Newbie Modder/ Porfessional C++ Programmer Looking for Team



Hi All,
I'm a frequent poster in, which I visit a lot and luv.
HL2 has sparked my interest in the MOD Community (kudos to everybody out there), as I was allways curious to this "sub-culture" of games.
I'm genualy interested in joining a team for a project, where I can start and have a small part in its making.

I'm a professional C++ programmer, and I do Artificial Intelligence Research.
On the side, I do some games programming, and I'm developing my own engine (so cliche) in OpenGL, and I'm finishing a couple of courses at Game Institute (BSP and OpengL, www.GameInstitute.Com).

Thanks for your attention, hope to get in touch with some of you bright ppl soon :cheese:
hi mate :)

We would like to have you in our team if you are still interested :) We need a good programmer to create our own gametypes :) I think it will be a challenging project for you and a big help for the team :)

You can come visit us in the #gangland channel in Quakenet if you want to discuss a bit more!

Thanks a lot
The Xtinction mod team would really benifit form a c++ programer, goto and download the story, see what you think of it :), thxs d00d
a reply already? thanx for the tip mate, i will!
anyway, I will talk to everyone that offers me a project, and I'll jump into the one that seems the most interesting/ challenging.

As a side-note, I run my own website,, which I code in PHP Language, so if web space is an issue, I might help out there. Its a web-site dedicated to everything digital. Gadgets, Robots, Games, Games programming, the mod community. Its still in its infancy, and I've still to write its first article, but the base code is all there, so...

In the past i've been know to write a few stories/backgrounds for other programming teams, even modders, mostly sci-fi and fantasy, so if you need an extra hand in that department, I might help out also.

Well, the word of the day is multi-talented, right?
yeah you sure are popular ! :) well neway if you are interested in joining the Operation Everlasting Shadow team we would be VERY happy to take you onboard....i can't reveal all we have planned but PM and i will tell you some of the things that we could use you for, one coder to another :) . Thanks for even considering us..... regards mrBadger

Obviously given your background I'd say your in your 20s. Now if you WANT to work for a leader whos almost 10 years younger then you, thats your own volition. Howver if you want to work with a more mature team, consider sending me a PM. First off you should know that most mods crave competent programmers like zombies crave brains. You'll be given a boatload of responsiblity, and they'll use the guilt trip to keep you into working on the mod. I'd say number 2 cause of mods failing is because the coder gets burnout, while models and mapping are necessary a good programmer is much harder to find.

Because burnout is so dangerous, our mod has 2 programmers. Having a third would allow even greater flexiblity, and also ensure that the mod gets out rather quickly. I notice your from portugal and that actually fits pretty well with our team, we have people in japan, australia, united kingdom, germany, and the USA. We're aiming at making a cyberpunk multiplayer mod, if you want a better idea of what the mod will be like check out this thread.
cyberpunk mod description

Send me a PM if your interested and I'll send you the link to our message board, the plan file, and some of the concept art.
Re: pentium

Originally posted by Cerberus
Obviously given your background I'd say your in your 20s. Now if you WANT to work for a leader whos almost 10 years younger then you, thats your own volition. Howver if you want to work with a more mature team, consider sending me a PM. First off you should know that most mods crave competent programmers like zombies crave brains. You'll be given a boatload of responsiblity, and they'll use the guilt trip to keep you into working on the mod. I'd say number 2 cause of mods failing is because the coder gets burnout, while models and mapping are necessary a good programmer is much harder to find.

Because burnout is so dangerous, our mod has 2 programmers. Having a third would allow even greater flexiblity, and also ensure that the mod gets out rather quickly. I notice your from portugal and that actually fits pretty well with our team, we have people in japan, australia, united kingdom, germany, and the USA. We're aiming at making a cyberpunk multiplayer mod, if you want a better idea of what the mod will be like check out this thread.
cyberpunk mod description

Send me a PM if your interested and I'll send you the link to our message board, the plan file, and some of the concept art.

no offence but I don't like your attitude. You keep repeating that U have a mature team and you are so mature, again and again. Starting to irritate me.
And no i'm not a little kid myself. :dozey:

who cares if someone is younger.. if they have the talent to lead and design a good mod.. then let em.. hell i bet theres a shitload of people out there that are younger then you that have more talent then youll ever watch what u say.
Ive got a friend whos 14!! yes 14!, he's an expert with Maya, he has skill doing concept art, VERY good skill, so there ya go, age is not everything.
oops, looks like Cerberus struck a chord there.
I'll be looking into each offer, from DehikS, simmo2k3, mrBadger and Cerberus.

I feel compeled to remind you all that this would effectivly be my first project ever, im the MOD scene, so you cannot see me as just another helping hand. I'll be there to learn, help, but I will also be there to annoy the lead coder to hell with questions, on how to do this and that, so... :D

Talking about Maya, I know a bit of Maya 4.5 and 3D Studio 5.

PS: I love how this forum works. GameDev next to this is pre-historic, ehhe :)
Hello there!

Im the founder/ game designer / level designer from Eclipse Games. We are making a storydriven, sci-fi coop mod, but I cant tell you anymore about it right now. The mod will be a schoolproject that we will be doing in-school. We will get grades on this so we are very anxious to do this well.

The developing will start in August. I soon done writing the design doc for it.

You say that you do "Artificial Intelligence Research" does that mean that you code AI? AI will be a big part of the mod.

If you really interested to start and finish a mod (well....we get our grades from it so we have to finish it!) and want to know some more about the mod, please email me at [email protected] or ICQ: 113788984

Im also an op at the @ quakenet.

I hope to hear from you!

Edit: I saw that you are into Sci-Fi writing. If you feel like joining we can team up and write the story (the story is done but i should need some help writing the script for every level).
See, Majestic is (most likely) talented, and going by his attack on the moddb forums he has strong opinions on development. Mature team. I doubt any of us are actually 10 and talent is not subject to age. In our team we have people in a large range, and this is no matter, what matters is TALENT, yeh look it up sumtime. Seriously its not fair to say that just becuase some of us are younger that we won't see things through or that we will heap to much work on a coder. Our mod already has a coder, artists, a modeller and a webmaster. Having two coders would lift the burden off me, as i am leading the team as well. All this rubbish about age and talent being proportional is quite frankly (a load of nonsense).

Badger out
look at all of us fighting over 1 person to be in out
Originally posted by mrBadger
See, Majestic is (most likely) talented, and going by his attack on the moddb forums he has strong opinions on development. Mature team. I doubt any of us are actually 10 and talent is not subject to age. In our team we have people in a large range, and this is no matter, what matters is TALENT, yeh look it up sumtime. Seriously its not fair to say that just becuase some of us are younger that we won't see things through or that we will heap to much work on a coder. Our mod already has a coder, artists, a modeller and a webmaster. Having two coders would lift the burden off me, as i am leading the team as well. All this rubbish about age and talent being proportional is quite frankly (a load of nonsense).

Badger out

And see, this is what every mod team/leader should do. Be nice to eachother and dont be so negative all the time. Im not saying that all the mods here and everywhere else are acting like that but its good to keep in mind. Be nice to each other and you will most likly get something in return.
hi pentium3id,

we'd like you on our team if you want. We are trying to make a realistic/coop multiplayer mod [new kind of gameplay] It has lot's of AI in it and it would be great to have someone that actually understands AI in our team :) If you're interested please PM me and I could give you some details about the mod.

forum thread from our mod just posted this 30 minutes ago actually.

well like I said, programmers to mods are brains to zombies.

Age != maturity. As does Age != skill. BUT, generally speaking its good to have mod members that are in college or beyond. Right now everybody has their own mod idea and are recruiting members, while maturity does NOT dictate weather a mod will actually be made it does have an effect. I'm not surprised there are people on this forum that would have a problem with that statement.
I have a problem with it becuase it is a sweeping statement, ive seen plenty of 20+ year olds who aren't mature. age does not equal skill, and you shouldn't say that. Age merely means taht you might be slightly more disgruntled, and maybe have had a little more practice in your chosen discipline.
what did I just say?

I just said age != skill. I just said it! GENERALLY speaking older people may be better mod teammates, but thats a generalization. There are always exceptions to the rule.


We are glad you are interested in joining a MOD team

We are making a mod for HL2 called Entropy

This mod is unique from usuall mods

Check it out here:

or contact Silverbud [email protected]

Hi pentium3id,

I'm lead designer and programmer for Entropy. I have about a year of formal c++/java education, and about 1/2 year of informal, self taught education.

The story I wrote on our website isnt great, and will be updated shortly, but if you have any desigh questions, or what specifically we will be coding, give me a buzz at [email protected]

No, I didn't go to stanford...yet... :D If I did, I would be a computer science major by now!
don't wanna be rude or anything. but if ur still looking i'll give you some info 'bout the mod our team is working on. we r a group of fun loving guys :cheers: who want to do a mod about gangs, police, and SWAT. :afro: yes, we may be a bunch of :dork: dorks but we really need a talented programmer. Currently, we have 1 programmer abourd but some one such as u would be totally awesome:cheese:
(ok, i'll stop with the smilies. but they are so cool in making a story)

Anywho, the mod has some cunstructive thinking of names and what not.

Domestic Dispute is a mod set in the year 2003/2004 in Trinity City. Trinity City is set up into three sectors; the downtown area, the residential area, and the slums/ghetto area. We already have many models completed and what not so we are not new by any means...we actually started in late Febuary on another game but decided to move to this game because it fit us more. Ummmm, we have ideas of systems in our mod, but nothing too complex like savinga character profile. more along the lines of a Automotive Garage where you can buy a car with the features you want on it like rim, NOS system , spoilers, neons, and maybe interior. If you'd be interested in helping out just drop me an email at [email protected]

vrooom, i just like the idea of NOS for street racing :)

edit: ah ya, kinda forgot the URL to site although we r still working on images but the forums are functional and wat not...with a few members )
Project Safan

Hello Im the Leader of Project Safan (A horror modificiation) we already have a large team and are looking for one more programmer that has talent. We currently do have work done but we are not releasing it to the public yet. Check us out you may be interrested.
Cold WAr: Melting Point could use you too. vist our site (in my sig) and fill out an application if ur interested.
I'll be looking into each proposal.
Again I remind you all that this would be my first mod, so I will be automaticly turning down groups that don't have any programmers on their team, because I need a team that already has 1 or more programmers, to whoom I can fall back when I don't know something, which at the beginning will happen quite often... :)

keep'em comin'
well, i'm updating the site as we speak, but My team does an an experianced coder, so dont automaticly turn us down! :)
I know my site doesnt show any work also check wednesday or thursday and some work will be on site.
Just FYI, today we added more programming talent to our team:

Exodus is our new lead programmer. You can check out his resume here.

We also have quite a few other experienced programmers. Keziah attends the EPTIA, one of the best computer science institutes in Europe. Yes, it's in French, but if you can read it...good for you! ;)

Anyway, I hope to hear from ya pentium.
Originally posted by p`h`iL
Just FYI, today we added more programming talent to our team:

Exodus is our new lead programmer. You can check out his resume here.

We also have quite a few other experienced programmers. Keziah attends the EPTIA, one of the best computer science institutes in Europe. Yes, it's in French, but if you can read it...good for you! ;)

Anyway, I hope to hear from ya pentium.

Dont go too offtopic now, eh? :)
Yeah my apologies. I said that mostly in response to this:
Originally posted by pentium3id
I'll be looking into each proposal.
Again I remind you all that this would be my first mod, so I will be automaticly turning down groups that don't have any programmers on their team, because I need a team that already has 1 or more programmers, to whoom I can fall back when I don't know something, which at the beginning will happen quite often... :)

(just to let him know we have those people to "fall back" on :) )
we have 2 coders already .. me and iko0n lol :) Offcourse i have 0 c++ experience but i know Java / Visual basic / pascal / php .. so adjusting to this new language won't be a problem .. and iko0n wordkew with the HL SDK before so i guess it won't be a problem. Just a little adapting lol. So pentium3id you won't have to be Lead coder if you don't wanbt to. :)
I wonder if he is still reading this.... anyway with Operation Everlasting Shadow there is the opportunity to work with either MP or SP, depending on preference. We plan to implement MP, even if the Major rejects our offer (heres hoping he won't, hes got nice ideas)
Yes guys, I'm reading, and paying close atention.
I just don't want to give an answer immediatly to no one.
I want to make a balanced decision.

For thos of you I haven't personally contacted yet, could you answer me a few questions?

1) How Many coders are in your team, and what experience do they have with the HL SDK?

2) How many people do you have in your core team? Not counting people you're planning on bringing aboard.

3) On Average, how much time have you spent working with the people in your team, have a good, long, stable work relationship?

4) On a scale of 1-10 how complex would you rate your next/current project?

5) On Average, how many months of work do you predict for it?

6) As Team Leader/ Code Leader what work would you put aside for me? Remember I'm new to the HL Engine.

7) In 12 words describe the mod, ex:
"Multiplayer Mod about Vampires, XXIII Century" is enough for me.

Thanx people,
I'll reveal my decision this 16th.
Now I must get back to the foundations of the Physics module in my multi-API 3D Engine, and crank up the volume on Rob Zombie's "Reload", cya all,
We have 28 members, 6 of which are programmers. I know that sounds extensive but when looking at our objective and concept, you'll understand the necessity for a large team. Look at Valves team. Exodus, our lead programmer, has coded his own renderer in Half Life. We also have people on our team who have actually worked with HL2 a little.

Many of the members on our team are long-time friends, but as a whole, we have worked together for only a few weeks. However we are getting along great, and making some excellent progress despite our lack of time together as a team.

In complexity, I would give it an 8 or 9, which explains the need for a larger team than usual. However once completed, Entropy will be a truly awesome creation.

We will be working on this mod for quite some time, and would like to see it turn into a title which will entail many months of work. We plan to have many releases, and keep improving and adding features.

If you decide to come program for us, we will work on the economy system, character/character interaction and character/NPC interaction. This involves coding a UID (unique identification) system and a system to keep track of the players character. There is some other cool stuff to mention but for time's sake I won't.
If you prefer you can stick with vehicles and weapons, but the fun stuff will be in the economy, interaction, and multiplayer code.
Oh and not to mention kickass AI. Our cops will be damn smart.

We are like GTA3 100 years in the future, but Massive Multiplayer...sorta.

One note:
I know we have an already large team, but we need the combined talent to make this mod truly awesome. Don't think we are already set for programmers, because your help would be greatly appreciated. :D
Er, I shouldn't have said anything. I should stop this now by saying thats it's really not that exiting, but theres probablly some form of NDA so I would prefer not to talk about it.