new zombie pic

A2597 said:
my main problem is...


shame shame SHAME Valve...and a bloody STUPID idea.

And this is the ONLY issue you have with zombies? :|
I honestly think this is just 100% visual effect. I think the headcrab acts as normal and they attacked a ragdoll model of a skeleton to it. So when the headcrab jumps, it pulls the skeleton along with it. (Assuming it has the strength and mass to do so :) )
Six Three said:
I cant figure out how the zombie is doesnt appear to have any muscles... how could it run let alone jump?

It does have muscles. See the chunks of flesh coating all the joints?
the only thing that keeps it from making sense is that there are no muslces leadin up to the hands.

For those who don't know too much about human antomy, most of the muscles used to move your fingers are near your elbow.

how this zombie can move its hands when its wrists are devoid of flesh is beyond me
It's like asking how skeletons are alive in games..
The answer? It's a game :)
i think we should let the headcrab do what it wants to do and leave it alone.
PLEASE!!!! Stop picking on the headcrabs!! You might hurt their feelings ;(
What makes any of you think that headcrab created zombies use the host’s regular musculature to manipulate limbs and joints? It makes just as much sense given the outrageously implausible sci-fiction setting and what we know of the alien transformation potential to assume that there is a super-strength alien membrane which renders the host’s musculature irrelevant.

I would also question the assumption that headcrabs are dependent organisisms which feed on the host's living tissue. Even if they are "feeders" it may just be genetic material they need. Just as likely, the hosts are just a structure - as someone above mentioned.
man, that picture is scary :S its gonna eat me :O
in opforce, i remember the scientist saying that it just takes over the hosts nervous system, hence it latches onto the head; the container for the nerve centre of a human being. (the brain fool!)
I still think it's just "hotwired" an old corpse, until it can find something better...

We know that headcrabs can mutate bodies, at least living ones, into strange shapes... maybe the wrist muscles on the "dead" zombie have grown inside the bones somehow?

When you really look at it though, it looks to have both it's wrist muscles and it's elbow muscles... there's just an expanse of bone in between... maybe it's not too needed?
It does go counter to what we learned about the headcrab/human symbiosis in HL. In HL we were able to kill a headcrab infested human, so why now would a headcrab be able to reanimate a dead body? Yeah, I know it's a game, but even so the 'rules' should be consistent. Of course it could be a new, more capable headcrab subspecies but I doubt it.
snark^ said:
Might just be that the headcrab's can't keep their host alive. They stay on the body untill it's too decomposed for continued perambulation and then leave to find another. Certainly seems to puts OpFor's: headcrab -> zombie -> superzombie -> alien slave transfomation to rest anyway.
Alien. Slaves. Are. Not. Zombies.
Isn't it quite obvious that they do not share any characteristics!? Whereas the Slaves DO share characteristics with OTHER Xen life-forms...
Besides, the super zombies were awful and I'm sure someone said (although it might have been the voice of blind hope in my mind) that they won't be in it. Because they were sh*t.
Personally I think that corpse zombie looks quite amusing - could be awful, but it still looks quite funny.
<Voice of blind hope>

The super zombies are allllllll in your imagination el Chi...

</Voice of blind hope>
If ya look at the shot,there appears to be black musle on it.maybe the head crap is regenerateing the Zombie to assist in furthernig it s evolution.
el Chi said:
Besides, the super zombies were awful and I'm sure someone said (although it might have been the voice of blind hope in my mind) that they won't be in it. Because they were sh*t.

As I've said before, I can't think of how Valve could show the next evolution of the zombie in HL2 without showing the gonome. At least one, to set up the next stage.

I don't like the way this corpsecrab looks either, but after thinking about it, it's probably not as far-fetched (or as stupid) as I thought when I first saw them. The corpse's nervous system is probably still intact, and the headcrab latched on and took over its functions, so it really isn't too hard to believe.

The reason why we didn't see any reanimated zombies in HL is probably because there were so many living specimens to choose from. I'm assuming the crab seeks living hosts over dead hosts, and this was just an act of desparation. In that lit-up pic of the undead zombie that someone made, you can see that the HC's front legs aren't even embedded in it. They're crossed over, just to hold on. It's probably planning to jump off the first chance it gets.

