New Xbox360 article


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Nothing much we haven't heard already, but I find the last couple sentences really intriguing.

The online gaming service will now be split into two options - Silver and Gold. Xbox Live Silver is free, and will allow Xbox 360 owners to communicate with their friends through the service, access the marketplace, and download new material for games and the console itself. Microsoft hopes that the Silver option will drive more members to the Xbox Live community. The Gold option is for those who want to access online gaming, and also includes the features of the Silver service.
Free Xbox Live! - sweet, and a good move on their part

Though Microsoft is likely to benefit from first-mover advantage by being the first of the three games console makers to release its next-generation console, a recent report by Strategy Analytics suggests that Sony's PlayStation 3 will win 61 per cent of the next-generation console market by 2012. The report predicts that Sony will sell 122 million PS3s worldwide, Microsoft will sell 59 million Xbox 360s while Nintendo's Revolution will trail the pack, selling just under 18 million units globally by 2012
wow, that's quite a prediction, saying Microsoft is already gonna lose to PS3, which does seem inevitable, and that Nintendo will just plain suck, which also seems inevitable
WTF? With xbox live silver you can't play the games online?
Foxtrot said:
WTF? With xbox live silver you can't play the games online?
no, but you get downloadable content and messaging and such for free, which is still cool... and makes you want to pay for gold
Didn't they say you would be able to play on weekends?

... or is my mind playing tricks on me?
OCybrManO said:
Didn't they say you would be able to play on weekends?

... or is my mind playing tricks on me?
well, it's not in that article, did they say it elsewhere?
No, it was back when the details were first announced... I think.
xbox live is a waste of money imho least it was for me ..seemed like a poor man's version of mp games ...I mean rtcw with only 8 players? wtf is that? not too mention all the problems at launch ..could never get ghost recon to work on live ..and why is there lag? I mean it's a dedicated network ..I shouldnt have to deal with choppy online games when I'm paying for a service wouldnt expect the same from your phone company

xbox360's live looks better but I was hoping for silver to include online gaming for free (even weekends would be good) and the gold for extra content bigger servers or mmorgs
CptStern said:
xbox live is a waste of money imho least it was for me ..seemed like a poor man's version of mp games ...I mean rtcw with only 8 players? wtf is that? not too mention all the problems at launch ..could never get ghost recon to work on live ..and why is there lag? I mean it's a dedicated network ..I shouldnt have to deal with choppy online games when I'm paying for a service wouldnt expect the same from your phone company

xbox360's live looks better but I was hoping for silver to include online gaming for free (even weekends would be good) and the gold for extra content bigger servers or mmorgs
I was a beta tester for xbox live, it didn't have any troubles until it was release, and that went away after a week. The best feature of xbox live by far is voice communication, no other game comes close to the communication of xbox live games.
I agree the communication is better ...but that only means that now you can hear the n00bs better :)
Nope, with silver you do NOT get to play games online (hey it's free after-all).

Here is the info straight off of ( )

Multiple Levels of Service
On Xbox 360, you'll have a choice of service level. The Xbox Live Silver service means you can connect your Xbox 360 console to a broadband Internet connection and get functionality right out of the box. The premium Xbox Live Gold service delivers the complete online connection package. The breakdown is as follows:

Xbox Live Silver level

* Create an online Gamer Profile
* Access the Xbox Live Marketplace
* Engage in voice and text messaging
* Talk to a single friend at a time using voice chat
* Receive video messages from Gold level members
* Access massively multiplayer online games (additional fees may apply)

Xbox Live Gold level

* Paid level of service
* All the features of Silver level, and additionally:
o Play multiplayer games online
o Video chat
o Multiplayer online tournaments
o Participate in Xbox Live online programming, such as Game with Fame, Play and Win, and Prime Time activities

So basically Xbox360 will always be connected to the internet and you can always access people online... If you want to play games online and such, then you need to pay to use the service. You probably remember that they want Xbox360 to be an always-on entertainment device... Well now no matter who has this thing, be it a hardcore gamer, or the Old Grandma Hardcore everyone will be able to interact, no matter if you pay for it or not.

Oh, and there was that chart from a while back, that did say Silver could play on weekends... I can't remember if it was confirmed, but looks like M$ changed it all now. You can't complain though... This is way better than the Xbox1 version of Xbox Live (with you having to pay to even connect)
I wish Sony take the online capability seriously as Microsoft do.
You didn't honestly expect them to charge for the silver plan, did you? Well, you are being charged, just not directly. One of the new marketing gimmicks of the X-BOX 360 is easy access to downloadable content - which I guarantee you will rarely be free. It's designed in such a way for companies to sustain profit from games, and unfortunately will probably lead to features being omitted from the retail release so that they can be sold separately later via X-BOX Live. It sounds good on paper but when you read into what the service is actually offering and what the repercussions are ... it's a step back for games.

Think of it like the Sims 2. After the original game, EA realized what a goldmine those expansion packs were. Upon playing the original retail release of the Sims 2, it is clear that this was not designed from the ground up to be a complete game but rather a launching pad for expansion packs. This is evident in features that were missing from even the original Sims and even less objects - as well as making it harder to release fan made objects. Imagine this money making scheme for all console games, or at least a lot of them (especially from companies like EA).
Vigilante said:
I've just lost respect for you!

Nintendo was sucking ever since they were done with the N64. The N64 was their last good system. is wise to expect that Nintendo will not sell good because, as of late, their marking sucks:

1. They never showed the Controller or games for the Revolution

2. They compared Game Boy Advanced sales to PS2 sales (which is a downright move of desperation and nonsense)

3. They failed to create an interest at E3

You can't just rely on faith. One who relies on faith will forever be depressed in this situation.
as for the weekend thing... I think it's HIGHLY likley that Microsoft will have "free play" weekend on holidays and/or specific free play nights when a game is released.

IE, when Halo 3 comes out, they may allow you to play free online for the night of the release, in hopes of driving more people to buy it.
1. If they show the controller (which hasn't even been finalized yet) and its special features this early you can bet that at least some of it will be copied before their console even hits the shelves. Don't say it wouldn't. It has happened several times in the past. In three generations of Playstation controllers the only major change (the more curvy appearance of the banana controller doesn't count) that was made was copied from Nintendo. They hastily slapped some analog sticks on the bottom to combat the analog stick on the N64 controller. The Dreamcast just moved the stick from the middle to the left side. After that, Microsoft basically mixed the DC and Dual Shock controllers into one design. In this business, everyone copies each other as soon as someone finds something that works.

2. That's because the GC had lackluster sales compared to the competitors... and you don't want to say, "Well, the PS2 outsold the GC," when trying to make yourself sound good and make the fans confident that the next system won't bomb. What you want to do is show stats like how Nintendo has sold the most total game systems (including handhelds) in the latest generation... showing that they are not in danger of pulling a SEGA. In fact, little Nintendo has been pulling in about as much profit as all of Sony combined. Also, IIRC, the Nintendo DS has been out-selling the PSP... which shows that a new way of playing games can be more lucrative than just having pretty graphics. That's good news for the Revolution.

3. They didn't have much they could say about the Revolution that wouldn't give their competitors an edge. They did talk about having a completely free online gaming service including downloading old Nintendo games. We know they're using wireless controllers. We know the basic appearance of the console itself (tiny; has a flip open panel that reveals slots for GC controllers/peripherals)... but that's subject to change. We know there will be an online Super Smash brothers game. We know there will be a new Mario game at launch to show off the new system (as with Mario 64). I think I remember mention of Zelda and Metroid games... but I'm not positive. We know it uses flash memory cards as storage (relatively inexpensive and a great space saver). We know it will most likely be the least expensive of the three. Basically there are only 3 important questions left: What is the "revolution"? What are the specs? What kind of third party support will it have?

Not seeing them starting up the hype machine around a year early doesn't really surprise me. I can understand Microsoft showing a lot at E3. They were on schedule to release it that same year. Sony didn't have as much to show other than a few real-time tech demos and some prerendered videos... but that's because they are at least a few months behind Microsoft in their development cycle. Nintendo isn't even as far along as Sony... and they're going to be the last to release their system. It stands to reason, then, that they would show the least. Their relative silence/secrecy could even be a marketing strategy. Who knows?
Just to quote Cybrman...
In fact, little Nintendo has been pulling in about as much profit as all of Sony combined.

In other words
Nintendo...with there Gamecube and it's games... combined is pulling as much profit as
Sony making all there Mp3 players, DvD players, Cd-Doms, Dvd-Roms, Ps2, everything... combined.

In other words, Nintendo is ****ing rich.
there is evidence that microsoft is working with nintendo on their DS to actually get more sales and do better than the PSP

maybe they are doing this to get sony out of the run and make them stick to appliences...
1. If they show the controller (which hasn't even been finalized yet) and its special features this early you can bet that at least some of it will be copied before their console even hits the shelves. Don't say it wouldn't. It has happened several times in the past. In three generations of Playstation controllers the only major change (the more curvy appearance of the banana controller doesn't count) that was made was copied from Nintendo. They hastily slapped some analog sticks on the bottom to combat the analog stick on the N64 controller. The Dreamcast just moved the stick from the middle to the left side. After that, Microsoft basically mixed the DC and Dual Shock controllers into one design. In this business, everyone copies each other as soon as someone finds something that works.

First of all..why do you think it will be copied? What if this revolution controller thing horribly sucks? And if it does exceed the competitiors, Nintendo will have it copyrighted, so any company trying to steal the technology would be majorly sued and massive loses would ensue for them. I'm not worried about copying because Microsoft has already confirmed the same design for the XBOX360. As for sony, they're still wondering if they should go with the new design or go back to the old one. Remeber, their new controller is a concept.

