News Round Up


May 6, 2005
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It has come to my attention that a few pieces of news have managed to slip through the gaps here at, I am taking it upon myself to rectify that.[br]Mod news[br]There has been a massive media update for Sven Co-Op, you can find all the latest media on their web site. There are in-game shots of a whole host of new weapons, they include an electrified crowbard. I wouldn't want to get hit by that! Great to see one of the great original Half-Life mods still going strong.[br]Steam Games[br]Overgrowth is an interesting indie game I myself have been keeping my eyes on, and I was extremely pleased to read that it will be coming to Steam. This really is one of the best things about Steam, some great indie games get to be released to a wider audience. I hope these guys have some success when the game is released.[br]There is also a new piratey game on Steam going by the name of Buccaneer. Selling for $19.99 you can explore the Caribbean in over 50 single-player missions and compete with against up to 18 other people in the multiplayer.[br]In Closing[br]That is about it I think for now, though one last thing. If you didn't know, Mike Patton, of Faith no More and Mr Bungle fame did some voice acting in Portal and Left 4 Dead. There is a nifty interview with him right here where he touches on these topics. Also an interesting insight into the life of a video game voice actor.[br]Now go about your usual day-to-day business eh?
Nice post Chris.
You shall have a day off.
Edited because I missed Glenn's post about Decadence :O