Newbie seeking 2 start out


Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Im new 2 the whole modding experience and what to become involved in a mod 2 develope my skills for mods that i will work on in the future

Im also a fast learner
should say what aspect you want to focus on and also if you have done any things within that field before. i.e. Have a map finished, models etc.
Well im an avid map maker but a recent hard drive crash left me with nothing 2 show.
Ive had many map concepts for teleporters and other devices of destruction.
I am also new to the modding experience and am working on the early (very early) stages of a mod. Right now the only people working on it are myself and a friend of mine. I am the programmer and my friend is the artistic side, although he is hampered by his lack of computer so he isn't able to help me much.

Mapping is where i could use some help because even if i get my mod to work what good is it if if we have no maps. Since we both seem to be on the same level it might be worthwhile to help each other out and make something good together. If your interested you can get me on aim @ VigilanteP or email me at : [email protected] . I hope to hear from you
The best way to start with modding is to put in some hours with each area and try your hand at everything, get a few things in your portfolio then find a small mod that doesn't mind a learner.

I'd recommend you make a couple of small maps, experiment with more complex level design things like moving objects and whatnot, play with some modeling programs and get the general gist of that, learn a bit of coding through tutorials, etc.

There's a LOT to do.
well i'm a noob mapper but i believe i can do something in my sparetime
I'll ask you guys to check out the San Rivera Team's project, River City.

Info about the mod can be found here.

We're looking to make a quality product which means we're looking for people who can produce quality content, but we're also starting out. If you share the same drive and focus as we do, it should show in your work. That's what I think, anyway.

Well, check us out, and I look forward to hearing from you!
[NW]FuriosD said:
well i'm a noob mapper but i believe i can do something in my sparetime
everyone's a noob mapper to start! that's my point!