? Maybe some DECENT screens instead of a shitty NPC-looking elf?

Quite simply; this is a photoshop.
Oh, by the way, I found this image too:

Firstly, this is definately a fake, because in the yop right it only says there are "four Horde Races", instead of five. Plus, there is a different icon for the blood elves. Hang on... is this a failed attempt? Looks like someone's been playing with photoshop...


what's this?

ANOTHER attempt?

And yet again, the icon is different once more. Oh what's this? They were taking screens from in game, on the Alliance side, and they didn't take a screen of what the Panda looked like?

Seriously, all these character selection screens are fake.
Although the bloodelves are kinda bad in the story line of war3, but they dont seem EVIL to be hordish, and they dont look hordish either.
ktimekiller said:
but they dont seem EVIL to be hordish, and they dont look hordish either.

The tauren are a peace loving, naturalistic race. The last word I'd use to describe them is "evil". But they're horde? :P
Well, they are big, they can crush you! RAWRWRRR but bloodelves.. ><
Horde dosn't mean evil. Allies don't mean good. There 2 diffrent alliances fighting for 2 diffrent things.

It's no diffrent between Axis and Allies. From the Axis's point we were evil, we were horrible and bad!
From our stand point they were evil and horrible and bad. The Axis according to them they were doing a good thing, it's what they believed. We on the other hand disagreed.
"You can mass kill jews and take over europe"
"It's what must be done!"

Basically there is no real good and evil, it's just an opinon.
Icarusintel said:
Ummm... why wasn't this race included originally? seems like laziness to me

Ummm... why didn't they release HL2 Aftermath with HL2? seem like laziness to me.

By the way, how can they be lazy? The head staff tells them to do stuff, and then they do it, where is there "Nah, I don't feel like doing this" involved? You can't be lazy and work for such a top company such as Blizzard, that's just oxymoronic.

Lazy = fired, Lazy != less races.
TheSomeone said:
Ummm... why didn't they release HL2 Aftermath with HL2? seem like laziness to me.

By the way, how can they be lazy? The head staff tells them to do stuff, and then they do it, where is there "Nah, I don't feel like doing this" involved? You can't be lazy and work for such a top company such as Blizzard, that's just oxymoronic.

Lazy = fired, Lazy != less races.

Yeah, exactly. Plus, the expansion pack is set through the dark portal, or something, which makes it all more feasable.
Suicide42 said:
It's true, I've seen screenshots.

I'm not going to post them here, because obviously they've been leaked, and that would make Blizzard very angry indeed.

I can however tell you that...

...the new Horde race...


Only joking, it's the Blood Elves.
And yes... they're the new Horde race!

I'm so excited right now I could eat my own arm with anticipation. I honestly can't wait for the new expansion pack, it' sounds amazing! Not long now till Blizzcon, and all will be revealed, including the new Alliance race (hopefully)...

Don't know who the Blood Elves are? Here's a pic from Warcraft 3:

Excellent, definitely renewing.
New race looks really cool however I just dont see the point in renewing my subscription to wow cause everyone is high lvl now and its just not as fun.
Agent.M said:
New race looks really cool however I just dont see the point in renewing my subscription to wow cause everyone is high lvl now and its just not as fun.

Except when the expansion comes out, Blizzard will add a load of new servers, meaning you can not only start at level 1 with EVERYONE else, but you can play a brand new, fresh race. HOW COOL WILL THAT BE?
Agent.M said:
New race looks really cool however I just dont see the point in renewing my subscription to wow cause everyone is high lvl now and its just not as fun.

Hey I'm the perfect example, I'll be renewing my sub and I'm gonna start a Blood elf or whatever the new race is on the alliance side. And everybody will probably start an alt with the new races too, so it'll be great, it will be like playing WoW for the first time again! I'm really excited about this :)
Agent.M said:
New race looks really cool however I just dont see the point in renewing my subscription to wow cause everyone is high lvl now and its just not as fun.
All signs are also pointing to them raising the level cap to 70 as well.
This makes me want to renew, but i just cant afford to and my uni work would suffer. Rah. I guess i'll just renew for the holidays (christmas etc)
The Mullinator said:
All signs are also pointing to them raising the level cap to 70 as well.

I wonder if they would make the time it takes to get from 60-70 equal or near the time it takes to get from 1-60? That would definately add quite a bit of play time.
staticprimer said:
I wonder if they would make the time it takes to get from 60-70 equal or near the time it takes to get from 1-60? That would definately add quite a bit of play time.
I hope they do, maybe make it even longer. When I see a level 70 I want to be able to admire them for being so powerful, not just say "Oh look another level 70" like I do now with level 60's.
Suicide42 said:
reasons why this is probably fake.

1), Blizzard aren't lazy. I'm 99% certain they have a decent Blood Elf background instead of this shit Orc one.

2) that Panda icon looks crap.

3) The sleeves on the Night Elf do not have a back part.

4) there are not enough polygons on the model to make it look like a player.

5) all races start with SHIT clothes to begin with; this Blood Elf has royal gowns, which looks just like NPCs would wear.

6) The description, to the side, goes into detail about how the Blood Elves want to feast on Demons. Someone who's reading a discription of a race couldn't care less about what they like to eat; they want to know about the race. This discription is fake.

7) There is a very high possibility there will be a new class. If this is true, the Blood Elves would *definately* have this class. In the picture, there is no sign of a new class.

8) It's entirely possible that the Blood Elves would have a unique physical attribute that can be altered, seeing as most of the other races have a "special" customisation. This Blood Elf only has a...


*Edit* As for the pandas...

The pandas are simply a joke by Blizzard. Admittedly, the Panda Brewmaster is a damn cool WC3 unit, but seeing as the panda has ALWAYS been used as a joke I'm pretty sure that a panda race is ALSO joke created by Blizzard. Plus... expansion packs are supposed to encoarage people to buy the game... by adding Pandas, Blizzard are effectively saying "HEY GUYS! BUY OUR GAME, IT'S JUST ONE BIG JOKE!"

Your forgot to mention that they spelled "brutal" wrong.

Anyways, another elf race? Meh, I can't stand night elves, I regret not rolling an orc as my first character just so I can kill them. But now 2 elf races? Well I guess since there on the horde, I can satisfy my elf bloodlust.
Spicy Tuna said:
so is it really gonna take till December 2006? :(

Blizzcon is in eight days, they'll give more info then about everything including release date.
Am I the only one who likes the game the way it is?

Even these MINOR MINOR patches get me uptight about changes.... :x

And blizzard can't even make a new non-buggy instance (Blackwing Lair anyone? Worst content patch EVER). I can't imagine a whole new world or continent.
Baal said:
Am I the only one who likes the game the way it is?

Even these MINOR MINOR patches get me uptight about changes.... :x

And blizzard can't even make a new non-buggy instance (Blackwing Lair anyone? Worst content patch EVER). I can't imagine a whole new world or continent.

Oh the new continents won't be so big, in fact judging by the few maps of WoW I've seen both continents (Northrend & Undermine alledgedly) together barely make up for 1/3 the size of azeroth.
ktimekiller said:
Although the bloodelves are kinda bad in the story line of war3, but they dont seem EVIL to be hordish, and they dont look hordish either.

There is no "evil" side in WoW, alliance are just as bad as horde if you knew the story.