Newbie Bashing

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Wow, i can see what the world of half life is really like. this really makes people want to join the community doesnt it.
Wow, i can see what the world of half life is really like. this really makes people want to join the community doesnt it.

Whoops, did we all forget the sarcasm tags?
Oh, and don't use Halo 2 scenarios to explain what it feels like being a noob, if you were playing Halo 2 you already damn well know you're a noob.
:LOL: LOL :upstare:

When I first joined online forums and started playing online I never got static for being a newbie. Maybe I was lucky, maybe I was polite. It's like hazing - there'll always be a couple of tough guys who want to scrub the freshmen whether or not they deserve it. Just make sure you don't :naughty:
Adabiviak said:
Maybe I was polite.

That seems to be the best answer. Some people hop onto a community and act like god. That won't work very well, and you certaintly won't make any friends.

Don't be a jerk and you'll be fine. Someone comes your way, big deal! Build a bridge.
I think we've said it all before. There are helpfull people on this forum and not so helpfull people ( which has entirely no relation to this being the world of "half life" some people are twats , some aren't ) but equally somebody posting something you don't want to hear isn't always bashing.

If you truly have a problem with a post or user then your first port of call is the report post and then speaking to one of the staff about whatever the problem is. Finally external websites have nothing to do with us. If you are going to be doing a mod expect some people not to be all sweetness and light.
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