Next big PC title?

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within went gold!
And I am kind of waiting for Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2, not the Id Software announced it officially, but Todd mentioned that they were looking for partners to work with them and I'm definetly waiting for Quake 4. However, after seeing the PC Gamer scans, I was somewhat disappointed.
Hmmmm, everyone seems to be saying PC games. But I think the PC gaming scene will be dead for some time. Most of the good games will be HL2 mods. If I had to make a choice it would be:

Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Biohazard 4

F.E.A.R. just looks like another run into a building and shoot type of game. Thats if I am thinking of the correct game.
man this sucks...Hurry up Valve and make HL3.
unpronounceable said:
Love love love HL2, but are we going to have to wait until Valve releases theior next project to have that kind of experience again? What is there to look forward to? I just can't get excited about Quake 4 now...

I'm looking forward to Stalker. Could be even better than HL2. Oh yeah, someone mentioned BioShock. I'm waiting for that too. I'm a bit sceptical about the engine they are using, though. The engine of Tribes: Vengeance just doesn't strike me as a good engine for rendering indoor environment. They should have gone with Source.
I'm not really sure about STALKER. The gameplay seems awesome and it could very well be better than HL2. But seeing all the previous games from that developer doesn't really give it that much hope. Only time will tell, and I hope it damn hurries up.
Some of these were mentioned before but:

You are Empty
Unreal 3
BioShock (succesor to System Shock 2)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Black and White 2
Quake IV

Oh it's good to be a gamer. :)
HL2 Expansion
A game that I will someday make!
(Be Bush The Terroist and Auto Detect Nukes At Other Countres and declare war on them)
TF2, BF2, DoD:S, F.E.A.R, WoW, Operation Flashpoint 2, and hopefully a good next-gen RTS game.
Just for the heck of it here's a list of all the upcoming games mentioned in this thread so far:

Battlefield 2
Battle for Middle Earth
Black and White 2
Brothers in Arms
Counter Strike 2 (maybe)
Day of Defeat: Source
Deep Shadows
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
Duke Nukem Forever (ya right)
Everquest 2
Fallout 3
Gods and Generals 2
Gothic 3
Half-Life 2 (or HL2 expansion)
Halo 2 (PC)
Operation Flashpoint 2
Painkiller expansion
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Quake IV
Team Fortress 2
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Unreal 3.0
You are Empty
World of Warcraft

Too many games, too little time.
crushenator 500 said:
Team fortress2 ! :D

Haha, I though no one would ever say it :D

Still looking forward to HL2 myself (tomorrow seems so far away).
Not really any big PC releases for me coming up. All the games I want now are on PS2, or Xbox. (Namely MGS3 the most)
well my guarenteed next purchases are:

World of Warcraft
GTA:San Andreas

then i guess my wish list would include any:

HL2 expansions
Sims2 expansions
Fallout 3
Starcraft 2 (please Blizzard, make this your next game)
No One Lives Forever 3 (hopefully it'll use the FEAR engine)
Battlefield 2

then the mods i'd like to see:

Sven HL2
Half-Life 2 Rally
Vampire Slayer 2
Spaz_McNasty said:

Some more vids here:

Looks like a great game. 2 vids about 15 mins each on that gamespot.

Other games worth looking into are:

Pariah -
Stalker -
Cry-Havok -
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Developer's Cut -

Check out my sig for more games.
Black and White 2 has me excited. When it's going to come out, I have no idea.
spinkitten said:
No One Lives Forever 3 (hopefully it'll use the FEAR engine)

Doesn't F.E.A.R. use the source engine? I could be horrible wrong but I heard it somewhere.
no, FEAR has it's own new Monolyth engine, it incorporates the Havok physics system too, though apart from that i don't know much about it.
Kotor 2 seems cool, and if they manage to get (TC Ghost Recon 2) good.
stalker is interesting. fear looks absolutely mindblowing. quake4 could be what doom3 should have been. serious sam 2 is also in the making... ;)

Well I don't know exactly what the next big pc title is, but I know for sure the next big RTS pc title is going to be Act of War: Direct Action.

Check out these screens and you'll see what I'm talking about. :D




IchI said:
Hmmmm, everyone seems to be saying PC games. But I think the PC gaming scene will be dead for some time. Most of the good games will be HL2 mods. If I had to make a choice it would be:

Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Biohazard 4

F.E.A.R. just looks like another run into a building and shoot type of game. Thats if I am thinking of the correct game.

Isn't FF:AC just a movie? I'm looking forward to FEAR I guess...not too much else.

****ing win :thumbs: But...


Anyone else think that looks a bit too much like C&C Generals? :(

AmishSlayer said:
Isn't FF:AC just a movie? I'm looking forward to FEAR I guess...not too much else.

I heard ages ago they were remaking FF7 and 8 for PS2, but that was probably just speculation. There is a game coming out which is based around the FF7 world, but you play as Vincent and it's rumoured to have gameplay similar to Devil May Cry.
Yeah it does look like C&C generals hehe, but I think that's the devs' plan, you see they're a French company and this is their first game, they want to appeal to the C&C fans. :)
It looks nice but the menu area is huge. I hope there's a way to make it smaller or minimize it.
Gunner said:
Yeah it does look like C&C generals hehe, but I think that's the devs' plan, you see they're a French company and this is their first game, they want to appeal to the C&C fans. :)

That or it's on the Generals engine and that's an early dev pic.
Bad^Hat said:
I heard ages ago they were remaking FF7 and 8 for PS2, but that was probably just speculation. There is a game coming out which is based around the FF7 world, but you play as Vincent and it's rumoured to have gameplay similar to Devil May Cry.

All I've heard of is the Stirge(Dirge?) of Cerebrus or whatever it's called. That should be fun. I always loved Vincent. There's plenty of console games I'm pumped for...MGS3 being one of them :) I'm going to buy that right now.