That's because the GC had lackluster sales compared to the competitors... and you don't want to say, "Well, the PS2 outsold the GC," when trying to make yourself sound good and make the fans confident that the next system won't bomb. What you want to do is show stats like how Nintendo has sold the most total game systems (including handhelds) in the latest generation... showing that they are not in danger of pulling a SEGA. In fact, little Nintendo has been pulling in about as much profit as all of Sony combined. Also, IIRC, the Nintendo DS has been out-selling the PSP... which shows that a new way of playing games can be more lucrative than just having pretty graphics. That's good news for the Revolution.

You don't think comparing a handheld to a console is kind of retarded? Sure there doing good in the handheld world but in the console world, they have no idea what their doing. If the revoultion sucks, they should stick to handhelds only, to keep from embarrising themselves, and wasting millions of dollars. They compared the handheld to the console because they didn't want to say "Our gamecube console wasn't very good. Hardly anyone had interest in it. We want to change that with the revoultion". They should have said that instead of "Look!! Our handheld sold more than the PS2!!1" To me that says "Buy are handheld cause our console sucks."

They didn't have much they could say about the Revolution that wouldn't give their competitors an edge. They did talk about having a completely free online gaming service including downloading old Nintendo games. We know they're using wireless controllers. We know the basic appearance of the console itself (tiny; has a flip open panel that reveals slots for GC controllers/peripherals)... but that's subject to change. We know there will be an online Super Smash brothers game. We know there will be a new Mario game at launch to show off the new system (as with Mario 64). I think I remember mention of Zelda and Metroid games... but I'm not positive. We know it uses flash memory cards as storage (relatively inexpensive and a great space saver). We know it will most likely be the least expensive of the three. Basically there are only 3 important questions left: What is the "revolution"? What are the specs? What kind of third party support will it have?

Your first sentence in this paragraph says it all: "They didn't have much they could say about the revoultion that wouldn't give their competitors an edge." Bad Marketing. They should have spilled the beans instead of said "when you turn on the console, the graphics will make you" I like the console design and I hope they keep it that way. Your last sentence is a bit wrong because nintendo obviously doesn't care about specs, if they don't care about graphics. There hopeing the controller will change everything. Third party support is very important and because they didn't do a good job at E3 marketing the revoultion, I doubt they will have good third party support.

I hope nintendo has a damn good strategy for this one. If they don't, there dead in the water.
Hate to break it to you, but E3 has little to nothing to do with 3rd Party support. It's a media event, not a *real* trade show.

Besides, nintendo's strongest assest has always been it's 1st party titles.

And, honestly, I like Nintendo's approach. It's better than Microsofts "check this out, we can nickle and dime you to death with XBL!" approach.
don't listen to people that cant use their theirs, theres, and they'res....dream
Vigilante said:
don't listen to people that cant use their theirs, theres, and they'res....dream

Nice defence fanboy. You can't think of anything to say about my post so you post something totally idiotic. Like all fanboys do when there mouths are tied up. :E
Said it once Ill say it again I love nintendo they brought me into gaming with the nes, and I dont care how "rich" they are nintendo sucks when it comes to gaming now and I dont think they will last much longer.
Agent.M said:
Said it once Ill say it again I love nintendo they brought me into gaming with the nes, and I dont care how "rich" they are nintendo sucks when it comes to gaming now and I dont think they will last much longer.

Exactly. I loved them about 10 years ago. They can't keep up anymore.
What crap :rolleyes:

Nintedno still make some of the greatest software and hardware around. I've certainly had as much enjoyment with the GC and DS as with either the PS2, Xbox, or PC this generation (if anything, bar a few games, it's pc gaming that has been rather dull of late)

They more than keep up, and will be around for a good while yet ;)
I dont think they will last much longer.
But they will..because they are still making alot of money...

I bet you if you went and replayed Super Mario 64, you will still like it. I know I still like it. I was just a little kid and it was my first 3D game when I first played it. I loved it. I still love it today.

I don't have a GC but if I did....why wouldn't I still love the new Marios?
because it's not the same thing ?

it's like how people love a movie, than a sequel is made and it sucks .. hell, it's like that with -everything-
But let's be fair. If there is one company that has always been successful with sequals (far more than anyone else) it's Nintendo.

I remember playing Zelda in awe back in the nes days - it was fantastic. With the snes we got lttp, which blew everyone away. Various versions appeared on the gameboy and gba, all great fun, and on the N64 we got OoT (greatest game ever? possibly) and MM (almost as good imo) Now we have 4 swords on the GC, which is superb, and Wind Waker, which is also very good. Twilight Princess is being released later this year - do you think this will be anything other than a wonderful game? (imagine Zelda on the Revolution.

This is just one series - Mario, Metroid, F-Zero, Advance Wars, 1080, Pilotwings etc etc. Of course, there's the occasional rare lapse (*looking at you Sunshine*) but they always return to form.
