

Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Hi. I'm new here? So... meh. :dork:

I love this site. It's not trash like the PHL forums which rants and rants at Valve all day (presumably, anyway); and it's not as dorky green as the Steam forums, and is... basically... cooler? Bleh, I suck at words.
nnonoo, i teh sluck lew bad? yu knoew bad?

EDIT: I'm a member now! Weeeee!
Uh... Being green is the worst thing you can think of for Steampowered? How about that the people there have the collective IQ of a leek?
bigburpco said:
It's not trash like the PHL forums which rants and rants at Valve all day

Ah, I remember when certain sections were like that. A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away (not very far away at all, in fact) the organisational structure of the 'hl2 forums' as they are now - Mythology, Singleplayer, Rumours and Spec - didn't exist. There was Rumous and Speculation, and there was something called General Discussion which was for 'half-life discussion'. Now that was awful. No sane member could enter there without returning babbling incoherencies, screaming rogue syllables no mortal mouth was ever meant to utter. I left this site almost completely for about half a year and when I came back it had completely changed.

Oh yeah hi.
welcome, welcome to,
it's safer here...

(damn i love the quote...)
Welcome, to the world of tomorow!!

Raeven0 said:
Uh... Being green is the worst thing you can think of for Steampowered? How about that the people there have the collective IQ of a leek?
I agree, that's more of a detriment as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, welcome. It's good to know another person's seen the light.
Welcome to the best site in the multiverse.