New years resolutions....follow up.


Sep 12, 2003
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So...How many of you all have stuck to your resolutions?

Mine was to loose 20 lbs, and I actually did it. I started at 215 and I'm now at 193. Sorry if I'm boasting; I'm just tickled to death that I actually did it :D. My goal is 180 by my birthday! (Apr 23rd, same day as our beloved gh0st's!).

So how have you all done with yours?
Bravo - that's tough in this time period. My goal is to alter some personal habits, but I gave myself a year with a review next New Years. I'm on track so far.
I didn't make any resolutions this year. So far I've kept them all.
I didn't make any resolutions this year. So far I've kept them all.

I like the way you think. :D

Adabiviak - I know...I haven't eaten McDonald's in almost five months. The working out part is easy, changing your eating habits is not.
I don't remember my resolution, if I had one, it was something to do with quit getting so down about not being able to date someone, and I've failed that one pretty hardcore.

But in all honesty, I don't even know if I made one.
I'm already perfect, no need to change.
Stop skiving college lessons...

I have completely stoped drinking soda, and instead I drink bottled water (Poland Spring).
I have completely stoped drinking soda, and instead I drink bottled water (Poland Spring).

I did this one a while ago, not a New Years resolution but just a general one.

I still drink it when I'm out somewhere to eat or w/e though, mainly because there's nothing else.
I didn't have NY resolutions but had a couple of things I wanted to do before NY came around. Give up smoking fags and bud.

Did both.
My NYR was to start jogging to help loose weight...sadly the weather hasnt cooperated...havent had a nice weekend since Dec 15th...
I didn't have NY resolutions but had a couple of things I wanted to do before NY came around. Give up smoking fags and bud.

Did both.

Smoking bud? *interested*

I should really stop smoking but as I only really took it up around New Years, lets save it for next year. :P
I didn't make any resolutions, but I did start eating more protein a month ago.. I was living on starch and vegetables previously. Happily I'm putting on weight now :)
Is bud a euphanism for cannibis or crack cocaine?

Else good luck smoking that bud.
Is bud a euphanism for cannibis or crack cocaine?

Else good luck smoking that bud.

Lol...bud is amero'slang for marijuana. And, imo, it should be legal. Doesn't mean I'd use it though :D.
My new year's resolution this year was...
"I will never make another New Year's resolution!"

Ironically that broke the one I made last year......and 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, and 1995.

I don't need to make new-year's resolutions; if I want to improve or meet a goal I just do it.
mine was to conker the world

but meh too much work
Hmm, i'll make one now.

To find a way to become more regular with my pooping.
Mine were to treat CDs better (like not leave them out the case that.) which did include other people's CDs as well as my own, but I failed. Also i decided to try and exercise more. failed on that one too. So not done very well!