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Man you guys gonna be bittered if you'll wait all day for a gold statement and go to bed crying... anyway, i feel for you, i hope too.. :/
spitcodfry said:
I admit I fall victim easily to all manner of speculation and rumor. My optimism has failed me time and again with this project unfortunately. Who knows...perhaps it will be rewarded this time.

i said it time and time again to take announcements and release dates with a grain of salt because after all it is a business no matter which way anyone slices it.

im sure some pple will find a reason to get mad if HL2 stays in gold status for over a month without any news being reported... but if these same pple take the "when its released" approach, they won't be disappointed and won't have a reason to be mad.
I couldn't care less anymore. I will just say "Yay!" when Half Life 2 jumps 1 inch down on my games list ..
Bluechair said:
Well if you are going to believe that guy's source...... Wouldn't he know in the first place who is publishing it right now? This guy seems kinda bogus...

Personally, I didn't put a whole lot of stock in this at first. But since Bill has posted it as well, it has a bit of my attention. Normally I just dismiss all of this kind of crap without a second thought. I'm nowhere near 100% convinced, but Bill does have sources. He wrote for the Gone Gold website for a long time before it folded.