

Sep 11, 2006
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Has anyone ever been before?

We're going there for a night out tomorrow, as a last-minute thing because the weather's too shite for camping as planned. Any insights as to good venues and so on would be good so as to avoid trial and error.
lol, Newquay.

You must know Rococos in Exeter. Picture a long line of clubs, the best of which are perhaps on a par in terms of taste and decorum with Cocos, and you have Newquay.

I'd probably barhop and end up in Sailors. That kind of place is really what you make of it.
Rococos. Grab a granny...

Is it really as bad as that?
No, some of the clubs are bigger :P Seriously though, don't worry about it, Sailors is one of the better venues but God knows there's enough to choose from.

Bring lots of friends and get f*cked up, it'll be lovely; just stay away from 'The Beach'.
I been there. There's a good beach there called Fistral Beach and it's great for surfers.
Yes, I've been there a number of times. Well, in so far as I commuted from Porth. It's not that good.
It was brilliant actually. We got there at about 4pm, went to the bar in Berties for a few, shot some pool, had dinner at the Fistral Blu (great restaurant), there's a couple of other pubs in there somewhere including some naff Mexican bar type place. Then on your recommendation we went to Sailors - the roof terrace is amazing. At least, it was until a bunch of chavs also decided to join us on the roof terrace. What a view from there though.

And then clubbed the night away, good 12hrs+ out in the end! Spent a scary amount of money, but it was worth it. There's definitely a scummy element there, hordes of skanky drunken girls with no standards or decorum whatsoever, the toilets were absolutely disgusting, and several people tried to start fights with us.

Still, I'd definitely go again. They play quality music in Sailors too. We were practically the only people in the whole club who were actually dancing though instead of just making zombielike movements, which was a bit pathetic.

Yes, I've been there a number of times. Well, in so far as I commuted from Porth. It's not that good.

I didn't have you down as being from Cornwall.
I'm not - but, when I was down there, I was primarily based in Porth.
Ah right, sounded as if you had worked there. And you'd be insane to move to Cornwall for work purposes. :)