Newsflash: Apparently I'm Not Graduating.


Nov 20, 2004
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As plenty of you know, I've had a lion's share of issues with depression in the past. What I haven't really mentioned is the toll it's taken on my schoolwork- being tired 24/7 and losing all will to go on are really not all that conducive to getting homework done.

Well, anyway, as a result, I've had a lot of trouble with classwork. For a while, my graduation was in jeopardy, as I was way behind on my senior thesis (massive paper required to graduate). Anyway, long story short, I managed to pull through, and passed English just fine.

However, about a month ago, my math teacher called me into her office to tell me I was failing her class, due to a series of absences and missing assignments. This wouldn't be so bad, except that I'd done quite badly in the class previous quarters, so my success now was key. She told me that if I finished a project I was missing, and went in several times to make up missing homework, I'd pass her class and graduate.

So, I made up the project, went in three or four times, and heard nothing more, so I assumed she was satisfied. Lo and behold, last friday (a week from graduation) she calls up our house to say that it wasn't enough, and that I won't graduate. Obviously, we all flipped out, so we scheduled a meeting with everyone...

...which went nowhere. They're saying that I had due warning of my fate, and as such, shouldn't have any special treatment. Now, apparently, I'm not going to be able to graduate, despite being accepted into multiple universities (with a great deal of scholarship money).

I have no f*cking clue what to do. My family is currently working with the head of the special-ed department (who is furious about all this) to get things fixed up, but the chances seem slim.

So much for a future... :|
You should pull through fine, the exact same thing happened to me just about.. a couple of teachers said I was in danger and I did some work and managed to pull it off, and am attending graduation. But honestly the worst that could happen is you have to make up a credit or two in the summer, I guess that might be really shitty though considering you could lose the scholarship money, but you'll still eventually graduate.

Best of luck to you mate, I know you'll figure something out.

I'd go talk to the special ed. guy personally next chance you get.
fix it at the american way(whit a gun)
Learn how to bullshit with these people.

Here's your main argument.

"I have scholarships and have been accepted into multiple universities. Are you really going to make my future education suffer for this mistake? I have great potential and these scholarships prove it, why limit my education and possibilites in life because of some stupid mistake?"

This assumes that you are a bright student. Trust me, if you start going off that your future education is at stake, and make them feel like doing this is going to hold you back in the long run.... they'll give in. Just remind them what school's are for, to help further education not limit it.

Stick to the argument, but also remember to take responsibility for not coming in. Do your best not to give any blame to the teacher. Call it a misunderstanding. Just stick to that argument and take responsibility and say it was your fault. Trust me. Tell them what they want to hear, and make them feel bad about what they're doing.
maybe you should try feeling sorry for yourself
maybe you should try feeling sorry for yourself

He's in a shit-tonne of AP classes and has been accepted to an equally shit-tonne of high level schools.

Please stfu. We're not talking about some kid who decided to cut class a bazillion times and, "OH NOES, NO GRADUATION?". This guy is smart.

If you end up NOT graduating, then i'd personally either try to take a few classes over the coming summer to make up missing credits, or go ahead and try for your GED ASAP, then jump into a community or state college, and just work your way up from there.
maybe you should try feeling sorry for yourself

Back away from the computer, take a breather, perhaps a nap or maybe even take in some of the outside air.

It appears you've become quite the negative Nancy :(

He's in a shit-tonne of AP classes and has been accepted to an equally shit-tonne of high level schools.

Please stfu. We're not talking about some kid who decided to cut class a bazillion times and, "OH NOES, NO GRADUATION?". This guy is smart.

What teh sink menz said.

But yeah, Nightshade, I'm sure higher ups will realize your potential and let you make it up somehow, I understand being panicked at the time but this too shall pass!
If you knew you were having problems in math why were you absent so many times?
quit uni/school and move to somewhere tropical in australia. thats what i'm doing and its gunna be mint :D also, sunny beaches and palm trees and whatnot are probably good for depression :)
Damn man, that sucks. I had to take some summer school classes to be able to graduate. But really, High school is crap. Why can't you take your *insert letters for the out of high school deploma*. I don't know if they will still accept you with it.

Either way, you should be fine. Most schools should give you a second chance, since it's your education before anything important. Just keep trying. If needed, BS your way out of it.
Damn man, that sucks. I had to take some summer school classes to be able to graduate. But really, High school is crap. Why can't you take your *insert letters for the out of high school deploma*. I don't know if they will still accept you with it.
It's a shame that the ability to think ahead and weigh priorities and impaired when you are depressed. At no point it occured to you that you could be in serious shit? Such a common teen mistake, "why worry about it now.... etc"

Not to be some kind of hard-ass, I truely feel bad for you, but I hate hearing about shit like this happening.
Damn man, that sucks. I had to take some summer school classes to be able to graduate. But really, High school is crap. Why can't you take your *insert letters for the out of high school deploma*. I don't know if they will still accept you with it.