And I don't think the crabs feed off their hosts, either. They're just vessels that the crabs can mutate. If they fed off the hosts, they wouldn't need that giant mouth in their chests. It'd be counter-productive to drain your new body of its nutrients anyway, when the crab probably needs them to evolve.
Flyingdebris said:
the only thing that keeps it from making sense is that there are no muslces leadin up to the hands.

For those who don't know too much about human antomy, most of the muscles used to move your fingers are near your elbow.

how this zombie can move its hands when its wrists are devoid of flesh is beyond me

The hands on this new zombie are long and spindly, just like on the one's we're used to.
I'm willing to believe that the mutation transfered the muscles into the palm, along with the lengthened fingers.

And since it has no official name yet, I dub this new monster to be a Deadcrab! :p
deadcrab has a better ring the name I kept thinking of them as...

necrophiliacs... oh wait thats the headcrabs mouth!!?? no one told me
The headcrab isn't the normal one, it looks totally different. Therefor, a different zombie will result.
And this new zombie obviously is more agile and stronger than the normal one.
hey guys i'm sorry if this was posted before, ... i don't wanna really go through all the pages(read the first page). but my theory is what if there aren't many people left in city 17(would make sense given the SS's and the vids) and so the aliens(whichever side it is that's controlling the headcrabs) are using the dead bodies for extra soldiers... since, i agree with what brian was saying, it IS a graveyard, why would headcrabs be invading a graveyard except for more soldiers...
Two theories:

Headcrab + Combine = Fast Zombie

Fast headcrab (new specie) + Combine or dead man = Fast Zombie
loofy said:
Don't you guys see it? it is a DEAD body and a headcrab took it over and made it alive. Headcrab did not change anything - it just burrowed into a grave and took over a decomposing body.

could be, but it seems logical to mee that if a headcrab keeps sucking the life out of a body, it becomes a less good looking body :p
well it makes sense to me that if the headcrab latches onto a more decayed body it should be more agile... right guys??? right?!?! ok it makes no sense.
it seems obvious to me. if you were a headcrab in a graveyard you're pretty vulnerable with your small size and tiny arms. It makes sense to occupy any host purely to become more powerful and have better defenses.
Like I said, just a temporary measure...

Also, those saying it'd be weaker/slower... I'm unsure... Assuming it could get the muscles to work (However temporarily that might be), it might have some way of boosting their strength...

After all, a lot of our physical strength is psychologically and biochemically controlled... And now we've got a creature who is directly controlling a corpse's nervous system and pumping who-knows-what sort of chemicals into it...
1. That is not a regular headcrab. It's legs are too long. it's center is shaped like a orange, unlike the headcrabs, which is less round. the colors are different, too.

2. The body does have muscles, just very thin ones. How does the headcrab jump with such small muscles? The headcrab changed the way its muscles are made up. For example, a dog's muscles are three times stronger than a humans. So a 90 pound dog is as strong as a 270 pound man (given this man and this dog are all muscle, and no flab).

3. The dead body thing makes sense.
Erm, it's a game, not a physiology class. It is fiction. It doesn't NEED to make sense.
No, it doesn't need to, el Chi, but it's nice when it does...

I think that the people saying that this is a new species of crab are right... It's a different shape, and I think I can see small spurs on its front leg knee joints...
Brian Damage said:
No, it doesn't need to, el Chi, but it's nice when it does...
Fair point, but ALL of this nit-picking rubbish and taking it way too seriously. It's just character design, for God's sake.
I hate to sound like a moaning ass here guys , but why r u trying to prove evolution theories n things on headcrabs :sleep:

Whether its a differ 'species' of headcrab or not , u'll find out in summer :D

Again i hate to be fussy , but its rather strange lol :p
So if we shouldn't be discussing things about HL2 here, what should we be doing, here being a HL2 forum and all...?
Brian Damage said:
So if we shouldn't be discussing things about HL2 here, what should we be doing, here being a HL2 forum and all...?

lol .....true but....err.........*RUNS*....

Jus saying it seems a bit pointless in my opinion thats all
Well, it keeps us amused. If HL2 were out, I doubt we'd care as much. But it ain't, so we talk about it...