News from

Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
I was looking at the front page and found this..

rizzuh @ 3:37 pm pdt said:
*HL2 Gold Rumors
- half-life, hl2 & tf2 - 35 comments
We at CS-Nation are seeing a large under-current of information that strongly leans toward the possibility of Half-Life 2 going gold very shortly. Information points to an official announcement from VU Games or Valve Software tomorrow, but — as with all rumors — our sources could be completely wrong. Rumors usually don't turn out well for us, but at least they allow for hilarious comment threads where everyone flames each other.

Let's get it boiling, boys!"?

I know its just speculation and this website has been wrong before, but at least its somthin.. :D
but — as with all rumors — our sources could be completely wrong. Rumors usually don't turn out well for us

That's all you need to see :[
these guys make shit up. do not trust them. they had a "very reliable source" saying it would go gold on, i believe it was october 4th or 8th.

either way it didnt happen.
well..we just have to wait and see..but it could happen..any news is good thanks for the post. GO GET YOUR COOKIE! :thumbs:
I do remember CS nation being right couple of times before, we can only hope they are right this time.
it will i had a vision it will tomarrow belive me u must im honest tomarow the BIG BANG will happen
Wraith said:
these guys make shit up. do not trust them. they had a "very reliable source" saying it would go gold on, i believe it was october 4th or 8th.

either way it didnt happen.

That was for CS:S being released over Steam. Not it going gold.
That could be why we got this unexplained update a little while ago.....

there getting ready for GOLD!!!
Don't bother wishing.....they say alot of crap to get visitors....Don't get your hopes up.
And so fourth come more rumors...we can only hope such substance is true....
I have a very funny feeling that this game is going gold THIS WEEK so tommorow or friday it dont matter as long as I see HL2=GOLD!!
ScRaTcH-A-HoLiC said:
I have a very funny feeling that this game is going gold THIS WEEK so tommorow or friday it dont matter as long as I see HL2=GOLD!!

Not flamming, good to see some postive people (hehe), but people have been saying that for the last year. Don't mind me, just not setting myself up for disappointment again :p
I admit I fall victim easily to all manner of speculation and rumor. My optimism has failed me time and again with this project unfortunately. Who knows...perhaps it will be rewarded this time.
I don't know about you all, but I like rumours. Rumours give me hope, which allows me to endure these increasingly agonizing last few days of non-halflife2ness. I can only hope that when this rumour is proved false tomorrow, that someone will have the heart to create a brand new one.
ScRaTcH-A-HoLiC said:
I have a very funny feeling that this game is going gold THIS WEEK so tommorow or friday it dont matter as long as I see HL2=GOLD!!

ya me to every day know iv been checking for an GOLD!! anounment i just have a felling

my knee is acting up again-the farside

damn those comics were the best
Yay, new news for me to read and hope for an annoucement! I think I am starting to get that twitchy feeling again. :bounce:
The only reason they do that crap is because theyre bound to get it right one day and then they will be like "OHHH Whos your daddy!? Yeah WE are! We broke the news FIRST!!"
hey its 1 week since the cs:s release tomorrow, and things usually happen valve-related on thursdays. its only a matter of days now anyway -- too bad steam buyers cant play it immediatly. thats going to suck even worse when they do announce gold and go "only 5 more weeks till its in stores!" god damn it.
Yeah I can't believe that you all forgot what happened the last time CS nation rumored something. :| OF COURSE HL2 IS GOING GOLD SHORTLY! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to... well ya know. :)
It SHOULD go gold tommorrow...

I mean, 5 RCs? Jebus....

VU just give the OK! OK?! :bounce:
csnationofidiots said:
Rumors usually don't turn out well for us, but at least they allow for hilarious comment threads where everyone flames each other.

Let's get it boiling, boys!
I hope it's a nice cat and you manage to shave it easily.


In other news, it is rumoured that Gabe wears a pink hat, and that anyone wearing a pink hat who knocks on the Valve HQ door will be given an advance copy of Half-Life 2.
Edcrab said:
I hope it's a nice cat and you manage to shave it easily.


In other news, it is rumoured that Gabe wears a pink hat, and that anyone wearing a pink hat who knocks on the Valve HQ door will be given an advance copy of Half-Life 2.
LOL, I actually laughed out loud on that one...LOL
Anyway...i have a feeling too :rolleyes:
I am just going to haveto wait and see if anything pops up before I head to school tomorrow. I doubt anything is going to happen at 7:00 A.M. Then I will just have to wait and look when I get home from school. School is teh ebil. :flame:
Man hl2 needs to come out. Im shacking!
redheadedfreak said:
It SHOULD go gold tommorrow...

I mean, 5 RCs? Jebus....

VU just give the OK! OK?! :bounce:

And you will be the first bitching they released a buggy game.

CSNation is full of shit. That site is amateur compared to If doesn't say it... then it is not real :)
no kidding... I don't know how I'm going to survive school.. lol
yeah i had to take the PSAT today so i got out of school at 11 ... it was sweet ... but only to come home and find no news on
Wait didnt post that same info on the news believing cs-nations words?
HAHAHA Bitches im out for fall break! Bwahahahaha (invader zim laugh) lol. That would be pretty bad ass if it did go gold.

Edge said:
CSNation is full of shit. That site is amateur compared to If doesn't say it... then it is not real :)

Wow that's an extremely ****ing stupid thing to say.

CSnation was a huge part of CS as it was first beginning, it was and still is THE site for CS info. To say it's amateur compared to a site that has only been out a couple of years and (to speak frankly) has a community that's one part good and one part comprised of ass-kissers that defend a company that has lied to them nonstop is funny.
We already have a thread like this...threads like this make Little Billy cry ;(
tommorow somehow sounds "right" to me ...... can't explain it, it just does :smoking: