New Xbox 360 Brochure

I still have no idea what console I am getting, but ill wait awhile untill all 3 of them are released.
Kinda offtopic, the only worry I have about the 360 is the disc-format, I mean the Japanese 360 devs are already stressing that they'll probably have to release games on several discs or find a way to ultra-compress the data, I do know Microsoft decided not to include Blu-Ray/HD-DVD for costs reasons but it's worrying to me, I guess we probably won't see many PS3 games being ported to the 360 without some major downgrading.
Im strongly considering getting a 360...but I really hate that color scheme. Really. I hate it.
I dunno, something about these new generation of consoles, I just don't give a shit about, even though man, they are real impressive... the onl way I am getting any of them is if somebody else gives me one.

From that list, Perfect Dark:Zero is the one to drool over! Oh, Ghost Recon too!
staticprimer said:
PD:Zero for PC please!

That's a disgusting thought :P

*imagines GE on the pc and vomits all over the keyboard*