Either way, you should be fine. Most schools should give you a second chance, since it's your education before anything important. Just keep trying. If needed, BS your way out of it.

heh, to bad the schools around here wouldn't put up with that. they are bars on windows away from it being a prison. hell i knew a guy that could have graduated a year early, but they gave him the finger and told him he had to suffer thro another year of bull.
It's a shame that the ability to think ahead and weigh priorities and impaired when you are depressed. At no point it occured to you that you could be in serious shit? Such a common teen mistake, "why worry about it now.... etc"

Not to be some kind of hard-ass, I truely feel bad for you, but I hate hearing about shit like this happening.

It wasn't at all like that. I can understand your reasoning, but she was honestly indicating that everything was okay :/

Also, I was absent because I had bronchitis, and a shitload of choir stuff to boot.

I dunno, I'm sure it'll turn out alright in the end (I will force this if need be) but it's just a ****ing drag.
this is fuked up, hope it turns out fine in the end
Keep your head up J !
Just keep trying, man, I'm sure it'll turn out fine.
It wasn't at all like that. I can understand your reasoning, but she was honestly indicating that everything was okay :/

Also, I was absent because I had bronchitis, and a shitload of choir stuff to boot.

I dunno, I'm sure it'll turn out alright in the end (I will force this if need be) but it's just a ****ing drag.

Give her an eighth.

Great way to get anybody to do anything for you.
I can kinda relate to this, in the fact that due to incompetent teaching in one A level subject (ICT) my (and 98% of my class mate's) chances of uni are somewhat in jeopardy.

My only advice to you is to not give in; tell them you suffered from severe depression, tell them you tried your hardest to work, tell them you are more than capable of graduating- if you keep at them then there is a chance you can sway things in your direction. Sounds like you've got the backing of all of your family too, so use this to your advantage and give your school hell.
why dont you just do a summerschool class of math and graduate a month or two late.

You don't get to walk but you still get your high school diploma. dee dee dee
what about eh...

giving a "especial" gift to your teacher?

you know what I mean
I have to go to a summer school for english cause in my class we had to read the book "To Kill A Mocking Bird" which is the dumbest ****ing annoying retarded worthless book in the history of writing, so half way through the 2nd chapter, I said F*ck this. I went and watched the movie, which was twice as retarded, then passed all my tests, but for simple reasons, I didn't pass many papers because they had details not in the movie. because of this I had to take the final... And bombed it. My grade went from a high C to a 58%. :|

Yep... Summer school starts tomorrow... Damn I hate life. ;)

anyways, anyone at that school that has a brain, and hears your story will say "Hey... Now that's not right..." and pass you on mate, don't sweat it.
You can test out of the class if you know the material. I tested out of a couple classes in middle school. I had to have an A to skip the class but to recieve credit after failing you only have to pass with a C (which is easy). Theres that, or correspondence, or summer school. Correspondence isnt bad but summer school would probably be alot easier and take less effort.

This is assuming they dont give you credit, which would be a load of shit. Im having the same problem. I failed second semester with a 69 because I was gone alot for family issues. My math teacher was a ****ing bastard and told me I had no hope of recieving credit even though he bumped up some jocks score 30 points. wtf? But its not that bad because I dont need the math to graduate... I would just like it.

If youre in ap math you shouldnt need it to graduate.
I have to go to a summer school for english cause in my class we had to read the book "To Kill A Mocking Bird" which is the dumbest ****ing annoying retarded worthless book in the history of writing, so half way through the 2nd chapter, I said F*ck this. I went and watched the movie, which was twice as retarded, then passed all my tests, but for simple reasons, I didn't pass many papers because they had details not in the movie. because of this I had to take the final... And bombed it. My grade went from a high C to a 58%. :|

Yep... Summer school starts tomorrow... Damn I hate life. ;)

anyways, anyone at that school that has a brain, and hears your story will say "Hey... Now that's not right..." and pass you on mate, don't sweat it.
You sir, are an ignoramous.

To Kill a Mocking Bird is the best piece of literature I have ever been fortunate enough to read.
Lord of the Flies for the win dawgs, GCSE LEVEL REPRESENT YO!
That's a bummer Nightshade, can't you do summer school or something?
That ****ing sucks man, me and you were just talking about colleges and universities a while back too.

If they offer summer school ****ing take it, sure it'll destroy your summer... but atleast you'll pass.
J, although you have already sealed your fate as a failure in life, you have served as a wake up call to myself.
If you've been accepted into universities then why should graduating from high school matter?

Just go to a uni in Scotland and get all your fees paid for by SAAS. All you'll have to pay for is the plane ticket. As long as you have the grades you'll get accepted.
This is bullshit. Kill them. Kill them all.

You're an awesome guy and you can't let circumstances or lazysumbitches bollocks things up. This is the problem with education/your teacher - people don't care individually how well you do. It is not their concern, you're not the only person they are teaching, they were busy, blah blah blah...

...long story short is only you can resolve this situation and if you make enough noise they will appease you just to get you off their backs. You must engage in a form of bureaucratic terrorism. MAKE THEM FEEL YOUR PAIN.

That's my slightly violent method anyway. But you can - what's a good phrase for 'pull through' that isn't 'pull through' because that's such a platitude? Well, you can do it (:naughty:) and deserve to.

EDIT: Stardog, I presume the offers from universities are conditional hence he needs the grades?