*News for Oklahoma!* Newspaper Backs Oklahoma Game Violence Law


Dec 9, 2005
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Here is some news for all of ya!!!

Newspaper Backs Oklahoma Game Violence Law

today's round-up. This one comes to us from the Norman Transcript in Oklahoma.

As GamePolitics readers know, Gov. Brad Henry (D, seen at left) recently signed video game violence legislation into law in Oklahoma. The new statute is scheduled to take effect in November. The video game industry, however, has already stated its intention to file suit against the law on First Amendment grounds.

Here's what the Norman Transcript had to say in support of the new law:

"The simulated violence on some video games goes beyond shock value. It transcends even the most violent of movies... Oklahoma children will have to find an adult to buy ultra-violent games for them, thanks to legislation signed by Gov. Brad Henry this week... Retailers who peddle the material need to know what is and what is not permissible. We've heard from a few who say they risk their business' future every time a youngster buys such a game..."

"Studies show children and teens can easily become desensitized to such violence. They are already excluded from going to or renting violent and sexually explicit movies. It makes sense to keep the video games in the same category."

GP: We're not so sure the editorial writer has it correct on that last point. Yes, minors are certainly restricted from sexually explicit movies. But no such legal restriction is placed on violent content. Movie ratings, like those designed for video games, are part of a voluntary compliance system.
Transcends the most violent of movies?

I don't think he has watched anything beyond Cars
What's actualy wrong with being desensitized to violence? Horror films don't make my flinch (most of the time) but I'd still never dream of shooting someone.
Well, what can you expect from paranoid people like these anti-game legislators?

I also never dreamed of killing anyone, I played resident evil, but did I pretend that everyone is zombies and I take my Beretta and start firing away? Nah.
Their point is that one person would flip out and go batshit loco insane.

Which is pretty stupid nontheless.
anyone could go insane. They don't need videogames to help. I'm sure there were cavemen who went on murderous rampages every now and then.
Jintor said:
Their point is that one person would flip out and go batshit loco insane.

Which is pretty stupid nontheless.

That point is absolutely hilarious for all kinds of reasons.

"I am for the illegalization of Cheese Nips because everyone knows that at least one person who eats them will kill people!"